The words fall.

Yan Zhixu raised his head, lifted his eyelids, and looked at the man who was speaking.

The other party has a handsome face, wears a black suit, and wears a valuable watch on his wrist.

The whole body exudes a mature atmosphere, and at a glance, he looks like he is about thirty years old.

It is at the stage of middle-aged actor, both body and face are well maintained, without a trace of greasy breath.

Yan Zhixu had a humble attitude and said, "Senior Zhuang is good."

This person's name is Zhuang Xiangqian. He is a well-known and powerful actor in the entertainment industry, and he is upright and likes to help younger generations.

Being in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, but always keeping oneself clean and seldom have scandals with actresses in the entertainment industry.

Zhuang Xiangqian's face was warm, and his voice was gentle, "It's good to know Xu's name, but it would be too unfamiliar to call me senior."

Unlike some people who play on the scene because of interests or other factors, he really gives the impression that he is full of sincerity and gentleness.

Director Tan, who was sitting in the seat, saw them chatting, and said with a smile on his face, "Come on, let me introduce you to you."

His eyes fell on Zhuang Xiangqian, "This is the hero of the drama "Can't Escape the Law", Zhuang Xiangqian. Now there is a saying that the older you are, the more flavorful it is. This word is perfect to describe Xiang Qian. Three The teenage uncle is fascinated by a group of young girls."

The rest of the people sitting in the row also laughed kindly when they heard Director Tan's remarks, and they all played jokes about Zhuang Xiangqian.

Zhuang Xiangqian's mouth twitched into a smile at everyone's kind joking.

Director Tan introduced Zhuang Xiangqian, and then introduced Yan Zhixu to those present, "I don't think you should be particularly unfamiliar with her. The performance in "The Legend of Xuanji" can be said to be extremely brilliant."

"With Zhixu and Xiang Qian, the combination of strong and strong, presumably our next filming work will be very easy."

The advantage of using talented actors is that there is less ng, so there is no need to shoot the same scene over and over again.

If it is replaced by someone who has no acting skills at all, and needs to teach the other party how to act one-on-one on the spot, why would it be better to have an actor on your own?


Seeing that Director Tan's evaluation of Yan Zhixu was so high, the fat investor sitting in the seat frowned, and a dark light flashed in his eyes.

This doesn't seem to work well.

Everyone's greeting is over.

Director Tan and others sat in their seats and watched the performance of the audition actors together.

After watching for a long time, Director Tan's face became darker and darker, as if ink could drip out in the next second.

After watching it for a long time, a good seedling did not appear, and no matter how good the actor is, I feel that there is a lack of feeling.


The door was pushed open.

A young actress, also neatly dressed, came in and bowed politely.

Chen Shan's face is painted with beautiful and refined **** makeup, and her body is sprayed with a light fragrance. "Hello everyone, I'm Chen Shan, and I want to audition for the female lead Ni Yan of "Can't Escape the French"."

Her performance was not at all nervous, and she didn't seem to see Yan Zhixu sitting on the jury's seat, as if she really didn't know that the heroine of the play had already been booked.

Those present swallowed their saliva: "..."

Holy crap, this woman wants to do something, it's so exciting!

Director Tan's voice sank, "The female lead in this play has already been decided, and it's still up to me to choose."

Just now, he had asked the person in charge of the audition to inform the female number one that Yan Zhixu had been set, and it was impossible for the actress not to know the news.

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