The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 175: ** Sea of ​​**

Shen Xilin snorted and said: "The three-body world, you are talking about lightness.> One novel <≤ To integrate into the lighthouse star, we need to build a vast engineering fortress, this fortress and the lighthouse star gas must be isolated, please ask , How to do this? "

Summer sighed and said: "Ah, people say: No culture, it's terrible. I didn't believe it at first, it seems that it wouldn't work today if I didn't believe it. I would like to ask Master Shen, one of the high-tech fleets of the Daming Fleet is an energy shield , What is it for? "

When the words came out in the summer, everyone suddenly realized that, but Shen Xilin did not give up, but said with her head held up: "The energy shield is used to protect the spaceship from the enemy."

Summer sneered and said: "When the Star Wars was fought, my spaceship was under the attack of 5oo billion Zerg. If it weren't for the energy shield, my spaceship and I would have turned into powder. We can use the energy shield in the lighthouse. Star builds a human fortress, and since the shield can block energy attacks, it can also block air circulation. Right? "

"Brother Xia," Feng Qiuyan said, "Using the energy shield to make a fortress that can isolate the air, none of us have tried it, I do n’t know if it will succeed. Besides, the shield can resist energy attacks, also It can resist high impact, but it is difficult to isolate the air. "

"How do you know if you can't do it?" Xia Xia said, "And the fortress is built inside the atmosphere of the lighthouse star, not afraid of air leakage. In the middle of the fort, build an air filtering device like a chrysanthemum pestle ..." Summer will be able to give the spacecraft The energized mass energy pestle is said to be a chrysanthemum pestle, because it is charged under the spaceship's butt, and it feels like it is bursting chrysanthemum.

Open the virtual array in summer and fiddle with both hands to draw a sketch of a fortress in the array. The sketch shows: a device is wrapped in a huge bubble, which is the energy shield.

Xia Tian said: "Even if the energy shield cannot completely isolate the air, it can largely prevent the flow of air between the inside and the outside. The middle machine is the gas filtering device, which can filter out harmful gases to the human body. Turn the air inside the fortress into breathable air.

"There will be a small amount of gas flowing on the edge of the energy shield, but it does not hinder. The gas of the lighthouse star is outside. The harmful gas intrusion caused by the circulation of this gas flow will not affect the internal gas, which is completely acceptable. How, Is my idea feasible? "Summer looked at everyone.

As long as technical support is available, the program mentioned in the summer is theoretically feasible. So everyone started talking about it. If this plan is actually implemented, it will not affect the survival of the original residents of the Lighthouse Star, but also allow the people of Daming to live and work in peace. This is the best of both worlds.

"Brother Xia, you are awesome!" Zheng Yunyan boasted.

"Then my thoughts are terrible?" Summer said proudly. "Do you still think I am a cold-blooded animal?"

"No, you are the smartest person. How did you come up with it?"

"Small case, this kind of trivial thing, if it is on the earth, some people have figured it out and started to put it into practice." Summer came here, looked at the people, and said: "I don't mean that everyone is stupid, It involves a fundamental problem. "

"What's the problem?" Feng Qiuyan asked.

"That's the population problem," Xia Xia said. "Wisdom is the collective crystallization. Too little population, wisdom is difficult to enlarge, and civilization is difficult to develop. So, the biggest problem that Daming has to face is population. The lighthouse fortress is well built After that, the next step is to vigorously reward fertility and eugenics. "

"How to expand the population?" Shen Xilin said, "At present, the proportion of men and women is severely dysregulated, the pregnancy rate is low, and the proportion of mentally disabled and physically disabled newborns is high. How do you say that you can expand your birth? Mixed living? "

Xia Xiao said with a smile: "Of course not, Shumin and our breathing and digestive systems are very different, so it is impossible to achieve the purpose of multiplying the population by intermarrying with them."

"You still know that this is not possible," Shen Xilin said with a sneer. "Then what do you say?"

Summer briefly said these four words: "Sea of ​​Uterus."

"Sea of ​​uterus?" Everyone didn't understand what it meant.

"Do you think I was playing purely in the seven years of Dawn 2?" Xia Xia said. Of the 29 years of Dawn 2, he was hibernating for 22 years, two years of small hibernation, and two years of deep hibernation , The rest is naturally seven years of wake-up time. "I have been studying Daming's technology for a long time."

In the summer, they looked at everyone and said, "The most important technological component of Daming is biotechnology. We can build a sea of ​​uterus and nurture fertilized eggs in the sea of ​​uterus. There are two advantages to this. One is to avoid pregnancy. Pain, the second is that the offspring can be bred to a great extent. "

The words of summer caused an uproar, and Shen Xilin was the first to oppose: "Contrary to nature and violation of human relations, Master Xia, thank you for thinking it out! This is absolutely impossible!"

"Anything?" Summer sneered. "What's the point? Artificial reproduction will register every fertilized egg to prevent inbreeding."

"Register the fertilized egg?" Shen Xilin asked: "I would like to ask Master Xia, where is the fertilized egg? Provided by the people of Daming? What is the difference between it and natural delivery?"

"You'll get me wrong ~ ~ He said his bold ideas in the summer," It's not about collecting fertilized eggs. Instead, the single egg and sperm are artificially fertilized. The process of fertilization, embryo breeding, and production is completed in the sea of ​​the womb. "

"Haha, it's incredible, it's incredible!" Shen Xilin said loudly: "Your idea is too absurd! That will cause moral and ethical disputes."

"No," Xia continued on his bold plan, completely ignoring Feng Qiuyan's glance at him. "All eggs and sperm are registered anonymously, and only excellent eggs and sperm can enter the sea of ​​uterus. Only after the optimal gene comparison can the corresponding artificial insemination be performed. All the fertilized eggs are registered.

"Newborns bred through the sea of ​​uterus still have to be genetically registered. When they grow up, they can be freely mated for natural mating and delivery, or they can continue to choose to provide excellent eggs or sperm into the sea of ​​uterus to breed the next generation. When you are in love, you will use genetic comparison to determine whether it is suitable for marriage. "

Summer finished his "great idea" in one breath and looked at everyone. Everyone was silent, this approach is really bold, even if technically allowed, it is indeed very likely that there will be moral and ethical problems as Shen Xilin said.

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