The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 192: Turn left at the execution ground

Samsung System: The South Gate Two Star is a triad composed of three stars. This is a chaotic galaxy, and its chaos is manifested in its gravitational system. ?????? Hunting ?????????? The South Gate 2 is composed of three stars, one of which is the other shore star, which we call Proxima Star, or Centaur a Alpha netbsp; The other shore star is in the triad galaxy, and the harsh conditions are destined to prevent its planets from breeding life. However, in its planetary system, there is indeed life, and this is the lighthouse star. The lighthouse star, which is not the planet of the other shore star, is one of the fourteen satellites revolving around Beng Yunxing. Beng Yunxing is the planet of the other shore, a gas planet that is twice as large as Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, and its mass is more than three hundred times that of Earth. It is conceivable how big a collapsed cloud star should be as a planet.

The disorder of gravity caused the lighthouse star to appear in the upper world, a world floating in the sky. And this upper world is not just that some inverted mountains and huge stones float in the air, after all, it is for someone to live and live.

The upper world has soil, vegetation, and various animals. And life here only says that the two most important elements of carbon-based life: water and air, are indispensable. The lighthouse star who is an alien is also subject to this rule. There is air, but what about water?

The upper world is the world floating in the air, and the water flows down, how does this upper world store water? Although there are rivers and lakes in the upper world, they cannot change the fact that water flows to lower places.

As mentioned earlier, because of the chaotic gravitational system of the triad galaxy, the lighthouse star appeared in this strange landscape of the upper world. And this gravitational disorder is not only manifested in the upper world, but the entire lighthouse star is caused by this phenomenon. The most bizarre phenomenon is "upstream water".

The so-called up-flowing water means that the water flows up high! It seems inconceivable, but it is real in the lighthouse star, this phenomenon is absolutely impossible on the earth, unless the aid of tools. But in the lighthouse star is a very common natural phenomenon.

The bottom of the suspended peak has a strong downward repulsive force, which is also mixed with a small amount of attraction. This mixed magnetic force is a very complex magnetic field that maintains the floating of the suspended peak and is not endless. Ascend without falling.

The small amount of attraction mixed in between is a very powerful force, enough to attract objects from the lower world, including river water. At the bottom of Kunyin Peak there are at least thirteen upper water columns, and often there are hundreds of them, that is, straight water columns rushing upward from the lower world.

This is a very spectacular spectacle that can only be seen under the hanging peak. Upstream water and rain are the main sources of water in the upper world. Falling rain is also a great spectacle of the lighthouse star. Because the cloud layer is below, after the cloud layer has gathered to a certain thickness, it not only rains down on the ground, but also "rains" toward the upper world due to the gravity above.

Cumulonimbus will expel rain in two directions, the upper part is called rain, and the lower part is called rain. The special gravitational field of Xuanfeng, when it encounters Xuanfeng and pumice stone, will fly sideways until it encounters an object, and then it will drip. So in the upper world, the rain is not falling, but flying horizontally.

Therefore, the upper world also has the same water villages and deserts as the ground. The water town is full of water, and the desert is dry.

Kunyin Peak has sufficient water sources, and the overflowing water will form a river, flowing around, and finally form a waterfall from the edge to the lower world.

The upper stream column is because of the upper stream column, there is the story of the female chief who went up to the law court along the water.

But it said that this summer was in a cell with a group of Audreys. These people are very similar to the earth people, and they have the same height and height, but their respiratory and digestive systems are different. So it's easy to communicate.

During the conversation, I learned that the person who spoke the most in the summer was Milun, the prince of the June tribe. The June tribe did not call this name very early. When the old chief observed the sky at night, he saw six moons hanging above the sky, so he named the tribe June.

Beng Yunxing has 14 moons, and Lighthouse Star is one of them, so it is rare to see six moons in the sky, but it is also possible to be born.

The reason why Prince Mirren was arrested in June was because their tribe was unable to pay the soul stone on schedule, so they were arrested. Other people in the cell were also arrested in this way.

"Why don't you rebel?" Xia Xia said, "It stands to reason that you should have more people than Feng people?"

"We are more than they are, but they are all tall and tall," Milun said. "And they are all coming from the phoenix, the sword is sharp, we can't beat them at all. The Feng people can really be an enemy. hundred."

Summer thought: This is a problem, it seems that I have to find a way to solve this matter. After chatting with them for a while in the summer, they came up sleepy and curled up to sleep in the corner. Originally, before he came, he ate a lot of fruit in the princess's garden and ate a full dinner, so he slept soundly.

When he slept in the middle of the night, in June, Prince Mirren called him in his ear several times. He slept too deeply and ignored him at all.

At dawn, I was awakened by a noise. Several ethnic soldiers came to the prison and opened the door.

"Hello, did you have breakfast? I'm hungry!" Summer asked.

The soldiers smiled and said, "Want to have breakfast? Haha, yes, it's a meal, and you're full to get on the road. Come on, you guys come out!"

The soldiers started to come in and grab people. "What does it mean to have enough food to get on the road?" Summer asked, UU reading "Said it cleared!"

Several rebels, a soldier came to catch the summer. Xia Xuan cursed in my heart: I rely on, want to send me on the road? I'm so miserable. I haven't arrived at the Lighthouse Star within 24 hours, so I will decapitate him. What a bad luck!

"Don't catch him, he is an angel from heaven!" Milon exclaimed.

"Haha, angel? I think you go to lick shit! You, you have your share!" The soldiers said and captured Milon.

A total of eight people before and after, including Xia Xia and Milun, were arrested by the soldiers, escorted out, and went all the way, not knowing where to go.

Along the way, the Audreys yelled and they did not want to be taken to the execution ground and killed. In addition to being a little frightened in the summer, he has a more calm. "Qi Ling, are you sure that you translated correctly? Are you sure that angels and licking **** are homophonic in the language of Lighthouse Star?"

"I translated according to Chinese habits, so my translation is no problem."

"Brother, what are you talking to yourself?" Milon on the side asked.

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