The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 174: 3 body world

"Why was it opposed?" Shen Xilin said, "Feng Qiuyan, don't you understand? It's too vicious, too inhumane, and terrible to transform the lighthouse star atmosphere! For the survival of hundreds of us, we should be right A massacre on an entire planet! You know, we are humans, not demons! "

Shen Xilin said the righteous words, summer said in his heart: You are not a good thing!

"What's your opinion on this?" Feng Qiuyan asked. ≧ 一 > Fiction≤

Xia Xia said: "In order to survive and destroy a civilization, this matter is indeed a bit tangled. I also feel that this is indeed very inhumane. Beacon Star lives a lot of indigenous people. They have adapted to the atmosphere of the planet. Us. Transforming the atmosphere of the planet will kill the entire planet. "

"However, if we don't do this, how can we conquer the lighthouse star? How can Daming continue?" Feng Qiuyan asked.

"We can completely conquer other planets."

"Brother Xian," Feng Qiuyan said, "You are too kind, do you know how dark this universe is? This is a universe of weak flesh and strong food. If you have compassion in your heart, you will be eaten and no bones will be left. "When Feng Qiuyan said this, she specifically glared at Shen Xilin. It seemed to be saying that people who would eat people were those who were suspicious of Shen Xilin, and what he most needed to watch out for in the summer was their infighting people.

"And ..." Feng Qiuyan also said, "Is it really for the so-called humanity to stop the colonial plan? Not at all! The first rule of the universe, survival always comes first."

Feng Qiuyan said that the law of the universe has the same meaning as the Hessian law known in the summer.

"Why is that?" Summer asked.

Feng Qiuyan replied: "That is because the Phoenix family of the Lighthouse Star is a very strong indigenous people, they have a strong physique and strong spiritual control. The colonial Lighthouse Star is bound to be strongly resisted, and there will be Sacrifice. Shen Xilin ’s gang of philanthropists are afraid of fighting, bloodshed, and sacrifice! "

Phoenix family? Mind control? In summer, I finally got a little bit more understanding of the lighthouse star.

"Feng Qiuyan, you nonsense, we are not afraid of war at all, we just love peace." Shen Xilin argued.

Summer has roughly sorted out the clue, and the Anle School based on Shen Xilin does not advocate a large colonial beacon star, so it is safe and stable for a lifetime. Feng Qiuyan is a passionate faction, hoping to fight for greater living space through war.

"We can conquer other planets." Summer returned to this question again.

"Brother Xia, you know, not every solar system has a planet suitable for human survival," Feng Qiuyan said, "among the stars around us, at least 50 light-years in radius, we do not have a migration Planet. We have detected a star. It has a planet suitable for human survival. This is also the closest star we have moved to the planet. "

"So," Feng Qiuyan made a summary. "We either started to transform the atmosphere of the lighthouse star and made it into the second star earth. The second option is to return to the solar system, occupy or integrate into the earth. Aimlessly, the solar system one by one looks for. Among these three options, which one do you think is the most suitable? "

According to Feng Qiuyan, Daming has three options in the future. One is to transform the lighthouse star. According to the current technical level of Daming, the lighthouse star can be transformed into a second earth in a few years, which is also the most efficient and feasible. Scheme.

The second option is to return to the solar system and occupy the earth. In that case, it will inevitably bring a catastrophe to the earth. Hit back to earth? Summer thought: If it was possible before, but looking at what Daming is now, it is really choking. The system is inferior, civil strife is constant, the population is declining, and he has not yet reached the solar system. Moreover, there is a very powerful "ambassador" of the Quaker civilization in the solar system, which has been equipped with a planetary defense system.

The third option is equivalent to the wandering universe. The current situation of Daming is simply not suitable for a wandering civilization. What's more, Daming didn't move to the planet in 50 light-years, and the solar system was so choking to fly back. It would be conceivable to let it fly out 5o light-years.

So to be strong, the population plan is a factor to be considered! This is the plan summed up in a short time in the summer.

Summer just thought about these questions quickly in his head, watched Feng Qiuyan ask him, and said: "To be honest, sister, I was not in favor of the extinct colonial plan. But as you said, in the face of the universe, survive Always ranked first. In terms of the current form, transforming the lighthouse star atmosphere is the most feasible solution. High efficiency, fast time, how many years will it take at most? "

"Ten years." Feng Qiuyan said.

"Ten years, you can turn the lighthouse star into the second earth, which is really good." Xia Xia said, "However, as long as ten years can be done, Daming has waited for two hundred years here."

"Brother Xia," said Zhengyun Yan on the line: "You will also agree with the plan to transform the lighthouse star? You must know that this is an act of civilization extinction."

Xia Xie tilted her head and said, "Why not? At least it will let us survive. Isn't it?"

"Summer!" Zheng Yunyan said, "Your idea is terrible!"

"Obviously your idea is too foolish." Xia Xia said, "For an unrelated civilization, I would rather put myself on the verge of extinction."

The form has undergone a change. In the beginning of summer, Shen Xilin was supported on the one side, and the atmospheric transformation plan was not supported. Now, in order to cater to Feng Qiuyan, he insists on extinction of the lighthouse star.

The most direct result of the atmospheric transformation is: the death of the lighthouse star human ~ ~ Daming humans settled on the planet and became the new owner of the lighthouse star. Zheng Yunyan turned her head to be angry, she could not think that the person she liked would be such a cold-blooded person.

In fact, he had his own ideas in summer, and he smiled and said, "Can't we make a partial transformation?"

"Partial transformation? How is this possible!"

"How to make a partial transformation?"

For the new ideas of summer, everyone is in agreement. Summer said: "Beacon Star exists in two worlds, everyone knows it, right?"

"Upper world and lower world." Feng Qiuyan said.

As early as twenty years ago, before the deep hibernation, the lighthouse star had been observed in the summer. He had divided the planet into two upper and lower worlds. Unexpectedly, Daming defined this planet as such.

"Yeah, the upper world and the lower world." Xia Xia said, "Why can't we build an intermediate world suitable for our bright human life between these two worlds? In this way, a beautiful three-body world will be born! "

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