The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 191: Soul Stone

The people of this blazing wind family are all more than three meters tall. In the summer, the height of one meter and seven meters stood in front of them before they reached the belly button. They were held in the middle of the crowd, and they could not see others from the outside. ? Hunting ?????????????

Walking out of Taote's residence, walking in the palace, there are giants like Feng people, there are guards and maids, all are more than three meters high, with colorful striped skin, silver-white head, dark green eyes.

Passing through several corridors, summer thought they would hold him to see the queen or the princess, but no one saw him, and even the great prince Erdt did not see him. It's in prison.

In the cell where he was detained, a large number of tree people were kept, about the same height as him. They were people from the lower world. "Hi, hello, everyone!" Summer greeted everyone and found a place to sit down.

"Which tribe are you from?" Asked a prisoner on the side.

Summer pointed to the top and said, "I said I came from heaven, do you believe it?"

"Haha, you said you were a fairy from the sky?" Said the man. "What a joke? But the way you talk is a little weird. Why are there two voices?"

"I said I came from heaven, and you don't believe it. I spoke the language of our heaven at the beginning. I'm afraid that if you don't understand it, my brain worm will translate it into a language you can understand. ? "

"Oh," the man nodded incomprehensiblely, and asked, "Since you are a heavenly man, how can you be caught by them?"

"Alas, it's a long story." Summer sighed and began talking about his heroic deeds. The brows were flirtatious, but what he said were all facts, without any moisture. From the Battle of Star Worms, to the Battle of the Dead Island, until the sly villain dropped it on this alien star.

"Ah, this is really Huluo Pingyang being bullied by dogs." Summer sighed deeply. "So how did you get caught?"

An old man sighed and said, "Because we cannot pay the soul stone on time."

"Soul Stone? What?" Summer asked with a frown. I said in my heart: How do you feel like you are in a fantasy world? Is this the real physical world?

And listen to the old man said: "Soul Stone can be used for mental control."

"Is there really such a thing as mind control?" Summer asked with interest.

"Isn't it," the old man said, "Looking at you like this, it really doesn't look like a local, maybe you don't know much about our world. The Feng people live in the upper world, and they need to fly to get to and from each suspended peak In between, this requires the use of mental control. Otherwise, it is all by brute force, one is not done well, then it will fall from such a high sky ... "

"Haha," a Shumin laughed, "will fall directly into shit."

"I see," Xia said. "To have perfect mind control, you need a soul stone. This soul stone is only produced in the earth, and the upper world does not produce this thing, right?"

"Yes, that's exactly what happened." Several people rushed to answer.

"This is a very unfair thing. The Feng people need the soul stone, but they don't produce it." A young man said, "We produce the soul stone, but it's useless if we ask for it."

"That's just for them." Summer deliberately exasperated them.

"It's okay to give them, the key is that this thing is difficult to produce. Give it if you have it, and do it without them. If you don't give it, you can kill it!" A person said indignantly.

"Your output can't keep up with their demands, so you are being held hostage?" Xia Xia said.

Everyone nodded and bowed their heads in silence.

"It's too much to deceive people?" Xia Xuan said angrily. "They want a soul stone. They can dig it by themselves. Said this soul stone was dug out?"

A young man said: "The soul stone is produced under the bodhi tree. The bodhi tree is the holy tree of our Audrey ..."

"Audley? Are you called Shumin?" Summer asked.

"Shumin? That's the scorn name of the Feng people. We are the Audrey. Ordinary meaning, just like this name, we, the Audrey, pursue peaceful rural life. But the Feng people break our peace. "The young man said," We were originally people of two worlds, and we did not interfere with each other, and we were in peace. But a hundred years ago, someone revealed the secret of the Soul Stone, and this secret was later known to the Feng tribe.

"In the beginning, the Feng people have a reasonable exchange of goods with us. But the Feng people are naturally brave and warlike. They often have wars to **** the territories in the sky. The cost of war is to consume a large amount of soul stones. The soul stones obtained from the exchanges can no longer meet their needs. They will **** it next time.

"After the robbery is over, we are ordered to dig it up for them to use. If we can't meet the demand, we will kill and capture our hostages."

Hearing this, summer is probably a rough picture. The trees that are hundreds of meters tall in the lower world are bodhi trees. The bodhi tree here can be different from the earth. The bodhi tree here can produce a kind of treasure, that is, the soul stone.

The soul stone can only be produced by the bodhi tree. This kind of thing is not a value-preserving storage like other gems, but a consumable. It can help the Feng people to control their minds, and the result of the mind control is to be able to control the phoenix to fly in the sky more smoothly and fight with the enemy in air combat.

The more mind control is used ~ ~ The faster the soul stone is consumed. There are frequent battles among the various ethnic groups of the Feng people, so the Soul Stone consumes very quickly. But the Audrey Bodhi tree produces soul stone very slowly, it is difficult to meet the saturated demand of the Feng people.

This is the main reason why the violent wind clan oppresses the Audrey. It turns out so! So, twenty years ago, the Feng people who infested the Minar tribe were collecting soul stones? This must be the case. Thinking of this, Xia Xia asked: "Who knows Minar?"

"Minaer? I don't know." "I haven't heard of it."

A little disappointed in summer, but this result is also expected. The lighthouse star is so big, the lower world is not only the Audrey, there must be other big 6, other countries, other tribes.

He sat on the ground against the wall in the summer and lived to such a large size that he had been jailed three times before and after. The first time was locked by Zheng Yunyan, the second was Shen Xilin, and the third was directly locked by alien Got up.

"Why the interstellar summer was so miserable today? No, my way is to change my destiny. I'm going to make a terrible counterattack! Qiling, when will you help me connect with Zheng Yunyan? "

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