The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 178: 2 Qiao Xiangmei

When he was at a loss in the summer, the online Huangfu Arctic roared: "Shen Xilin, your grandson, your grandfather fights with you!"

As soon as the north pole of Huangfu's voice fell, the alarm sounded, and King Kong said: "My ship is locked and will be attacked. Please decide!"

It seems that Huangfu Arctic pointed the muzzle at Dawning No. 1 and was about to break the net. > 1 small ≧ said ≦ ﹤<< ≦≦ ≤ such an impulsive move can't solve the problem at all. If it doesn't work well, he will take his own life.

Before Shen Xilin had given time to issue an attack order to King Kong, Xia Xia said quickly: "Master Huangfu, don't be reckless, listen to me, I promise you in the summer, your mother will never die in vain, please believe me!"

King Kong's voice: "The alarm is lifted!"

"Huangfu Arctic, do you want to rebel?" Shen Xi Lin said angrily.

"Isn't he not rebellious?" Xia Xia said, "Master Huangfu is mourning, a little impulsive, understandable."

Xia Xinxin said: This Huangfu Arctic could not stay in Daming's sight. Sooner or later, this fellow Shen Xilin would have to remove him, so he had to find a way to protect him. "Xiafei County Lord, are you there?" Summer asked.

"I'm here, what's wrong?" Zheng Yunyan asked. Throughout the incident, the girl did not say anything, as if this matter had nothing to do with him. Summer did indeed admire her in her heart, but right now it is to find ways to protect the safety of Huangfu's father and son.

"Huangfu Arctic," Xia said, "Because of your impulse, it almost caused a tragedy. I now order you as an admiral, and go to Shuguang 2 alone, accept the detention, and be executed by the master of the county. Also go together and supervise your son. "

"Yes," Huangfu Lie promised. He knew that summer was to save him, but his son Huangfu Arctic didn't think so, but said angrily: "Why? I'm on my spaceship, I'm not anywhere go with!"

"You dare!" Huangfu said fiercely. "Laozi will die to show you immediately!" Huangfulie's words still worked, and the North Pole agreed to move the ship towards Shuguang No.2.

"King Kong," Xia Xia said, "send two robots to take Admiral Wind's body on the transfer boat."

King Kong didn't say anything, it seemed that Xia's order was invalid. Looking at Shen Xilin in the summer, he asked, "Do you want to keep Admiral Feng's body here all the time?"

Shen Xilin then said, "King Kong, do what he says."

King Kong promised a "yes", and then only two robots came to lift Feng Qiuyan's body and Huang Fulie on the transfer boat. Later they will go to Shuguang II.

"Yunyan," Xia said, "Do you know the backlight?"

Backlighting is the backlit flying formation of the robot Huang Gai. Now in a corner one light day away from the fleet, the backlit formation includes two Venus star ships, ten star destroyers, and one hundred thousand drones, and one The star destroyer carrying Xing Wen is on his way.

"Of course I know, summer." Yun Yan answered. She already understood the meaning of summer. He asked her to send Huangfu's father and son to the backlight formation, so as to keep them safe.

In the summer, it was confirmed that both Huangfu's father and son were on Dawning No. 2, and then they sat down to face the dozen officials with weapons. This Shen Xilin is really smart, he knows that robots will automatically go offline in front of Er Qiao, so in this mutiny, he did not bring a robot, but was all real people.

Er Qiao is a robot, will not actively attack humans, but will protect the owner. So Shen Xilin kept the distance from summer.

Summer said: "How is it, Master Shen, now I am the commander of the fleet, the thing you have dreamed of for a long time ..." As he said, he took out the Tiger Rune and looked at the Tiger Rune. Shen Xilin's eyes were straight.

"You still don't get it!" Summer said with a mocking tone. "It's in my hands now. I'm going to take office now. Before taking office, I'm going back to bring my daily necessities."

In the summer, he said he was going out, but unexpectedly a dozen guns were aimed at him, and if he would n’t let him go, he would definitely shoot, if two guys, two robots, could stretch out their hands and then they could resist Got it?

"Summer, as long as you hand over the tiger charm, we will discuss everything." Shen Xi Linyin smiled.

"Are you stupid, am I also stupid?" Xia Xia said, "I hand over the tiger charm, can I still live?"

"Of course," Shen Xilin said. "Don't you have two robots to protect you? Besides, if I grab it hard, can you keep the Tiger Rune?"

"You ..." Summer is nothing to do at this moment. He couldn't walk away, he was not willing to hand over the tiger charm.

"Shen Xilin, don't go too far!" Said Zheng Yunyan online. "You'll be back in the summer."

Shen Xilin sneered and said, "King Kong, cut off any connection with Shuguang 2 and refuse to accept any signal request from her!"

Hanging up Zheng Yunyan, Shen Xilin said: "In the summer, I advise you to be obedient and hand over the tiger charm, otherwise I will let you die without a burial place!"

A Liupin official with a beaked monkey's gills on the side said, "Adult, what nonsense does he have? Don't you just kill him?"

Shen Xilin thought for a while and said, "Well, let's do it."

"Lying trough, how dare you murder the officer?" Seeing that the situation was bad in the summer, he quickly hid, and immediately, the gunshots were loud, and the gang shot at him. Hiding around in the summer, it was fortunate that there was protection from Er Qiao, and he kept waving his sword to stop it. Otherwise, it would have been honeycomb in the summer.

These guys are hiding while shooting, because they know that Er Qiao is not easy, in order to protect the master ~ ~ they dare to kill.

During the exchange of fire, a cannonball came and screamed, and it was about to shoot in the summer. Da Qiao bravely stepped forward and blocked the shell with his own body. With a bang, Da Qiao was instantly blown into pieces. Summer was dumbfounded, Da Qiao, his favorite female robot, bathed himself, served himself, and used his body to protect himself at a critical time.

"Da Qiao!" Roared in the summer, he had long regarded Da Qiao as his most beloved woman, not a robot! Seeing the beloved woman Xiang Xiaoyu die at this moment, she was so angry that she rushed up and was stopped by Xiao Qiao.

Xiao Qiao protects summer with his body. At this time, the rebels did not know who had thrown a bomb. With sharp eyes in summer, they recognized that it was an electromagnetic mine, which was specifically used to deal with robots. "Be careful, Xiao Qiao!" Summer yelled, but it was too late, the electromagnetic thunder exploded, Xiao Qiao shivered, and it seemed that her system was seriously interfered by electromagnetic pulse.

"What's the matter with you, Xiao Qiao?" Summer asked.

Xiao Qiao smiled and said, "General, the lord will let me tell you that if you can't bear it, you will make a mess!"

After all, he jumped into the rebel formation and detonated the self-explosive device.

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