The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 197: Flying straight up to 3000 feet

Now there are only summer and minar in the house. ????????????????????????? "Are you sitting?" Summer said shyly, but he was scolding himself: What happened to your kid today? How did you see the pretty girl, her bones are crisp? This is the case with the former Zheng Yunyan, and now you are still like Mina!

"Well," Minar agreed to sit down.

"Notice that why haven't you delivered it for breakfast?" Summer looked around.

Minar smiled and did not speak, playing with the obsidian brave paw in his hand, and said, "This is yours, give you back."

In the summer, he took a look and said, "Give it to you." She handed it to her again. This obsidian was originally used to verify the secret key of his guardian, and is now useless.

"Thank you, I like it very much," Minar accepted happily. "Is it carved with pixiu?"

"Do you also know Pi Yao?" Summer is a little surprised, because he knows that Pi Yao is an ancient Chinese summer beast. This is an alien world four light years away. Will it be so coincidental? Are the people here also taking Pi Yao as a totem beast?

"Of course I know. I have seen it from afar. When he appears, auspiciousness will appear throughout the valley, which is a symbol of auspiciousness."

"No? You mean there is something like Pi Xiu on Lighthouse Star? Does it exist in the real world?" Summer was surprised again.

"Beacon Star?" Minar didn't answer the question.

"Well, this is what we Daming calls this planet, meaning the lighthouse in the dark universe, illuminating the stray star journey."

"Oh, it's like that, glorious ..."

"Call me summer, I sound awkward."

"Okay, summer, Brother Tian. Is that okay? Pi Xiu really exists in the world, but it's hard to see it. It doesn't eat human food, only absorbs auspicious food."

Nodded in summer, understand. There are records in ancient books that the brave pig is a fierce beast with a mouth and no anus. It is a lucky auspicious beast. According to what Minar said, the brave pigeons here are not based on treasures, but on the essence of rain dew, which is a very strange beast.

Among the five great beasts of ancient China, there are two dragons, phoenixes, basalts, unicorns and brave pigeons. This is just what summer knows. What he doesn't know is whether there are three other beasts of Lighthouse Star?

The two didn't talk for a while, so they had breakfast. In fact, it was almost noon at this time. The key is that everyone experienced a battle in the execution ground, so they delayed a lot of time, so this time, breakfast and lunch were eaten together .

Moreover, in the lighthouse star, due to the triad of galaxies and the large number of satellites, the time is very chaotic. Sometimes it gets dark within a few hours during the day, and one can get tens of hours on the black. Sometimes, it can last for dozens of hours during the day and one or two hours at night. Therefore, there is no standard day and night here. There is no season, and the temperature is more than 30 degrees Celsius all year round.

In the dining room, a long, long table was full of people. The food is plentiful, and no name can be called in summer, which he has never seen before. Of course, this is an extraterrestrial world, and it is not surprising that it is essentially different from the food on earth.

The Audrey people must have been hungry, or else they would not have eaten the delicacies of the upper world. That Minar was also very hungry, but wanted to be a lady as much as possible in front of summer, so it tasted so pretty. Summer looked in his eyes and laughed in his heart, whether he was Sven or not, and like other Audreys, he was gobbling, he was not very hungry, mainly because the food of the Feng people was too delicious.

For dinner, Princess Taote asked, "Great God, you tell me what we should do next?"

"Fill your stomach first," Summer didn't look up.

"I mean to conquer the world, what do we do next?" Tao Te asked again.

Summer paused a little and said, "I said, fill my stomach."

"But should we always have a plan? Can we, the people of us, unify Skardsky within a month?"

"Princess, if you can trust me, don't doubt it? Mountain people have their own tricks!" Xia Xia said, "All we have to do now is to wait for work, cultivate our spirits, and wait for the opportunity."

"But what time is it?" Tao Te asked a little impatiently.

Summer wiped his mouth and said: "Heaven cannot be leaked! Princess, you have reached this point. Do you think you don't believe me? Can you have any good ways to change your status quo?"


"That's not over? Princess, you have to think so now, even if I don't have the ability to help you unify the world in the summer, but I have helped you at least a month to think about countermeasures."

"Okay, glorious, since I have reached this point, I will listen to you everything."

After eating almost, he turned to Summer and asked Minar: "Kun Yinfeng is thousands of meters above the ground. How did you get up?"

"We came through the upper water." Minar said.

"High water?" Summer does not understand what this high water is.

Milun explained: "It is the water column flowing from the earth into the air."

"No, can the water flow upward?" Summer was very surprised. "And it's still a water column, which is incredible!"

"What's so strange," Milon said. "It's too common for water like this to flow upward in the world."

Minar said: "The power of the water flow is very large. We just need to drill into the water column ~ ~ This powerful force of the water flow can rush people up to several thousand meters. The water column is The water hole at the bottom of Xuanfeng is sucked directly into the river in Xuanfeng. "

In summer, I feel this is amazing. Mountains can float in the sky, and water can rush into the sky. In our understanding of human beings, it will only appear in the fantasy, but here it is truly displayed in real life.

"But ..." Minar said a little bit painfully. "It's difficult to control the river. When we came a dozen people, there were still two brothers who fell because they were not sure."

"I'm sorry, elder sister," Milun said guiltily, "all for me. You took the big risk and killed several people's lives."

"Don't blame your younger brother," Minar said comfortingly. "In fact, it's not just for you, there are other groups and brothers of other tribes here. The most important thing is, if I do this time If you do n’t take risks, how can you see our great shining god? ”

Originally just ordinary people's summer was revered as the **** of brilliance here, making him very embarrassed. At this time, it was again mentioned by Mina Er, and could not help floating up, swearing in heart, as long as you can connect to Zheng Yunyan, they must let them know me "the **** of brilliance"!

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