The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1122: Saint expedition

According to Xu Fuhang's speculation, as early as six hundred years ago, the location of the earth and related information were leaked. But people on Earth six hundred years ago did not have such technology. If you want to transmit the location information of the earth and let alien civilizations dozens of light years away know, this is a launcher that requires very powerful power. A hundred years ago, the earth simply did not have this ability!

Then the only reasonable explanation was launched by Daming Civilization! Daming, who had just left the earth six hundred years ago, was known as Daming in the Black and Gold Age, and was also in the Ming Dynasty of the Chinese people.

Not only that, Daming in the black-gold era also sent out the position of the lighthouse star, which is why the earth and the lighthouse star both ushered in the machine civilization that originated in the same cradle at the same time, namely sine wave and third quadrant.

Xu Fuhang said: "In this way, it is easy to explain that the former Da Ming exposed our position."

Once the Ming, chaotic Daming, at that time, summer was not born.

"In this case," Dongfang asked, "we also know some of the other party's details, Colonel Xu, do you have any good suggestions?"

Xu Fuhang said: "My suggestion, just one word: do it!"

Dongfang said: "It's not that the chief of staff of the army is Xu, but you haven't thought about it, we are not very clear about the other party. If you are tough, our saints have a population of 700,000! Once you lose, these 700,000 people can It will be difficult to survive. "

Xu Fuhang said with a smile: "I know that the leader is worried about this. That's right, these 700,000 human beings on the earth are indeed the constraints of our saints. But the leader, have you thought about it? There are also constraints in the third quadrant, and that is their opportunity. There are also their "humans" in the regiment, and they are just like us, and they are worried that their "humans" will be destroyed by us! And, the Eastern Master, you have not found a very important message in this group of intelligence:

"That is Duron is just a pure computer. How can it be compared to you, a computer with a human soul? And you still have four rudder masters to assist you, so the third quadrant wants to win our saints, you can say Very difficult. "

Xu Fuhang made another analysis, and Dongfang said: "Your analysis is very reasonable. I also conducted a careful study and made the following decision:

"From now on, all mining spaceships and equipment must increase mining efforts, and vigorously build industrial spaceships, to be built on the largest scale, and strive to go out after ten years, the goal: the third quadrant. But we take the initiative to meet the third The quadrant does not mean that we are going to play against it. I can only say that we are adaptable.

"The reason why I say that I want to carry a lot of materials is for the possible long-term interstellar journey."

Shangguan asked: "Liu means that we are leaving the earth?"

Dongfang said: "Yes, the solar system is a place of right and wrong. It was exposed six hundred years ago, and it will not be discovered and coveted by other civilizations in the universe, so we need to leave here. But even if we leave here , Not all. "

"Not all?" Several people didn't understand what he meant.

Dongfang said: "James Tobin said: Do n’t put all your eggs in one basket, but do n’t put them in too many baskets. This phrase was originally used to describe venture capital and is economical. A famous saying, but I think it is also very suitable for the development of our civilization.

"So when I say this, you should understand what I mean. We will divide the dawn world and the entire saint civilization into several parts. My preliminary plan is as follows:

"Ten years later, which is 45 years in the new era, the saints’ main force set off, heading towards the third quadrant, leaving a small part of the team on the earth, which contains some humans, and most of the mining spaceships continue to work. Ability to extract more resources. Resources are too important for us! "

The opinions were unified, and the final general direction was fixed, as the East said: scheduled for 45 years in the new era, leave the earth and go on an expedition. At that time, the third quadrant to the solar system was only 5 light years at most. Away. At that time, the war may be carried out on the edge of the solar system.

The scale of the saints will continue to develop and expand, continue to increase mining efforts and so on. In this way, in the 45 years of the new era, the saints finally reached the heyday of 512 groups. Continuing the intelligence investigation of the third quadrant, there are deeper results. The lower left, which is the third quadrant, has a total of 500 regiments, which is comparable to the current saints, and the number is slightly less than the saints.

The speeds of the two machine civilizations are basically the same, both are about 1X, and the scale of other technologies is also similar. The third quadrant has a big weakness, that is, they have 2.5 billion horseshoe crabs. These 2.5 billion horseshoe crabs, like the 700,000 saints of humanity, are kept in captivity and do not have combat power, and the huge figure of 2.5 billion has become their burden.

The East has devised a very important tactic, that is, as soon as the war starts, it is necessary to eliminate the Limulus as much as possible. This will be a very cruel decision, because the Limulus is a high-level intelligent creature, and the Limulus human civilization was born, and multiple machine civilizations such as sine waves and the third quadrant were derived. So in a sense, the Limulus is already human. It is an act of civilization extermination to destroy them. If it is placed on the earth, it is extremely barbaric, cruel and inhuman.

But in the universe ~ ~ If you want to survive, this kind of killing is also a way to protect yourself, even if you can't bear it, you have to do it.

In the new era of 45 years, it is finally time for the saints to set off. The third quadrant is 5 light-years away from the earth, and it is almost reaching the solar system. The saints are all ready to go.

Dawn World has grown to a population of 8 billion. Dawn is split into two modules, each module has 256 modules, 400,000 people. The East wants the expeditionary army to carry a population of 400,000, and the remaining 400,000 to stay on earth.

The expeditionary army had a strong scale of 512 regiments, and the 128 regiments that stayed behind the earth were also quite large. When choosing who to stay, the dawn team had some differences, and finally Shangguan stayed, Eastern She was also the latest person, so she stayed behind. Protect the remaining 400,000 people and supervise all mining teams in the solar system.

If the earth is in danger, Shangguan needs to immediately lead all the regiments and populations to evacuate quickly, chasing the saints ’large army.

However, just when the saint army was preparing for the expedition, the information returned by the forward reconnaissance drone group showed that the third quadrant was changing orbits in a large arc, and it seemed to be fleeing.

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