The Full-scale Boss Has Become the Top Streamer In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1260: summer college entrance examination day

After Yan Zhixu and Fu Shimo finished chatting, they said goodnight to each other and hung up the phone to sleep.

The next day, the morning sun was shining brightly.

The huge garden is bathed in the warm sun, and hundreds of flowers are blooming in full bloom.

Yan Zhixu got up and went downstairs after washing up.

She was wearing blue pajamas and sat calmly at the dining table waiting for breakfast.

At this time, Yan Jinxiu went downstairs in her school uniform with a toothpick in her mouth. She looked ruffian and ruffian, exactly what adolescent girls liked very much.

He threw his schoolbag on the sofa, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and opened the game. After logging in, he clicked to rank, and the sound of fierce battles in the game could be heard in the living room.

This makes the original residual drowsiness disappear quickly and wake up instantly.

Yan Zhixu rested his chin with one hand, and his eyes fell lazily on Yan Jinxiu's body.

She pointedly said, "Little brother has good energy and mental quality."

June is approaching, and the college entrance examination season will soon be approaching, and there are not many days left for the college entrance examination.

The other senior high school students, without exception, are not particularly nervous, feel oppressed, work day and night, and race against time to hurry up to study.

But the little brother was calm as usual, and he was still able to play qualifying with his mobile phone in his arms.

Yan Jinxiu understood her overtones, and the East Station did not stop playing games. "It's okay. After all, I have learned all kinds of knowledge well. This time, the top spot in science in the college entrance examination is guaranteed."

Seeing that he was so confident and had the chance to win, Yan Zhixu raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything against him.

Yan Huaibi, who had just come downstairs, was wearing a suit and a black tie.

He put the briefcase on the sofa, "Well, then I'll wait for your good news."

Yan Jinxiu focused on the screen, moving the hero decisively to accept the enemy's residual blood.

The corners of his mouth curled into a confident and open smile, "It won't make you wait too long."

After that, continue to play the game.

Yan Jinxiu didn't hold back after a qualifying match, and resolutely put the phone back in his schoolbag.

The others went downstairs one after another, and when they all arrived, Wang Ma, who was busy in the kitchen, brought out the breakfast and put it on the table.

Yan Jinxiu spat out the toothpick in his mouth, picked up a bowl of pumpkin and millet porridge on the table, picked up a spoon, and stuffed a spoonful into his mouth.

After eating breakfast, he glanced at the time, calmly picked up his schoolbag with one hand, waved his hand, walked out the door, and walked towards the driver.


Time flies by.

Soon, the day of the college entrance examination will come.

In order to allow the students of the third year of high school to concentrate on the college entrance examination, factories near countless urban high schools have been shut down, and students of other grades have been on vacation to ensure that the environment is quiet and will not affect the performance of the students.

The first day of the college entrance examination.

Yan Jinxiu woke up, and when he went downstairs, he found that the whole family was waiting for him, sitting on the sofa with his back straight.

He glanced strangely at the people present, "Dad, big brother, you are not going to work today? Mom, are you not going shopping with your friends today? Sister, are you not going to work or looking for a brother-in-law to cultivate a relationship?"

Although some factories and nearby companies will have holidays during the college entrance examination, if I remember correctly, there is no notification about the area around the place where my eldest brother and father work, and it will not affect the work.

Nan Wenshu's face was serious, "If you don't go, you can go shopping another day."

Today is the day of the college entrance examination. It means a lot to my son. How can I be absent?

Yan Zhixu had a high ponytail and a white mask on her face. "The work date hasn't come yet. As for cultivating relationships? Shimo is going to the hospital for a meeting to deal with things, so I'm not busy."

After hearing their words, Yan Jinxiu said nothing.

After breakfast, let the family get into different cars, and then drive out of the prosperous mansion.

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