The Yan family returned to the prosperous family.

When we got home, it was already eleven o'clock at night, and the huge living room was still brightly lit. Everyone sat on the sofa and waited for the two of them.

Even Wang Cai was lying on the carpeted floor, flicking his tail lazily, not knowing whether it was because he was nostalgic for the warmth in the house or worried about his unreturned owner.

Yan Zhixu and Yan Jinxiu walked into the hall one after the other, and when they heard the movement, Yan Zheng put down the financial newspaper in his hand.

His face was stern and his tone was serious, "I came back so late, where did you go wild?"

Nan Wenshu just wanted to agree with her husband's words, she glanced to notice the gauze wrapped around her son's wrist, and stood up from the sofa with a bang.

"Stinky boy, why are you injured? Did you lose a fight outside?"

His eyes were filled with a thin mist, and his mouth was complaining, and he worriedly checked to see if there were any other wounds on his body.

Yan Zheng lifted his eyelids and saw that he was in a state of embarrassment, his bushy brows were furrowed, and his elegant and gentle face turned gloomy.

He folded the financial newspaper and put it on the coffee table, disgusted and angry at the same time, "Who bullied you? You can't even win a fight, I really lost my face, do you want my father to go and get it back for you? Come."

This kid usually pulls 285,000 to 50,000 yuan, and he loses the chain at the critical moment of the fight.

Yan Jinxiu patted the back of Nan Wenshu's hand, shrugged her shoulders casually, her face relaxed and didn't care, "It's just a minor injury, it won't die."

After he finished speaking, he took off his dirty coat and ruffled his messy hair.

Being used to being ignored, this sudden enthusiasm was a bit hard to digest for a while.

Yan Zhixu walked to the coffee table, picked up a transparent glass, filled it with warm water, and drank it all in one gulp, moisturizing her dry throat.

She was sitting on the sofa, her left leg swaying slightly over her right leg.

The voice was lazy and sullen, "Dad, you don't need to vent your anger for the little brother. Those who bullied him are now eating the country's food, so they don't have to worry about food and clothing, and the country will teach them to step on the sewing machine."

Hearing the overtones in her words, a few smiles flashed in Yan Zheng's eyes.

He picked up the hot tea on the coffee table and took a sip. The aroma of the tea overflowed and filled his mouth.

The expression on Yan Zheng's face returned to its original state, "It's fine if my hands are fine. I'm also worried that if I become disabled, I won't be able to inherit the family business in the future, so how can I make money to support my sister."

Yan Jinxiu's body was stiff, and the air conditioner in the house couldn't warm her cold body.

Shit, numbness, the feeling that was raised just now disappeared in an instant!

"I went upstairs to rest."

Yan Jinxiu stood up and stepped on the steps, and Mr. Yan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly expressed his concern, "Well, go ahead, be careful not to touch the water with your hands."

The simple sentence moved the little brother, and he sighed in his heart that he was still a relative.

"If I don't pay attention to my body, I'll become disabled, and I won't be able to get a wife in the future."

The words that the old man said immediately made Yan Jinxiu stop, his joy was broken, and he no longer reported any hope.

Everyone in the room was chatting and laughing. The premise of a nice and warm atmosphere was to ignore the loud noise of Yan Jinxiu returning to the room and closing the door.

Yan Zhixu chatted with his family for a while in the living room, and told them that the Parkinson's drug researched by Fu Shimo Hospital was about to be released, and there would be a special person to protect it in the dark in the near future, so don't make a fuss.

The family was deeply impressed by this.

While Nan Wenshu praised Dean Fu, she also began to dislike her daughter for being mud, and Dean Fu being an untouchable bright moon in the sky.

Yan Zhixu smiled at this, did not argue with her, and went upstairs to rest.

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