A group of people chatting all the way.

The car quickly drove to the airport. Yan Zhixu put on a mask and the assistant pushed the luggage. Everyone entered the airport with the tickets.

After waiting for a long time to board the plane, take the flight to Yuncheng, the audition location set by Director Tan this time.

When a group of people arrived in Yuncheng, it was already around three in the afternoon.

They walked out of the airport with their luggage and took a car arranged by the company to take a rest at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

Arriving at the hotel, Yan Zhixu casually took out the black gold card in his pocket and put it on the stage, "Please open four rooms for us."

The staff at the front desk saw this black gold card and Yan Zhixu in front of them, remembering the message the general manager sent in the group some time ago.

She took the black gold card respectfully, "Okay lady boss, please wait a moment."

The general manager said that the person who saw this black and gold card number was their boss.

This is a message sent by the mysterious boss behind the scenes to the general managers of various places in order to fear that the proprietress will be wronged when she checks into the hotel.

Lu Xun: "!!!"

Chu Ran: "!!!"

Qu Linling: "!!!"


The pupils of several people contracted violently, and the shock in the bottom of their eyes could not be dissipated at all.

Yan Zhixu's voice was gentle, "Yeah."

The front desk quickly handled the business, and then respectfully handed the black gold card back to Yan Zhixu.

With a professional smile on the corners of his mouth, "Madam, you can call us at any time if you have any requirements during your stay."

I really want to see what the lady boss who conquered the boss looks like.

However, although wearing a mask can't see the specific appearance, the exposed eyes are very attractive.

In addition... and the temperament of the proprietress is really good, doesn't it look like eighteen years old, their mysterious boss shouldn't be an old cow eating young grass, right?

"Okay thank you."

Yan Zhixu took the black gold card and the room card and put them in his pocket at will, and followed Lu Xun and the others who were also wearing masks to the elevator.

A group of people stepped into the elevator, and the elevator door closed with a soft sound, completely isolating the sight of outside inquiries.

Hearing the phrase "boss lady" at the front desk, Chu Ran and the others, who were so shocked that they entered the elevator, couldn't wait to ask.

Chu Ran leaned against the elevator wall, his body was weak and unable to calm down by the shock of this news.

He pursed his lips, his voice trembling, "Xu... Master Xu... Why did the front desk call your boss lady?"

The Hyatt Regency Hotel.

A national chain of first-class hotels!

Hyatt Regency Hotel not only has a good accommodation environment and security environment, but also has a handful of food and beverages. It can be said that it is the most famous hotel among all hotels in China.

The monthly revenue of the hotel is a huge sum that everyone can't believe.

But now, the front desk of this hotel actually calls Mr. Xu the proprietress?

Lu Xun's raised orchid fingers trembled, "Axu... Baby Axu, shouldn't you do something behind Dean Fu's back? What is the relationship between the two of you, and how far has it developed?"

The Asu family is the richest man in the sea market, not someone who is short of money, so they are not attracted by money at all. It must be the owner of this hotel who deliberately seduces Baby Asu.

Lu Xun took a deep breath, "Ah Xu, you have to calm down and don't do anything that you can't regret."

The elevator was filled with rambles and anxious questions from several people.


Suddenly, the elevator rang and the door opened.

Yan Zhixu paced out of the elevator. This floor was the top floor of the hotel that was not open to the public.

She handed them the other room cards.

Paced to the doorman, took out the key card, and then looked at them, "Do you want to know what is my relationship with the owner of this hotel?"

As soon as the words fell, the rest of the people nodded.

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