During summer vacation.

Yan Jinxiu has been working in the Yan Group. He did not directly become the general manager at the beginning, but started from the grassroots below.

I don't know whether it is due to the influence of workplace work or other factors, the whole person has become mature and stable at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The young and unruly teenager slowly shed his arrogance and difficult temper, and gradually became more stable and more reliable.

I feel that if he encounters a big thing, he will definitely be able to hold up the sky and protect his family.

Yan Zhixu stayed at home for a while, and received news from Director Tan after reciting the script.

Lu Xun took his assistant to drive a nanny car, and personally came to Shengshi Haoting to pick up Yan Zhixu.

in the car.

Yan Zhixu was wearing a white dress with a pure design, revealing her **** collarbone.

The breath changed, and it seemed that there was no conflict with this dress, and the face without makeup was full of collagen.

At first glance, it really looks like a little white rabbit who just came out of society and has no deep knowledge of the world.

Assistant Chu Ran has a sense of surprise in his eyes, "I think Director Tan is really insightful. Our Lord Xu really agrees with the character of the heroine Ni Yan."

On the surface, he looks youthful and innocent, harmless to humans and animals, but in fact he is a piece of white and black, not only thoughtful but also resourceful.

Qu Linling nodded in agreement and said, "I also think Director Tan's casting is really good. I have a hunch that with our Master Xu's acting skills, as long as the script and post-production and the male lead does not pull, this drama will definitely explode."

Yan Zhixu's performance and acting skills in "The Legend of Xuanji" are obvious to the public.

Regarding the rainbow farts of the two of them, Yan Zhixu's expression was still neither arrogant nor impetuous, without showing the slightest complacency.

She held the script of "Can't Escape the Law" in her hand, opened the script, her eyes fell on it, and she concentrated on reading the script.

I saw that there were many places in the script that were circled, and the character psychology and plot analysis were done in the blank space next to it.

Yan Zhixu's voice was cold, "Whether this drama will explode depends on whether the market likes it or not, as well as many factors such as post-production and dubbing."

"What we can do is to do our best to perform well in every scene, and live up to the director's expectations and salary."

Hearing her words, Lu Xun nodded in agreement.

He complimented with his orchid fingers, "Ash is right to keep this idea."

Many people will start to become ignorant because of the popularity of a play, but it is difficult for them to see the essence of the matter and the hidden dangers under the popularity.

Short-term popularity will eventually fade away, but it's just a flash in the pan, and playing steadily is the most helpful to the career of interpretation.

After Lu Xun finished speaking, she felt a little thirsty.

He reached out and picked up a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the cap and took a few sips to moisten his throat.

When Lu Xun's eyes fell on Yan Zhixu, he suddenly paused a few times and frowned, "Axu, isn't your life a little too good during this time?"

Why do I feel that Ash's weight seems to be a little bit fatter than before? Didn't Ash say that he was not fat?

Yan Zhixu turned to the next page of the script, "Well, the quality of life has been okay recently."

It may be because of the hot weather, the appetite in the first few days was not particularly good, but Wang Ma quickly adjusted the recipe.

The adjusted recipe is very suitable for my appetite, and I eat a little more if I don't pay attention.

Hearing this, Lu Xun said, "..."

It seemed that he had to sign up for a class for Asu and get a good workout.

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