The faces of Lu Xun and Chu Ran were full of curiosity, and the gossip and anxiety in their eyes were almost condensed and flowed out.

Yan Zhixu raised his eyebrows, "Because the owner of this hotel is my fiance."

After speaking, he shook the ring on his hand, then inserted the room card, pushed open the door in front of him and entered the room.

The few people who stayed in the garden: "..."

Confused, Lu Xun blinked, her eyes filled with deep confusion, and she hadn't figured out the relationship for a while.

Chu Ran was also confused: "???"

What is Ash talking about? Why is it that everyone here can understand it individually, but can’t understand it when they are combined together to form a sentence?

Qu Linling frowned, "Master Xu said that the owner of this hotel is her fiance, but I remember that Master Xu's fiance is Director Fu, so you say that Director Fu is the behind-the-scenes owner of this hotel?"

Hearing these words, the other two people's minds were a little stuck, and they figured out the relationship between the two.

Lu Xun stretched out her hand and patted her thigh, and her tone of voice suddenly rose sharply, "Damn, this reasoning is very reasonable!"

The news that Dean Fu is actually the owner of the Hyatt Regency Hotel, I am afraid that he will be able to immediately go on the hot search without buying a navy army, which will trigger fierce discussions among countless people who eat melons.

Chu Ran nodded, "I think so too, especially if you remember, when Master Xu and Dean Fu were recording a variety show together, there was a car race in Yacheng, and the prize money they gave was Hyatt Dynasty. Hotel black gold membership card.”

Getting a black gold membership card for the Hyatt Regency Hotel is simply impossible, but it would make sense if Dean Fu was the boss himself.

Lu Xun stretched out her hand and patted her heart, "...This news is too huge, I need to digest it properly."

After he finished speaking, he didn't continue to care about the other two assistants pushing their luggage, went to another room, inserted the room card and pushed in the door.

Chu Ran and Qu Linling stood there for a while, and they also left the door of the room.


Yan Zhixu entered the room.

She put down the luggage in her hand, tidyed it up briefly, and asked the hotel to deliver the meal. After the meal, the phone on the table rang.

Picking up the phone, it was a WeChat video from Fu Shimo.

Yan Zhixu's finger clicked the green button to answer the video call.

As soon as the video was connected, Fu Shimo's flawless face instantly appeared on the screen of the mobile phone.

His long and narrow Danfeng eyes glowed with a deep and lustrous luster, and he could easily fall into them and couldn't extricate himself by looking at each other.

Fu Shimo glanced at the environment behind her, "Is this here?"

Yan Zhixu sat on the sofa, "Hmm."

Obviously, this suite is often cleaned, there is not a trace of dust on the coffee table, and the breath in the air is not unpleasant and does not have the smell of dust accumulation.

She rested her chin with one hand, "You told the staff at Hyatt Regency Hotel that the person who holds this black and gold card is the proprietress."

This is not a question but an affirmation.

Fu Shimo sat on the office chair, stretched out his skeletal fingers and pushed the spectacle frame on the bridge of his nose, "Since we are already engaged, the hotel staff must get to know the proprietress."

The man's voice was magnetic and hoarse, and there was a sincere look in his eyes.

This is the absolute respect he gives his fiancee, and he doesn't want her to suffer any grievances where he can't see.


"I love this special gift."

Yan Zhixu pursed his lips and stared at the man on the screen tenderly.

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