The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 190: Become a prisoner of the ranks of giants

"Sorry, sir, Qiling can't connect with the master of the county. ?? Hunting ????" The computer ruthlessly denied his request.

"You didn't know you couldn't connect without trying?" Xia Xia said, "Don't you have a lot of fireflies? Put them all out and let them fly around, maybe you can catch Zheng Yunyan's signal!"

In summer, those little lights flying out of his ears are called fireflies, because he really doesn't know what those things are. He knew very well that at this moment he was on Lighthouse Star, and Zheng Yunyan must be looking for him. If he was found, he would definitely detect Lighthouse Star.

"Yes, adult, Qi Ling, try it." Qi Ling said, there were a lot of "fireflies" flying out of the ears of summer, flying all over the sky, and they all disappeared in a little while.

"No," summer waved his hand, remembering something.

"What's wrong, Master, what's wrong?"

"Of course there is something wrong. The lighthouse star's atmosphere is poisonous. We, the humans, are exposed to such air and can't live for a minute. So Zheng Yunyan may think I'm dead! It's not just her, as long as Daming people will think I am dead! "Summer realized the seriousness of this problem.

"Sir, you are right. But why did Lord Sheriff put me in your brain?"

"At that time, I was still on Dawn 2, how could she know that I would be exiled to the lighthouse?"

"But I can speak 24 languages."

"You mean that Zheng Yunyan put you in my brain just to prevent me from being exiled to the lighthouse?" Summer asked, as if he saw hope again. "Taking a step back and saying that she didn't expect me to take this step. The computer Diao Chan has observed Lighthouse Star for 2 years, and has learned many languages ​​of Lighthouse Star. So the program written by Diao Chan carries 24 language packs at random. It ’s nothing strange. "

This inference once again returned to the starting point where Zheng Yunyan really thought he was dead. "However, she will not give up searching for me!" Summer regained hope and cheered herself up, "She likes me, likes someone, she will lose her mind, and she will think that you cannot die!"

Qi Ling did n’t speak, and continued in the summer yy: “It ’s like I was stubbornly thinking that Mila will not die, knowing that I still have a hint of hope today, that Mila is not dead. But I know this is impossible So Zheng Yunyan's expectation of me is the same as my expectation of Mira.

"So Zheng Yunyan will definitely come to me! Oh, yes! Fortunately, I am charming enough to make her fall in love with me! Qiling, what do you think?"

"I do not know."

"That's it, sure!" Xia Xia said, "Zheng Yunyan at this moment will definitely do everything possible to perform a carpet scan of the lighthouse star by various means, so Qiling, you need to put more fireflies out to let Yunyan Scanned. "

"Adults, fireflies have the largest endurance radius."

"What radius?"

"5oo kilometers."

"I'm only 5oo kilometers away? It's too short. It can only cover a small area, it's easy to miss Yunyan's scan," Xia thought, and suddenly clapped again. "5oo kilometers is not short, not short, enough! "

"Isn't it short?" Qi Ling was also confused by him.

"It's not short," Xia Xia said, "If Yunyan is going to do a global scan, she will definitely not only scan it again, right? She will definitely scan repeatedly. So Qiling, I said let you let out more fireflies, Flying non-stop outside. The electricity is almost exhausted, and then I will charge it back in my head. Is it the way they are charged? "

"Yes, lord!"

There are stories on the earth about the survivors of shipwrecks, who put out sos words on a remote island for help. The current practice in summer and this original method have the same effect. As long as these fireflies are scanned, they can be found in summer. Summer is full of confidence, and the day of rescue is just around the corner. He also gave him a cool name "Firefly Project" for this kind of help.

"No!" Suddenly said in the summer thigh.

"What's wrong, sir?"

"Yunyan is scanning the planet. Wouldn't Shen Xilin that old **** scan the planet? Once he knew I was alive, could he let me go?"

"Come on, lord, the fireflies only shoot faint bionic pulsed sound waves. Even if they are accidentally scanned by the enemy, they will be considered as a creature that shoots sound waves." Qi Ling explained.

Summer knows that in the biological world, there are many creatures that emit sound waves, and there are also many small insects. Therefore, it is not impossible for these light objects to be mistaken for fireflies that emit sound waves.

"That can't be too careless. Qiling, you let the fireflies scatter and fly, don't concentrate too much. Just in case."

"Yes, lord!"

Summer was planning his escape plan, and the two servants came into the small garden with dinner. When they saw the short summer, they all burst into laughter and looked at him with contemptuous eyes. One of them said, "Is this man a distinguished guest of your Highness? Isn't this a humble little tree in the lower world? It's so small, and it's a distinguished guest. Poof!"

In the summer, they are too lazy to care for them. If they have anything to eat, he is already hungry. Although the fire bamboo is delicious, he is not hungry. Feng's food is all he hasn't seen, but it is exceptionally delicious, sweet and delicious. In summer, it begins to swell quickly.

Near the end of the meal, there was a noise and several warriors broke in. Holding a weapon, surrounded the summer. Made, coming sooner or later, but unexpectedly so early! But fortunately ~ ~ I've also eaten half full anyway. I do n’t care about these people in the summer, and I continue to eat. I have to eat enough, otherwise I will be hungry for a few days if they are caught by them.

"Bold Shumin, how did you break into the Princess Royal Garden?" One warrior shouted.

"Little Master is an angel!" Summer pointed to the sky and said, "Little Master is from heaven, you are the princess of your princess. You must not be negligent with me, you understand? Otherwise I can make you a fan ! "

"Hahaha!" The warriors laughed wildly. Too lazy to care for them in the summer, and don't forget to finish the food.

"Just like you, a little angel? I think you are shit! Haha!"

"Less talk to him less, grab it and talk."

After all, the crowd swarmed up and **** summer with all their hands.

"I wipe, do you want to rebel! Dare to hinder the young man to eat! Be careful that the young man can't kill you! Ah, let me go, you are hurting me! Qiling, think about it soon. The way! "Xia called out to be bound by the warriors and escorted away.

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