The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1121: Quadrant 3

By the time the saints reached the thirtieth year of the new era, they had grown to a powerful scale of 256 regiments, human society had made great progress, and various functional departments were functioning normally.

In the 35th year of the new era, the reconnaissance spacecraft encountered an unknown fleet and sent back the first intelligence. The intelligence showed that the other party was: Machine civilization! After many investigations, more and more intelligence was returned. Orient also chose a time to convene a meeting of officials from various departments such as the Human Parliament, the General Staff, the War Research Department, the Intelligence Analysis Department, the Science and Technology Department, and the Science and Technology Information Research Department.

The human officials are all concentrated in the # 002 District 9F Parliament Building, and the five people of the Dawn Group project virtual images on the 3D screen of the venue to join the meeting with everyone in a wired manner.

East showed the general content of this machine civilization to everyone:

"This is a very peculiar machine civilization. It is similar to our saints and different from it. The similarity is that it is also controlled by the central computer for the entire machine civilization, and it has its own human civilization inside. I Therefore, it is to protect the human race rather than human beings, because firstly it does not come from the earth, and secondly its appearance is very different from ours.

"The name of this machine civilization is: the third quadrant, is it strange, is a mathematical term. Its central computer name is Dulong. Let's take a look at their group."

According to information, the third quadrant civilization has a huge and vast mech army like the saints. Their mechs (warships) are basically circular, and like the saints, they are modular.

For large mechas, each module that constitutes it is basically a fan of acute angles, just like a pizza, so the modular mecha of the Oriental tube is called a pizza mecha.

"You also know that our armor can be deformed," Dongfang continued, "it can be transformed into the shape of a land combat armor, so our armor has two combat modes: flying and land combat.

"But the armor of the third quadrant does not have the function of transformation. Their armor is composed of two parts: the armor plate and the robot! The robot can be separated from the armor plate to conduct land combat, and the armor plate is only responsible for flying, even air combat. All are done by robots assembled together.

"Their robots are very strange, you see ..."

The robot in the third quadrant is shown. It has 12 legs and wraps around the sides of the body. The head is also fused with the body, and there is a long tail under it. Seeing this shape, Xu Fuhang, the 70-year-old chief of staff, said a word: "Limulus!"

After he finished speaking, all the people followed and said, "It really looks like a horseshoe crab!"

Dongfang said: "You're right, it's completely correct. This thing is indeed very similar to the horseshoe crab that we once had on the earth. This is what the civilized robot in the lower left looks like."

The third quadrant is in the lower left of the two-dimensional coordinate system, so for convenience, East Convenience refers to the third quadrant civilization as the lower left civilization.

"And what does our saint's robot look like?" Dongfang said again, "It must be like our humans."

Xu Fuhang asked: "The leader means that the human civilization in the lower left is like a horseshoe crab?"

Dongfang replied: "Not like it, but their human race is simply Limulus!"

Later, the East showed you the various forms of the horseshoe crab and their living habits. The East and even the entire saint civilization did not know that Daming also encountered the machine limulus civilization at the moment. The machine limulus they encountered was a "sine wave" and came from the same mother civilization as the "third quadrant". Limulus civilization.

As mentioned earlier, the horseshoe crabs who have robbed the stars are evolved, and the wise horseshoe crabs are human race civilizations. I don't know what the reason is, the Limulus began to degenerate, but their machines suddenly emerged, and an outstanding sine wave of machine civilization appeared. Xia Deng, Xia Deng's son, died while cleaning up the sine wave.

These are unknown to the saints, but the information detected so far allows the saints to know that the Limulus has a machine civilization, called the "third quadrant", and the saints call it the lower left civilization. The way to the earth will reach the solar system in 15 years.

At that time, what way should the saints welcome this enemy of machine civilization from the universe?

Orient continues to introduce the lower left civilization to everyone: "Do you know? All the mechas of the lower left civilization are rotating at high speed during flight. I conducted the following analysis. This flying method has many advantages, such as flexible movement, Save more energy, etc. Comrades in the technical department, I hope you can study the information we have obtained, and through analysis, see if our saints can also use this technology. Of course, the Dawn ca n’t fly. , Or people will not faint? "

People laughed for a while, and people from the Ministry of Science and Technology also agreed to prepare for research.

After studying all the information returned from the front, Xu Fuhang said: "I found a very big doubt."

Dongfang asked: "What doubt, you say."

"Duo Xingxing is 50 light-years away from us," Xu Fuhang said. "It's the old nest of the Limulus, and it's also the old nest on the lower left. If it comes to Earth from the lower left, at its speed, it will take at least six hundred years. Time ~ ~ That is to say, six hundred years ago, the lower left began to start from the star robbery. My question is: why does it come to the earth on the lower left? How does it know that there are so many solar systems? planet?

"And according to the information, the mission of the lower left solar system is to occupy the solar system, mine the solar system resources, and find a planet suitable for the limulus. The earth is the best choice. The lower left civilization and our saint civilization have one thing in common, That is to protect their human race and make them live more comfortable. For this, they chose the earth!

"If they don't know that the sun has eight planets and such rich mineral deposits, and they don't know that the earth has an environment suitable for the survival of carbon-based life, they will take the risky long journey to come, it will be very risky. Teacher, intelligence has How many horseshoe crabs in the lower left civilization are not detected? "

"Conservative estimate, 2.5 billion." Dongfang answered.

Xu Fuhang said: "The distance of 50 light years, the voyage of 600 years, and the life of 2.5 billion people all need to consume resources extremely. Therefore, I dare to conclude that they already knew the situation of the solar system before they came. The question is, how do they know? "

Someone replied: "That must be someone who started the cosmic broadcast and launched the information of the solar system."

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