The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1130: Umi no Utate (2)

Coordinate traction, the entry-level technology necessary to enter the threshold of god-level civilization. Its principle is: positioning the target area, then pulling the entire universe, and pulling the positioned target area to the starting point instantaneously, so as to realize instantaneous movement in the universe space.

In fact, this is an abstract statement. How can the real and real universe be pulled? This involves a term in classical physics: reference.

Taking the entire universe or large celestial bodies, such as the Milky Way, as the reference object, the universe or the Milky Way as the reference object is stationary, and the cosmic traversal due to coordinate traction is moving.

The converse is also true. Suppose a spaceship moves from point A through coordinates and moves instantaneously to point B outside N light years. Using this spaceship as a reference object, the spaceship is stationary and the entire universe is moving. In other words, after the spacecraft traversed, the entire universe moved N light-years along the AB line.

This is coordinate traction, and it has a more popular name: mobile wormhole.

The reason why it is called a mobile wormhole is that when it starts, the process it goes through is as follows:

A huge wormhole is formed in the universe by consuming huge energy. This is at the starting point, and at the same time a corresponding wormhole of the same size will be formed in the target area.

As mentioned earlier, since it is a wormhole, there must be at least two corresponding ones. Once these two corresponding wormholes are formed, they can be teleported immediately. And can be transmitted at the same time.

The garland wormhole faced by the horseshoe crabs and saints is now a typical mobile wormhole. Mobile wormholes are more advanced than the symmetric wormholes, circular wormholes and dial wormholes that Daming has experienced and mastered.

According to information, the garland wormhole will exist in the universe for 96 hours, which means that it has 60 hours to disappear, and the 509 fleets led by the East have arrived in front of the garland wormhole.

And Shangguan came all the way, still more than 60 hours away. Shangguan persuaded again through the information flow: "Six Brothers, you still have to think about it."

The East is very firm: "No, I decided, I must go!"

In the formation formation, from time to time, the organic armor crosses the wreath and disappears into the universe. According to information, the crossing takes about five minutes. That is to say, the armor flying over the wreath will not receive contact until five minutes later. signal.

Watching the huge garland appear in front of her, approaching quickly, the flag armor passed through the middle. This is the first time through the wormhole in the East. He would n’t think that his first wormhole was actually a god-level wormhole. He meant that there would be colorful tunnels flashing in front of his eyes as described in science fiction. .

As soon as the entire Qilin Banner reached the plane of the garland, the East felt a sudden darkness all around. The universe itself is dark, but the darkness mentioned here, but the tail flame of all mechs and the starlight in the distance can not be seen.

At the same time, several lines flickered in front of his eyes. In an instant, he had already traversed a long distance of 50 light-years and arrived at the Duoji Galaxy!

Isn't there a five-minute crossing time? How could it be crossed in an instant? As soon as he came over, he could perceive that in his cosmic space, the endless robot limulus and mechs shuttled through the universe, surrounding him and his clusters.

Dongfang A6 itself is a super-quantum computer. As soon as it came out of the wormhole, it began to perform full-speed calculations, so it can immediately face the battle. While crossing, the shield is also opened to the maximum. And quickly connected to the mecha that did not cross over, to carry out real-time cooperative operations.

At the same time, connect the Dawn team and ask: "I'm already crossing the galaxy. How long did it take me to travel through?"

Shangguan replied: "5 minutes and 12 seconds"

"But my system time display only took 02 seconds!" Dongfang replied. Obviously, the wormhole traversed it and lost it for five minutes. Not only it, but all units that traversed the wormhole will lose these five minutes. Now that he knew this, he quickly adjusted the system time.

The communication between him and Liming Group is still a flow of information, which means that their dialogue is calculated in nanoseconds. 1 second = 1000 milliseconds = 1 million subtleties = 1 billion nanoseconds.

Immediately after crossing, the East immediately observed and calculated the surrounding environment. The location of the star end of the garland wormhole is near the ninth planet of the star.

First of all, the star is a star, the same star as the sun, and it is very close to the sun and is also a yellow dwarf star. It has 12 planets, and the fourth planet is the Limulus star of the Limulus.

The ninth planet, dudu nine, later called D9 by the saints, is a giant temperament planet with a volume and mass close to Jupiter in the solar system. It has a beautiful halo and 64 natural moons.

D9 is still a long way away from the Limulus Sea. After crossing the third quadrant of the former, it is divided into two parts, half of which quickly fly to the Limulus Sea, and the rest are generally left near the wormhole to block the saints.

At the same time, there is also a strong machine civilization left behind by the robbery galaxy: the matrix, which is also siege from all sides at this moment. The main force of the matrix is ​​concentrated in the limulus sea and its orbit.

So at this moment, you can see the endless machine spaceship shuttled between the Limulus orbit and the D9 orbit, and at the same time greet the enemy saints passing through the wormhole.

The intelligence also shows that ~ ~ in the D9 line of health department, there are still signs of life, but it is obviously not a Limulus. Is it the so-called Dandilai Zerg? They are dormant among the many satellites of D9.

The East cannot estimate these strange Zerg civilizations. What he has to do now is to quickly fly to the Limulus Sea and eliminate the Limulus. Only the Limulus are eliminated. Self-extinguishing.

After traversing from the wormhole, it took a total of intelligence investigation and communication with the solar system, and the time spent together did not even reach one millisecond. The East has made a decision and ordered all the mechas that came and did not come to drive at full speed to the Limulus starfish, which is the fourth planet of the robbery star, the home planet of the Limulus.

Machine civilization VS machine civilization, and it is the same level of machine civilization. Every acquisition of information, the issuance and execution of every command are calculated in seconds or even milliseconds, so machine civilization is a second-speed civilization. This is simply incomparable between human civilization and Zerg civilization.

The Qilin of the East is armed with artillery from hundreds of millions of enemies, leading its huge fleet, and rushing to the horseshoe crab starfish. Of course, the machine horseshoe crab knows his attempt and is also furiously blocking.

In an instant, the entire robbery galaxy became the battlefield of the machine!

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