The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 409: Engineer

Humans fertilized by machines, nurtured and delivered are called engineered people. Biologically speaking, they are neither robots nor clones, but genuine natural people. During Daming's entire golden age, engineering people occupied the vast majority of the fleet.

The natural person distinguished from the engineering person is a pure birth person. The so-called pure birth person is a human being who is fertilized by natural means, bred by the mother and spontaneously delivered. In the golden age, there are no shortage of pure births. Although they are far less than the number of engineering people, they are also an important component of the fleet and an important factor in maintaining family happiness.

Pure births from the beginning of birth, until birth, until the age of 18 grow up, all costs are paid by the fleet, and enjoy the same treatment as the engineering.

The difference between the early pure birth and the engineer was obvious, and it became more and more blurred later because of the following situation: the natural pregnancy of the fetus was in the middle of pregnancy due to various reasons, such as pregnant women ’s diseases or pregnant women ’s life and death do not want to be pregnant. Pregnancy, such a fetus will be removed from the pregnant woman's abdomen by surgery and sent to the sea of ​​life to continue the machine pregnancy. After such a child is born, it is not easy to distinguish whether it is a pure birth or an engineer.

Later, the rules were re-enacted. Engineers and pure births will only be spoken as folk, and these two nouns will be deleted in the official language.

In the Daming Fleet, everyone has a "gene watch". When two close relatives are together, the gene watch will sound an alarm. The reason for this is to avoid close love and marriage, as I said before. After all, all engineering people and his social relations are opaque.

Since the engineering people are also opaque to their natural parents, there may be someone who uses genetic watches to find relatives. To this end, Daming enacted a very impersonal law, that is, men and women with a biological age gap of more than 15 years are prohibited from intermarriage!

The result of this is that men and women whose biological age gap exceeds 15 years old, when they are together, the genetic watch will alarm, regardless of whether there is a biological close relationship between them. The purpose of doing so is to prevent relatives.

So when a person who donated sperm eggs stood in a group of engineering people, all the children's genetic watches would alert him, and he would not be able to find relatives.

Another situation is that the person who wants the old cow to eat the tender grass will completely cut off the idea, because all young girls (or small fresh meat) 15 years younger than him (her) have genetic alarms. In this way, he will have some scruples, because the person he loves is most likely his biological child.

Many rules and regulations have an excessive period, from not being understood and passively resisted at the beginning to being generally accepted at the end.

The Sea of ​​Life and the childcare center are built in the small universe, and are highly confidential to the outside world. No one is allowed to enter except for a few high-rises in the summer, in order to prevent the destruction of the summer population plan. It is known that after the child is six years old, he will enter the universe and integrate into the human society.

On the side of the huge nutrition pool in the breeding workshop, I saw the floating midwifery robot, which was moving the fetuses giving birth one by one. In the process of moving, the amniotic fluid had already started to spill. After the placenta was cut, it was even more Large areas of amniotic fluid landed. The ground was watery.

After birth, the baby will be immediately sent to the constant temperature nursery next door by the midwifery robot.

Watching the skilled "harvest" process of midwifery robots, the tumbling of amniotic fluid, and the strange sounds made by the machine during childbirth. The only female among the inspectors, Lu Cheng actually vomited by the railing.

Several people looked back at her curiously, and frowned in the summer and said: "Master Lu, you are also a woman. The reproduction of humans is this process, but we use machines to speed up the process and save human suffering. . What makes you hard to adapt? "

Lu Cheng lowered his head and waved his hand, said: "I'm sorry, sir, I just think this scene is too bloody, I really can't stand it."

"Bloody?" Xia Tian said angrily, "This is the birth of life, not slaughter, where is **** said. If you really can't, go to the lounge to take a rest."

"No, sir, I am the chief of life. How can I lose this time. I will bear it, I will get used to it in a moment." Lu Chengqiang said with a hold.

The first batch of donated sperm eggs (the reason why they are not fertilized eggs is because they are donated separately.) There are fifty pairs with a total of 106 fetuses (except for a few multiple births, all others are twins), this time through the machine There are 30 deliveries, and the next machine delivery will take place in thirty minutes.

The 30 children were all delivered by the machine. At this time, a cleaning robot came out to start cleaning the amniotic fluid on the floor, nutrient solution and other effusions, as well as discarded placenta and other debris.

Summer said: "Let's go to the nursery."

The nursery room was next to the production workshop. Before the group of five people entered the nursery room, we heard bursts of crying babies.

The nursery room is about the same size as the production workshop, and the area is also very large. It maintains a constant temperature of 34 ℃, while the production workshop maintains a constant temperature of 36.5 ℃. Such a high temperature is necessary, and it must endure even if it is hot.

The nursery room is a transitional room from the production workshop to the nursery center. There are many carts here at UU reading Newborn babies are put into the cart after various inspections here and are pushed by the nursery robot to the nursery center to start them. Six years of childhood.

Seeing these healthy newborns, each one of them was rosy but wrinkled, wet all over, crying hard with closed eyes. The summer was so exciting that my eyes were wet. When he was born last year, Deng'er was not so excited.

Numerous childcare robots began to bathe newborn babies, scrub them clean, put on small clothes and diapers, and put on genetic watches. Then push the trolley to the child care center.

The first batch of 30 newborn babies will be sent to the first nursery school in the childcare center, and then sent to the first kindergarten three years later, to start their three-year kindergarten life, and finally leave the small universe.

In the summer, five people followed the team of childcare robots to the first nursery school. It has been cleaned and sterilized quickly. The cots are neatly arranged, and the newborns are placed in the cots in sequence.

There is a natural pasture ten kilometers away from the childcare center, which breeds excellent cows, and all the high-quality milk produced is given priority to the newborns here, and the excess milk will be transported out of the small universe for the use of other civilized citizens.

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