Have a peaceful week.

On November 23, the National Central Mother and a number of influential official media in China posted a shocking Weibo.

CCTV News V: [Recently, Fu Shimo, director of Haishi Jiu'an Hospital in my country, developed a Parkinson's drug. It is reported that the clinical trial data of the drug has been released and has been approved by the State Pharmaceutical Administration.

The advent of Parkinson's drugs means that countless middle-aged and elderly patients have a chance to treat their disease, and solve the problems that have been troubled by countless families for a long time. Let us look forward to the press conference to be held at the Haishi Gymnasium tomorrow.

Finally, on behalf of CCTV, I would like to pay tribute to President Fu. The doctors are unparalleled and the countrymen are unparalleled! 】

The news released by Yangma and a group of authoritative media shocked countless people. The news was broadcast temporarily, the hot search on Weibo exploded, and countless big Vs and self-media reprinted, triggering national discussions.

At the same time, Fu Shimo's information and photos were all picked up by almighty netizens, and the beauty and talent caused countless girls to scream and worship.

[Absolutely, Dean Fu developed a drug that would benefit thousands of people when he was only 26 years old, and when I was 26 years old, I was still a mediocre office worker. sigh.jpg]

[People are more popular than dead people, other people's brains are brains, and our brains may be filled with tofu dregs. 】

[呜, Fuyuan is so handsome, wearing gold silk frame, the look of glasses, I really want to defeat his clothes. Drool.jpg]

[Upstairs, I advise you to stop daydreaming. My husband will be unhappy if you say such things. Amo is massaging me on my bed to coax me. Tsundere.jpg]

【What nonsense are you talking about? That's obviously my husband! 】

[Amo, come back, you have been away from home for several years, come back to see the child. 】

[Oh, if you can't drink, go to the children's table, don't be drunk and unconscious and talk nonsense here. white eyes.jpg]


Netizens have heated discussions.

The rare harmony in the comment area is full of fun, and no black fans jump out to be demons.

This is a hero who has benefited mankind. Mother Yang personally posted a blog to praise him. The news network can suddenly insert news for him. Such a person would not dare to spray it if he wanted to.

Internet trolls: Draw your sword and look around at a loss.

Just when a group of female netizens were dreaming about being Fu Shimo's girlfriend, a netizen quietly posted a Weibo.

It's a duck: [Today, I was lying in bed and swiping Weibo. When I saw the Weibo posted by Yang's mother, I clicked into it and saw that my country has developed a drug that can treat Parkinson's.

When I saw the published photos, I felt a little familiar, so I went through the photo album. It turned out that I ran into Dean Fu at the airport a few days ago.

The majority of female netizens are gone, don't argue, Dean Fu has a name and a master.

Although the woman couldn't see her appearance clearly, but Judging from Dean Fu's behavior, she liked her very much. Picture.jpg]

At the end of the article, a photo of Fu Shimo and Yan Zhixu is attached.

Both were dressed casually and simply, looking a bit like a couple's outfit.

The tall and straight man held the suitcase in one hand and the girl's hand in the other, and the two interlocked their fingers.

The blogger posted a Weibo casually, but it never occurred to me that the Weibo quickly attracted attention.

Soon, countless people's comments appeared in the Weibo comment area, and it didn't take long for them to climb to the end of the hot search.

# Madden, genius medical scientist Fu Shimo is famous for herbalism!

Female netizens: "..."

Woohoo, heartbroken.

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