The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1120: Humans began to participate in the construction of saints

Humans have been rescued by machines. Over the past two decades, people have developed a comfortable and enjoyable lifestyle. In their subconscious minds, they already believe that this is the way to go. Machines are for them. As for why this is so , Many people never thought of it.

Therefore, when Xu Fuhang, like people all over the world, proposed to establish some functional departments to participate in the construction planning of the saints, this made many people very incomprehensible. People think that the meaning of human existence is pleasure, not work, which is good, not only to work, but also to work for machines!

Xu Fuhang also put a lot of pressure on it before setting up the staff. The headquarters is located in # 002 District 09F, which is protected by armed robots to prevent excessive human disturbances.

There are ten members of the staff, either former military soldiers or other human beings with rich experience. At that time, Rush also joined the staff, and Xu Fuhang served as chief of staff.

At the first meeting of the General Staff, Xu Fuhang asked Xi Dongfang about his plans for the next thirty years. Dongfang told the truth that this should have been the top secret of the saints. Dongfang just wanted to know what his chief of staff would have. High see.

Xu Fuhang said: "The alien fleet that is suspected of the enemy, I'm sorry, the leader, please allow me to describe it. It is now thirty years away from us, and its speed is 0.1X, which is basically the same as ours. The reason why I said They are suspected alien fleets. That's because we can't determine whether it is a human race or a machine, and it is a Zerg civilization.

"This distance is about 2.7 light-years. Comrade dean, have you thought about it? We are here to develop ourselves blindly, only to wait 20 years later to migrate, to face up, or to wait for these three choices, it might as well Launch a spacecraft to detect it now?

"If you do this, our reconnaissance spacecraft will be able to meet the enemy in about 15 years, and through quantum communication, the detected information will be transmitted back in real time, that is, as long as fifteen years later, we can detect To the enemy ’s intelligence. You should understand very well, modern master interstellar warfare, how important intelligence is. "

Xu Fuhang's remarks, saying that the East wakes up like a dream, modern interstellar war, nothing is more important than intelligence. The saints are now shrunk in this cage of the solar system, and they can be said to know nothing about the status of the universe!

A hundred years ago, why was there a powerful messenger civilization, the base was on Mars, it was a human civilization, and all its humans came from the earth, but this civilization did not interact with the earth civilization, but protected the earth in secret, The decisive battle with the powerful Star Worm eventually led to destruction.

How the star insect Grint came to the solar system, and the unknown enemy that the saints now face.

Xu Fuhang also said: "Work, war, these things, yes, the machine can be completed without us humans, but we humans have souls, wisdom, and emotions, we can do our best for the development of saints. Power, such as making suggestions. In addition, I have another suggestion, that is ...

"Establish a science department to allow accomplished humans to enter the science department after graduating from college or higher degrees to work better for the saints."

Regarding Xu Fuhang's remarks, Liu Haoxuan said: "Human beings have not worked for 20 years, and they have developed a habit. Working or not working for people does not affect their quality of life, so I feel that they let people work , A bit choking. "

Just after Liu Haoxuan finished his speech, Tang Yujie said: "And human beings are involved in the construction of the saints. I am worried that this will affect the saint's ruling system. You all know that human greed and desire for power will lead to The rebellion even led to the collapse of the saint system, and the saint system that our six masters and our dawn team worked so hard to finally destroy! "

Xu Fuhang said: "As for the relationship between Liu Duo's work or not, let me give my opinion. We can set advanced life content in the Dawn, such as traveling on other mechas and experiencing the starry sky. Adventure, advanced VIP mode for various games. For these new life content, we can set up a point card.

"Point card, or whatever it's called, I will call it point card for the time being, it will be the universal currency of the Dawn world, you can buy the above and other content that will be developed. The point card can be used for transactions and transfers. Working alone, the whole family is glorious. Working alone, the whole family is covered.

"As for the question of seizure of power and treason, I do n’t want to worry about it anymore. You think about it, each of the five members of the dawn team, each with a speed of billions of calculations. How does the human mindset rebel? And the dawn team five Personally, it ’s not just a computer. You are a computer with a human soul. You were originally merged from human beings, so I think human rebellion and rebellion are unlikely. However, we can often do some uprising exercises and use To test the stability and security of the system. "

Xu Fuhang ’s remarks, together with his rational and well-founded discussion, finally the Dawn Group reached a consensus and did it according to Xu Fuhang ’s proposal. The Human Council, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the War Theory Research Department, the Intelligence Analysis Division, and others Various other functional departments ~ ~ In addition to serving as chief of staff of the staff department, Xu Fuhang also serves as the chairman of the human council, which means that he is a human representative.

After the meeting, Orient launched several intelligence reconnaissance spacecrafts in accordance with the resolutions of the meeting and flew in the direction of the unknown fleet. It is expected that they will meet them 15 years later. By then, the intelligence of the unknown fleet can be detected.

Various departments of humans started to go online one by one. After a few months of trial operation, the East discovered that with the humans after work, their quality of life became higher and happier, which he did not expect. Therefore, a new method has been implemented in the world of Dawn, that is, a comfortable life without work, but if you want to enjoy a more meaningful life, you need to participate in work.

The saints have also implemented a very meaningful policy, that is, the population incentive program, which will give generous rewards to married and childbearing people and those who have multiple births. The East also realizes the importance of population resources for a civilization, just like it was in the summer.

It's just that Daming in the summer is a human civilization, and the demand for population resources is much greater than the saints of machine civilization. Therefore, the population plan of machine breeding was adopted in Daming, and the saints of machine civilization adopted natural breeding instead.

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