The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 188: Princess Lover

Ever since the falling lighthouse star was awakened by Princess Dote in the summer, he has been thinking about a question. ?? Liewen doesn't say whether he can return to Daming in the future and decide to fight against Shen Xilin. The question now is how to survive on Lighthouse Star.

As a wind clan of the upper world, he certainly cannot live here for long in the summer, after all, these are two completely different races. The wind races are tall and generally over three meters tall, which is caused by high gravity and low gravity. If he is unable to return to Daming, he is more willing to live among the lower-world tree people in summer. After all, he is closer to the tree people in appearance.

And he also has a selfish intention, that is, he wants to find Mi Na'er in adulthood. Although he has nothing to do with Mi Na Er, he just wants to see her and see this cute girl who was rescued by herself 2 years ago.

If he wants to do the above, he must reach an agreement with Tao Te, and try to get her help. At least before getting in touch with Zheng Yunyan, he needs Princess Tao Te.

The so-called ritual exchanges, to get Tao Te's help, he will help her. So what ability does he have in the summer to help Tao Te? Do n’t forget, there is a small computer in his brain that knows everything. Having a greater certainty can help Tao Te, as well as himself.

As a contender for the throne, Tao Te needs the help she desperately needs to help him defeat other competitors. This will create opportunities for Xia, and therefore, Xia Xie asked: "Do you really want to inherit the throne?"

"What kind of deal do you want with me?" Tao Te asked.

"It's simple. I will help you ascend to the throne, and you will help me integrate into the lower class."

"But ..." Tao Te said hesitantly.

"But what are you hesitant about?"

"My mother's health is strong, even if I want to ascend the throne, it is impossible. And why are you going to the lower world? That is a humble world."

"Princess, let's not talk about your dispute first. Let me talk about your understanding first."

"Recognize the problem? What's wrong? Is there something wrong with me?"

"In this universe, there is no meanness and nobility. Shumin, although they live in the lower world, they are also wise human beings and we are equal. Do you understand?"


"A successful emperor, besides martial arts martial arts, he also needs to look at the world and aim at the world. Do you say that your country is the most powerful on this planet?"

"I don't know, but I know that on this road, our Blazing Kingdom is the strongest wind clan."

"If I can help you to conquer other wind clan, can you promise me to give me a kingdom of the lower world? And not be bullied by the wind clan."

"Of course it's all right," Tao Te said. "You really can help me ascend to the throne and conquer all the wind clan in this big 6, what else can I not promise you?"

"So that's it?"

"That's a deal!"

"Tell me to accept your fiery flame family."


Eating firecracker and other fruits in summer, Tao Teze talked about the human history of the blazing wind family. Through chatting, Xia learned that the king of the blazing kingdom is Queen Vlar, mother of Princess Dote. The little princess also has three older brothers, who have been coveted for a long time, but the queen has no intention of establishing a reserve.

She didn't have any intention of arguing about the meaning of listening to Tao Te's speech, but she encountered a difficult problem that could not be solved. Only when she became the queen could she solve it. What does it matter to ask in the summer, this girl doesn't say anything, and in the summer no more questions are asked.

The two were talking, and a bell was heard not far away. Tao Te suddenly stopped talking, listening to the bell quietly. After the bell struck for a while and stopped, Tao Te stood up and put the fruit plate on the chair, said: "In the summer, I can't talk to you anymore, I can get off when I have something to do." .

"Qi Ling, can you follow her?" Summer asked after Dote left.

"Yes," Qi Ling said. I saw a few bright spots flying out of summer's ears, and flew in the direction of Tao Te.

"Qi Ling, can you monitor in real time? I want to see it." Summer asked again.

"Yes, but not too far away."

"Then hurry, what nonsense." Summer urged.

Several small bright spots of light flew out of the ears, landed on a fruit in the summer hand, and then made a small screen, showing the picture of this peach. The screen is not high-definition, the resolution of the displayed content is very low, but it does not affect the monitoring.

But seeing that Princess Taote came to the bird circle in a panic, where the Phoenix fire that had just been captured not long ago was there, and there were other Phoenixs there. Tao Tei rode a fire and flew away. The small bright spot followed closely.

"Qi Ling, do you say I'm not good at spying on others?" Xia Xia asked.

Qi Ling's answer was a bit unexpected: "Don't do something very extraordinary."

"Haha, you are right, the correct solution! Guess what, she is going to do?"

"Qi Ling can't guess."

Princess Taote was driving the phoenix, and did not fly far, so she met a team of royal guards riding the phoenix, stopped her way, and said: "Where is the princess going so late?"

As soon as the guard asked, Qi Ling translated it immediately. Tao Tei said angrily: "Go away! What is my father doing, and should I return to you?" After all, he took out his sword.

The guards did not dare to stop and fled. Summer estimated that they were going to report back, and at the same time, there must be one or two people quietly following her. Sure enough, it didn't take long for Dote to fly, and two of the team's guards kept up with the princess.

Princess Taote flying the Phoenix ~ ~ bypassed several pumice stones and didn't even notice a tail behind him. I tried to remind her several times in the summer, but hesitated again. In case there is anything unusual about this princess, you remind her that she is secretly known to you, so she is annoyed what to do.

There is a large pumice stone in front, which is covered with trees. Tao Tefei flew over, and even the Phoenix was not tied, so he panicked into the jungle. The two followers did not dare to fall, but hid behind a much smaller pumice stone.

There are a few big rocks in the trees, and there is a man standing beside the stone, waiting anxiously. This is a genre man. Since the resolution of the monitor screen is not very high, he cannot guess his age in summer.

Seeing the arrival of Tao Te, the man of the Feng clan stepped forward and said, "His Royal Highness, you are finally here."

The princess ran forward, hugged the man without saying a word, and began to pick up his clothes.

"I'm going, spicy eyes!" Exclaimed summer.

Note: Chapter 187 is behind Chapter 18o and is applying for adjustment.

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