The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 177: Be in danger

This summer, the wine was overwhelming, and Huangfu Lie poured it out. In addition, he talked with Feng Qiuyan to talk about the future plan of Daming, so I drank too much when I was happy. A little ≥ said <﹤ ≦ <≦ <≦≦ ﹤ This is drunk, originally intended to go back, Feng Qiuyan insisted on letting him go, leaving him to stay overnight.

In the summer, he did not refuse to leave, and lived in Feng Qiuyan's house. In the accompanying Er Qiao costume, he took a shower and went to bed. In summer, he was thinking about a question: Am I a bit stupid? How can I tell everyone about everything? I'm nothing now, so I will speak out my ideal ambitions, will it catch fire? And as Feng Qiuyan said, is I too young to understand the official set?

In particular, I also talked about the cosmic disease scam and Feng Qiuyan, and is Feng Qiuyan trustworthy? Thinking of this, he felt big in the summer, and he deeply felt that he was difficult to integrate into the society. Daming, a small society of only a few hundred people, made him feel strenuous. If the future interstellar society, do not know what will happen?

Thinking of so much, I felt that my head was big, and with the strength of wine, I hugged Er Qiao and fell asleep.

He couldn't sleep until dawn with this awakening, and was awakened by the sound of a gun battle in the middle of the night. Suddenly sitting up, I saw Er Qiao dressed and stood in the bedroom, holding a weapon in his hand. "Hey, what's wrong?" Summer asked in panic.

"General, someone has used troops to change." Da Qiao said calmly.

"The mutiny? What's going on?" Summer asked in surprise.

"A group of officials using Shen Xilin as a military mutiny are now outside the Feng Mansion and will soon be attacked."

"I'm going, mobilizing, or attacking Fengfu. Are they fighting for the commander-in-chief of the fleet! Why are you still here? Hurry up to protect the Admiral Feng!" Summer yelled, and began to panic dress.

"I'm sorry, General. Our duty is to protect your safety. Other people have nothing to do with us." Da Qiao refused his order.

"It's really yours!" Summer glared at the two of them, and panic out of the bedroom.

Er Qiao looked at each other and said, "Protect the general!"

When he came to the living room, the shooting was stopped. The scene before him surprised Summer. That Feng Qiuyan fell in the pool of blood. Her husband Huang Fulie sat on the ground and hugged her in tears. Shen Xilin surrounded them with a variety of weapons in his hands.

"What are you going to do? Do you rebel?" The summer shouted loudly, and Er Qiao was afraid that his master would lose money. He quickly pulled out his weapon and pressed against him.

"The kid named Xia, this matter has nothing to do with you! You retreat!" Shen Xilin exclaimed, staring at the two female robots beside Xia and him vigilantly. He knew how powerful these two female robots were. "Feng Qiuyan is proud of herself and is not a benevolent official. She should have handed over her official seal, but she was stubborn and stubborn. We shot her and had to hurt her."

"Oh, is it?" Summer sneered. "I think you have been coveting an admiral for a long time? Shen Xilin, I asked you, even if this advisor lets you be, do you have this ability?"

"Well, a fool can do anything, what can't do? I'll do better than his Feng Qiuyan! You also see that I have so many supporters, does she have?"

Xiafu was about to refute him. Huangfu shouted: "Brother Xia, come here, Master Feng has something to say."

Summer ran over, squatted down beside Feng Qiuyan, and Erqiao just guarded the side. That Feng Qiuyan was seriously injured, and now she was angry. Summer said loudly: "What are you still doing? Hurry to send her to Yuanshen Cocoon!"

Yuanshen Cocoon is a very magical thing. Anyone who is on the verge of death can get back to life. Twenty-five years ago, when Lin Dongjie was fighting in the summer, he could n’t do it anymore. As a result, he had been soaked in the cocoon of Yuanshen for ten days and he just picked up a small life. Therefore, at this time, the first thought of summer is Yuanshen Cocoon.

Feng Qiuyan grabbed Xia Xing's arm and shook his head and said, "It's too late."

Feng Qiuyan said, "King Kong."

"Admiral, King Kong is here." King Kong's voice rang.

"If you still admit that I am an admiral, I will finally do a favor and broadcast the current situation to the whole army." Feng Qiuyan has no strength, but the words and sentences are clear, but the voice is very small.

"Yes, Lord Admiral." King Kong said, and began to broadcast live to all ships in the fleet. More than 500 soldiers and civilians of the fleet are watching this scene. Including Zheng Yunyan, including Feng Qiuyan's son, the tube of Polaris VII, Huangfu Arctic.

Feng Qiuyan first talked to her son Huangfu Arctic, only to hear her say: "Son, mother I'm sorry you ..."

"Mother!" Huangfu shouted at the North Pole with tears in his eyes.

"Listen, after mother's death, no revenge!"

After explaining his son, Feng Qiuyan also said: "Daming Yongle Tianshi, all the staff listened to the order. I would like to announce as a Tianshi admiral: from the second grade officer Xia Yuan, think long-term, both virtue and virtue, can be a great job. I appoint Xia Xia After me, serve as the next Admiral of the Ming Dynasty Master Yongle! Everyone, wait for no disobedience! Offenders cut! "

"Sister Feng," Summer listened to this order, shocked, and quickly said: "I'm afraid I can't."

"If the brothers don't take orders, Qiu Yan will die! Please take over the Tiger Rune." Feng Qiuyan said hardly. Her husband Huang Fulie took out the Tiger Rune, a black and black tiger.

Watching Feng Qiuyan glaring at his eyes, helpless in summer, had to accept the Tiger Rune. Feng Qiuyan showed a smile and closed her eyes. Huang Fulie cried and cried while holding his wife's body.

Holding the Tiger Rune in summer, he stood up, raised the Tiger Rune high, looked around, and said angrily: "Is it for this gadget? Is King Kong available?"

"Admiral, King Kong is here." King Kong has already recognized Summer as King Ming.

"Who is the person who killed the former Admiral? What crime should be convicted?" Summer asked ~ ~ I'm sorry Admiral. King Kong cannot answer your question. "

Summer snorted coldly, and knew that it would be the result, "King Kong, I now command you as an admiral: restart the system immediately!"

As long as the system is restarted, King Kong's control will be automatically taken back. However, King Kong's answer did not surprise him, and only heard King Kong say: "I'm sorry, this order is invalid, refused to execute!"

Summer is secretly anxious, Feng Qiuyan, Feng Qiuyan, how do you push me up in this knot? What should I do?

While he was at a loss, Shen Xilin said with a laugh: "Feng Qiuyan was killed by me, what's wrong? She doesn't have the ability to occupy the seat of the admiral, and she still has a dead life! In the summer, you honestly hand over the tiger charm ,otherwise……"


Shen Xilin pointed to Feng Qiuyan on the ground and said fiercely: "Otherwise, she is your end!"

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