The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 187: Phoenix Fruit

Twenty-nine years ago, if he did not make that bet with Wu Ruize in the summer, he would probably not have had such a stunning interstellar journey. ?????????? He would never dream that one day, he would sit on a distant star and watch the sunset. However, everything was born in a real way, like a dream.

Over the years, five oss have been played in the summer. The first one is Star Worm Grint. In a completely disadvantaged situation, he retreated with wit and calmness.

The second boss, in the case of complete adversity, with the occasional magic weapon "blood cream beans" to achieve a shocking reversal, spike opponent Yu Wenmao.

The two battles were of different scales, but they were as thrilling as they were, and the same fate. But the summer is handled properly, a victory escape, a defeat defeat, although the former caused nearly devastating trauma to the spacecraft, but also got a lot of treasure: a large number of worms and diamonds and "tears of death", the latter also got the same , That's the spirit bug. These two battles have great gains for the summer.

Although the enemy in the third battle is just a small ordinary mortal, it is extremely powerful for the summer. Because of this man named Lin Dongjie, he has god-level civilized supporters behind him, providing him with strong Zerg support. This battle, three light-years apart, caused the summer vitality to be seriously injured and soaked in the cocoon of Yuanshen for ten days before recovering.

In the battle with Lin Dongjie, let him lose his lover Mila, this will be the pain that he will linger all his life.

The fourth boss is a bit dramatic. This boss is Zheng Yunyan. The charm of the summer conquered her. Although Summer reminded himself not to fall in love with him from time to time, he knew that this girl with a domineering appearance and a pure heart had made him breathtaking.

The last boss is Shen Xilin's old dog. In the summer, he couldn't beat him at all. He was banished to the star tower of Purgatory, making him unable to make a comeback. Originally he was mortal, but he did not expect the summit to turn around. He was rescued by the wind clan, and his body changed, adapting to the atmosphere of the lighthouse star.

One day, when I return to human beings in the summer, how can I adapt to the human atmosphere again? That is to say, I am now being transformed by the Fengzu princess Tao Te, and even the digestive system may be transformed by her. How can I switch back when I go back? This is a problem.

Another question is, what happened to the little loli minar that I followed twenty years ago. If I have a chance, I have to find a way to see the lower world, maybe I can find Mi Naer. Minar, should I be twenty-four or five years old now? It must have been a big girl.

Summer is thinking wildly, and when she feels emotionally, Tao Te came with the food and said: "Summer, dinner will take a while to be good, or you should eat some fruit pastries first."

Tao Te sat down beside him, sitting beside this interracial girl, her shoulders were not as high as in summer. Tao Tei served a boss's plate, like a big dustpan in the summer vision. There were some fruits on the plate, which I have never seen in summer. One of them is a bit like dragon fruit, purple, but it looks strange than dragon fruit, and its size is much smaller than dragon fruit.

Tao Te picked up the "mutated dragon fruit" and handed it to Xia, said: "This is a bamboo fruit, it's delicious, you try it."

In the summer, I took firecracker, which is as big as a pineapple, with a hard skin, and it smells like a bamboo. I couldn't get it out in the summer, and wondered: "How to eat?"

"Beat hard with both hands and open with one beat," Tao Te waved his hands to show him how to get rid of the fireworks. But in the summer, if you work hard, you can't get rid of this strange fruit.

"Oh, I forgot, you are the exiled **** now, without mana, naturally there is no strength. In this way, I will help you open it." Tao Te said as he took a firecracker, patted it with both palms With a snap, the fruit was cracked open at once, revealing the fiery red flesh inside. Make another effort, break it in half and pass it to Summer.

In the summer, he took over the open firecracker and asked, "Can you really eat it?"

"Of course, you can eat, but it's delicious. This is Phoenix's food."


"Phoenix is ​​a ferocious and arrogant **** bird. It does not eat bamboo, does not drink without drinking water, does not live without trees. This fire bamboo is indeed Phoenix's favorite food. Haha, come, eat fast. "Tao Te persuaded.

Summer frowned, handed the flesh of the bamboo into the mouth, and slammed with his eyes closed, as if he was taking poison.

"How? Huh?" Tao Te asked, looking at him expectantly.

"Wow!" Summer opened his eyes suddenly, and his eyes glowed with strange brilliance, and the red juice ran out of the corner of his mouth. "Oh, oh, oh!" The expression is extremely painful.

"What's wrong, summer?" Tao Te asked worriedly.

"How is it possible!" Summer yelled, "Why is this thing so delicious!"

"Oh, you scared me!" Tao Te said, patting his chest, "I thought you were poisoned."

In the summer, he began to eat firecracker, enjoying the sweetness and fragrance of the pulp juice aftertaste in his mouth, which is a delicacy he has never tasted. "If it was before, I would have been poisoned, but princess, I suspect that my digestive system has been transformed to adapt to this world."

"Ah? Well, wouldn't you be able to adapt to the life there if you returned to your heavenly court? Really sorry, I didn't expect it to happen." Tao Te said blamefully. Because she saved the summer from a high altitude ~ ~ changed her body system in summer with her own blood, so that he can adapt to the current world. But at the same time, it is very likely to make him unable to adapt to the original world, so Tao Te felt guilty.

"Princess, don't say that, I thank you for being too late? If you didn't save me, I would have been poisoned and died before I landed. What if I can't go back? At least I am still alive now, isn't it?" Summer Unlock him with facts.

"That's great, there are other fruits here, you have to try it. You can rest assured that in the summer, you will live in peace with me in the future, I guarantee you will not worry about food and clothing."

"It can only be so," summer sighed, "to live like a pet."

"Summer, I'm sorry, I don't mean that. If you want freedom, I won't stop you." Tao Te said apologetically.

"Princess, do you really want to inherit the throne?" Summer asked suddenly.

"I ... hush!" Tao Te motioned him not to say it out loud, to prevent eavesdropping.

"Let's make a deal."

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