Yan Zhixu and Fu Shimo chatted for a long time, until Sheng Jinyun broke into the dean's office and reminded him that there was a meeting that was about to start, and Fu Shimo hung up the phone and got up and left.

After hanging up the video call, Yan Zhixu took out the script of "Can't Escape the Law" from his bag and sat on the sofa to study it carefully.

the next day.

Yan Zhixu woke up, changed his clothes, put on a simple **** make-up, and washed his hair again and let it fall on his shoulders.

She went to the audition site set by Director Tan with Lu Xun and others.

Several people came to the hotel, and outside stood a group of young and beautiful girls and teenagers, as well as people who did not listen to their age.

There are some well-known ones, but there are a lot of them that can't be named.

A group of people saw that Yan Zhixu and the others did not go to the room that the audition actress was carrying, but walked directly to the place where the director and the producer were, and they began to whisper in whispers.

"Have you seen it? Is the female star who just entered Yan Zhixu?"

"She didn't go to the waiting room for the audition, and ran directly to the director's place. Does this mean that the list of heroines has been set?"

"I heard rumors before that Director Tan admired Yan Zhixu very much. At that time, there were already speculations about the heroine, but I didn't expect Director Tan to really let her play the heroine."


Everyone kept discussing, with unconcealed envy in their expressions.

Although Yan Zhixu's acting skills are good, and her performance in "The Legend of Xuanji" is also remarkable, she has no experience in acting as a heroine after all.

Who would have thought that Director Tan would hand-pick Yan Zhixu, this is not an ordinary consideration.

Yan Zhixu was completely ignorant of the comments and concerns of these people.


Her hand was on the door handle, she pushed the door gently with a little force on her hand, and walked in with her foot raised.

When the people sitting inside heard the movement, they raised their heads and their eyes fell on her.

I saw that the visitor was wearing a simple blue dress with a waist, a pair of casual canvas shoes under his feet, and his hair was loose, making his whole body seem calm and gentle.

She is also carrying a white canvas bag, which should have been used for a long time, and the balloons have faded a little.

Yan Zhixu walked to the vacant seat and sat down, politely saying hello to them one by one.


The few people sitting in the room came back to their senses.

Among them, Director Tan had a look of surprise in his eyes, patted the table hard, and stood up excitedly, "Ni Yan... This is the Ni Yan in my mind, you are simply Ni Yan himself."

Yan Zhixu's aura was a little ruffian, and his appearance was glamorous, completely irrelevant to the word "pure".

But at this moment wearing this shirt, this temperament is not against harmony at all.

Director Tan said excitedly, "I know you have worked very hard in modeling, and your understanding of the role is also very thorough."

Hearing Director Tan's high evaluation, Yan Zhixu replied calmly, "This is the most basic professional quality of every actor. Director, you are so ridiculous."

Hearing this, Director Tan was even more satisfied.

This is a qualified actor, not like some actors who don't need a stand-in to personally condone Weiya or shoot a fight scene and send a lot of drafts, complimenting how dedicated they are. Shouldn't these be the most basic professional ethics of actors?

When did this kind of thing deserve to be brought out so much to brag about?

Wearing a suit on the side, a man with a good texture on his fingers said, "Mr. Yan's intentions can be felt, and I am looking forward to this cooperation with Teacher Yan."

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