The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1131: Battle of Limulus (3)

This is the first interstellar war experienced in Eastern life, and it is also the first war. Although it is the first battle, although he has not experienced large-scale large group battles, that is to say, he has no experience in this area None of this matters!

Because he is a super light quantum computer, the running speed is calculated in nanoseconds, and the number of times is 100 million trillion times! (Note: Chinese people are used to 1 trillion = 1 trillion.)

In other words, even if he has no combat experience, it does not matter, he has a very high calculation speed, for every action, every instruction, every step, every movement, he can perform fast calculations through the central processor, even fast The establishment of a war model predicts the outcome of diversity, so as to choose the best method among them.

And there's more than that. His computer is a computer after human-machine integration. In popular terms, he is a computer with a soul. He can get the best plan for each step of war through the high-speed calculation of the computer in the way of human thinking.

The journey into the horseshoe crab starfish takes a long time, and in this long journey, there is a strong attack of the powerful machine fleet of the horseshoe crab. Although the Eastern fleet is also very large, the number is obviously less than half.

The East controls his fleet, and all the combat units make a spiral flight around his Kirin.

509 sky armor spiral flight around each other, the outer periphery is super armor, also spiral flight, and is the 509 armor around. The outer periphery is a larger number of armor, which is also a spiral flight. The outermost periphery is more than 50 billion armor, which is also a spiral flight.

In this way, a strange formation appeared, the saints seemed to rush forward like a huge electric drill, surrounded by an endless attack by the spacecraft of the horseshoe crab. Both sides have injuries.

The East is desperate to rush to the enemy's nest. Through the former chief of staff Xu Fuhang, he understands that the saints are machine civilizations, and each combat unit has no soul and no emotion. Sad and guilty.

So machine civilization should have no emotion. This sentence is only applicable to each combat unit in the war. These combat units and the main unit are combined to form a whole.

Once the electric drill is formed, there is still no terminal for contact with the solar system. Shangguan and others are coming at full speed and carrying the Dawn. Dawn is still divided into two parts, and will be merged into a whole later again, this is the first time in two decades that Dawn is divided into two parts.

On the one hand, the East resisted the powerful fire attacks of the enemy, and on the other hand, it used information flow to communicate with the people in the Dawn team: "Shangguan, why are you so disobedient? I didn't say I wouldn't let you come? You stayed near the wormhole , Guarding to prevent units with horseshoe crabs from flying past. "

Shangguan replied: "Six brothers, you have to know that there is a saying in the ancient art of war: will be outside, the monarchy is not affected! And the saint system also has such a mechanism, so we are not in the same galaxy, I have the right Do n’t carry out your orders! And not only a few people in our Dawn group, but the humans of Dawn have all asked for suffering together with the saints! "

Listening to her, Dongfang is nothing to say. In fact, at this moment, he very much hopes that someone can fight with him in this strange galaxy. Of course, there are more than 50 billion combat units under his command and protecting him, but he knows that these combat units are all pure computers and have no emotion or soul.

Among the entire fighting collective, only the computer on the Qijia's flag armor has human feelings and soul. The name of this computer is "Eastern A6", so it is said that the saint civilization fighting the robbery galaxy and the machine limulus , Only he is fighting alone.

He wanted someone to fight with him, but he didn't want them to sacrifice with him. Now that Shangguan does n’t listen to his orders, he has no way to stop her actions. He can only say: "Listen, saint comrades, if I hang up, Shangguan will take my place ..."

"No, Sixth Brother!" "No, Sixth Lord!" Several people said at the same time.

Dongfang also said: "Listening to what I said, all I said is if, if I hang up, Shangguan takes over from me. The next order is Liu Haoxuan, Tang Yujie and Bruce."

During their information flow, the machine horseshoe crab launched a very strange offensive. I saw that in the direction of the saint's advance, the two machine horseshoe fighters were arranged into two long snake arrays rushing at high speed, and when they were rushing. Launching a laser attack.

Seeing this situation, Dongfang couldn't help sneering: "It's too simple to break my defense line in this way?"

The Eastern fleet constituted an oversized electric drill flying forward. The two "snakes" in front quickly came to the front. The chance of being destroyed in the front continued to strike with inertia, and the fighters behind it will make up and continue. Launch a laser attack.

After the two long snakes came to the front, relative to the two points of the "electric drill", they suddenly let out two openings to let the "long snake" drill in. The long snakes constituted many enemy planes. This enemy plane Once rushed in from the mouth of the electric drill, it immediately entered the interior of the electric drill, surrounded by numerous mechas inside the electric drill, and quickly annihilated.

So this trick simply doesn't work for the saints.

At that time, the sine wave was used to deal with the pioneers of Xia Deng and Bai Ziying, and it was very successful, and Xia Deng and Bai Ziying were captured alive. But at the time, the pioneers of the Xia Deng and Duan had too few ships and could not effectively protect the flagship, so the sine wave succeeded.

The tactics adopted by the matrix and the third quadrant coalition forces this time are obviously not used ~ ~ Although they are many in number, there are also many saints.

Seeing that this move didn't work, the Limulus Allied Force quickly withdrew the long snake that had not fallen into the electric drill, and continued to use traditional siege and block.

The battle situation here is also fed back to the solar system 50 light years away in real time. Shangguan and others are in a hurry, because it can be seen from the information that the Eastern fleet is rapidly depleting, and she is worried that the East cannot support the Limulus.

She really wanted to cross the wormhole immediately to help him out, but she is still two days away from the garland wormhole. This distance is too far for her now, she can only say: "Liu Haoxuan, you three The one in front, do n’t come and wait for me, go to support the sixth brother first! "

Dongfang immediately said: "No, even if you come, you must come together. The three of them have only three regiments and 300 million combat units. They will only give experience when they come over! Ah, what's going on!"

"What's wrong?" Shangguan asked.

Information shows that there are many things flying out of the line-up system of D9, the ninth planet of the robbery star, which is the Dandile Zerg!

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