The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 408: Golden age

Civilization number: 1. Civilization name: Daming. Types of civilization: human race. Civilization level: Super.

The so-called human civilization refers to the civilization in which advanced intelligent creatures use tools as the main development direction, and the main body of civilization control is the advanced intelligent creatures. For example: Daming civilization, messenger civilization and earth civilization belong to human civilization.

The first year of Xintianyuan is the first year of summer in power, and began the transition period of Daming from the black and golden era to the golden era.

The so-called black gold era refers to the six hundred years from the beginning of Zheng He's leadership of Yongle Tianshi Aerospace to the sinking of the thief. Because these six hundred years are dark for Daming, the population has dropped from more than 4,000 at the beginning to only 500, almost reaching the bottom of frequent extinction, and the cultural quality of the population is very low.

This is called the black-gold era in the history of Daming.

The end of the black-gold era ended with the sinking of thieves, and this end point was also the beginning of the golden age of Daming. There are two kinds of claims about the golden age in the history of Daming, one of which is the first year of Tianyuan. The second argument is that Tianyuan has 30 years as the starting point. The first 30 years are the transition period.

In the 30th year of Tianyuan, Daming finally ushered in the glorious beginning of its golden age, but this year also ushered in its first natural enemy: evil dragon.

The evil dragon is the name of a civilization, don't be fooled by its name, think it is a human civilization or a Zerg civilization. Neither, it is a civilized civilization!

Aircraft civilization: a civilization that takes machines as the main body of civilization. As the name implies, machine civilization is machine civilization. The evil dragon is a machine civilization that asks the main body of civilization with machines.

Daming has gone through a golden transition period of thirty years. These thirty years are the era of vigorous development, in order to meet the man-machine world battle after thirty years. During these thirty years, a lot of big things happened from the fleet to the lighthouse star.

The first is the population problem. By the 30th day of Tianyuan, the night before the evil dragon invaded the lighthouse star, the fleet already had 18,000 pure-bred Daming people. There are more than 6,500 adult Ming people.

This is the effect achieved by the Sea of ​​Life project. Daming's black-gold era has gone through six hundred years, from more than 4,000 to more than 500 people. In the summer, it took only thirty years to increase Daming from more than 500 people to nearly 20,000.

Because all the embryos bred by the sea of ​​life are twins, there are many twins. Therefore, according to projections, at least 60,000 people can be cultivated in 30 years. However, because of the influence of actual factors, such a high index cannot be achieved at all. The main factor of this actual factor is that in the early days of Tianyuan, due to the aging of the population, fewer and fewer qualified eggs were collected. For several years, no egg was recruited.

The improvement of the situation is that in the 18th year of Tianyuan, the first generation of one hundred life sea sons grew up and began to provide the second generation of sperm and eggs. But even so, the population growth rate is still not satisfactory. Because of the high rate of close relatives of this first-generation mature life sea child, very few are suitable for nurturing the second generation. Therefore, after several years of experience, the rate of population growth has accelerated greatly.

In addition to the increase in the population of the fleet, the indigenous people of Beacon Star also implemented a reward and birth policy. The improvement of life and the implementation of the reward mechanism have made Lighthouse Star's population unprecedented in thirty years. The Feng people reached 20 million, while the Audreys reached a record high of 60 million.

But it said that Tianyuan is one day in April and two years, the small universe. In the center of the world, there is a large low-rise house not far from the Tongtian Pagoda, which is set against green trees. This building complex is at least 100 square kilometers. Although it has such a large area, only a very small part of the house in the corner is in operation.

The so-called operation is because this building complex is a huge factory, and the product of this factory is: people!

In the first phase of the Sea of ​​Life, in a huge factory building, its main body is a huge pool, which almost occupies the entire workshop. The pool is full of light red transparent nutrient solution.

The nutrient solution is densely covered with artificial placenta, the umbilical cord bus is intricately arranged in the nutrient solution, and the artificial placenta is hung on these busses like tree roots. Most of each placenta is two fetuses, and some are one.

There are also many robotic octopuses in the nutrition pool that are only about one meter in size. They are the protector of the fetus and always pay attention to the healthy growth of the fetus.

There are several iron bridges above the nutrition pool for functional robots and engineers to observe and walk on.

This is the sea of ​​life! In fact, it is a huge production workshop. At this stage of human development, it is necessary to use machines to reproduce, why is this a tragedy from time to time?

But it said that at the moment, there were five people standing beside the nutrient pool and the guardrail. In the summer, Huangfu Arctic, Xing Wen, Su Duo, and a woman were the only female officials of Daming, the chief of the fleet life, Lu Orange.

Dozens of professional robots flying in the workshop flew in the air, preparing to welcome the birth of the first batch of newborn babies. Silent equipment is used in the workshop to minimize the noise to the greatest extent. Not only that, but also a very soft and soothing music. According to summer, this is prenatal education.

Looking at a busy scene in the workshop, Daming's first batch of newborns is about to be born ~ ~ Summer sighed and asked: "Christianity says that man was made by God. You said, I made it like this Do people steal the work of God and will they be punished by God? "

Xing Wen said: "Princess, there is no God or Buddha in this world at all, only endless material, space, energy and time."

Huangfu said: "Brother Xing said that there is no ghost or **** magic in this world at all. Even if there is a god, even if there is a God, it is also the ancestor of mankind that God created. There is only reproduction. And you, hero, just let humans be free from the hard work of progeny, there is nothing wrong with it, do n’t worry. "

Xia Tian said: "I'm still worried about this kind of behavior against the sky. If God is angry, please put this thunder anger in my own body. Amen." Xia Xia made a cross on his chest. , But he is not a Christian, he is a full atheist, "Well, ready to start!"

With the order of summer, several midwifery robots lowered their height, extended their robotic arms into the nutrient solution, grasped the mature embryo placenta, and skillfully cut the umbilical cord bus to remove it from the nutrient solution. Cut the placenta and amniotic fluid spilled.

With a cry, a new life was born.

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