The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 198: 1 accidentally pushed down

After breakfast, as soon as a person waits, chat and hang out in the princess's palace. ???? Hunting ?????? There is no meaning to prepare for a little war in the summer. It is inevitable that everyone is a little anxious, but to this day, there is no other way but to wait for this summer. The three brothers of Erte had sent several people to secretly come to investigate the news.

In order to perform in front of the queen, the elder prince Erte has already begun to prepare the abbreviated food and grass for soldiers, birds, weapons and phoenix mounts. After three days of preparation, he will go to the eastern neighbouring country, the Shengyang Empire.

In the princess's palace, all day was spent in boredom. Minar once asked Summer how to plan, but Summer's answer was very unexpected.

"What can I do," said Xia Chen helplessly in summer, "I am from the Daming Fleet, but I am now nothing, nothing. One month, it's just a way to slow down. I want to live a month longer."

Summer seemed a very relaxed look, but when alone, he was very anxious and kept urging Qi Ling: "When can I contact Zheng Yunyan's wild girl! I only have one month!" If I do n’t get her assistance within a month, I will be executed, and Roy, and the Miner ’s tribe will be doomed. Do you know, Qiling? ”

Boasting Haikou at the execution ground in the morning is indeed a summer deferral plan. He now has no other choice but to put his bet on Zheng Yunyan. As long as Yunyan can be reached, he will ask her for help.

And Zheng Yunyan wants to help him, he must avoid Shen Xilin's eyes and ears, so this will have certain difficulties. Zheng Yunyan will send her bodyguards or robots to parachute to the summer in a star boat. But in that case, it will be hindered by years of deep absorption, and it is very likely to expose the truth that summer has not died. But at this moment, you can only take such a risk, otherwise there is no other way?

This is the purpose of the summer mitigation plan. Such a plan will have three results. First, Zheng Yunyan showed him up and sent a rescue force to airlift reinforcements in a safe and secret manner. This was the best result.

Secondly, Zheng Xiyan ’s reinforcements were discovered by Shen Xilin. This result will lead to many possibilities. For example, Shen Xilin ’s intervention caused reinforcement failures, or Shen Xilin sent troops to the blazing kingdom of flaming flames, and Zheng Yunyan ’s reinforcements fought. It was chaotic, and I didn't dare to think much in the summer.

In the third possibility, Zheng Yunyan didn't show up until summer, and he didn't show up for at least a month. So I'm sorry, the game is over, summer, Minar, Milon and Roy are all sent to the guillotine.

Regardless of the ending, all you can do in summer is to wait, wait, or wait!

It was night, sitting in front of the window, looking at the bright moonlight outside the window, tonight there were four moons hanging in the sky. It was also quiet, with insects whispering into the ears. In the summer, he couldn't fall asleep, nor did he light the house, so he made it quietly in front of the window.

Feeling lonely in the summer at the moment, he missed his parents, missed his classmates, and the fierce old class teacher, and Wu Ruize. I feel that 2o13 years ago was yesterday yesterday.

He did not leave the earth, did not experience interstellar war, did not experience parting with life and death. He is still on the earth now, and outside the window is the night of his city. The next week will be the college entrance examination. Everything is so boring, but he likes such a mediocre life.

However, all this has become a thing of the past, and I can never go back! Dad, Mom, I really miss you guys! I really want to cry in your arms!

Also, Mila, my favorite person, 25 years, a full 25 years, you have left me for 25 years! I really miss you!

Sit quietly, watching the moonlight, listening to the night. The occasional phoenix sounds in the distance, and the constant sound of insects in the vicinity, interweave into a lullaby of the moon night.

A strange sound broke this harmonious moon night. Summer wiped away the tears and listened carefully, the sound came from the window. He was about to see it with a probe, but unexpectedly a dark shadow swooped through the window.

Suddenly startled in the summer, he was about to reach out to catch the shadow, but unexpectedly the shadow gave a low cry, it was a woman's voice. He is as tall as he is, he is not a genre, he is a land-like person like himself. In summer, people who look the same as the earth people become terrestrial people, including the Audrey.

The woman in black cried, "Oh, God, what are you doing sitting at the window, scaring me?"

Then the moonlight, a closer look, this person was actually Minar. It was only during the summer that he let his guard down and asked suspiciously, "Did you scare me a big jump? Okay, what do you do when you flip a man's window in the middle of the night?"

"Hehe," Minar twisted her clothes corner and said shyly, "Tao Te screamed, noisy, I can't sleep, so I wanted to come over and chat with you."

"Then you don't have to turn the window, just knock on the door and come in."

"Oh, then I'm going out again." Minar said as she would open the window.

Summer grabbed her by the arm and said with a smile: "You have already come in, what are you tossing about? Knock on the door next time."

It was funny in summer, this female chief was really interesting, she came in all of them, she even had to open the window and knock on the door. Minar stopped and looked at the hand holding her arm in the summer.

In the summer, he realized that it was not right ~ ~ How could he catch a girl's hand casually, and he would withdraw it in a hurry, but Minaar grabbed his wrist. Minar's fierce eyes looked at summer, although it was night, but under the illumination of the four rounds of the moon, what kind of expression was not clear?

"Mina'er, you ..." Summer asked in a panic, and reminded himself: Summer, summer, your favorite person is Mira, and your boy must not!

Minar showed a sly smile and slammed it, forcing summer to the wall. Supporting the wall with one hand, I watched the summer of the wall from almost zero distance.

In the summer, if you are in a panic, you must avoid it and strictly guard the last line of defense in your heart. Mina'er didn't care about this, so she didn't say anything. She took the summer's hemline and pulled it out violently. "Bah ..." The clothes were pulled away, and under the moonlight, the male's strong chest was exposed.

"Brother, give me!" Minar growled, like a hungry beast, holding the summer one by one, rotating it, and pushing summer to the bed.

Summer was pushed down on the bed, Minar suddenly took off her clothes and pressed the heat up ...

Moonlight, low insects, panting, moans ...

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