The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 511: Go home or go to the enemy nest

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According to the description of the robot, Nobita already has a general framework: the generalized universe, including all matter, energy, time, space, dimensions, that is, everything! In this generalized large universe, there are countless narrow universes. These universes may be parallel or parallel.

World Six, the gluttonous universe, is one of many narrow universes. Their ancestors used the technology they mastered to construct a multiverse transmission array. This array is composed of 12 universes, but at present, only four of them can Communication through the portal. The other eight universes either refused to establish portals, or no civilization possessed this technology.

Each of these four universes has a high-level civilization that has created the portal of time and space, which is the portal. But I do n’t know the reason. The creators of the space-time gates of the three universes have been destroyed or migrated, but the fourth universe, namely the Sixth World, or the aeolian in the gluttonous universe, has mastered the interoperable technology. This communication can only be carried out in these four universes.

And as time went on, as technology advanced, Fengshen invented the transmission array technology, that is, when three of the universes reached a specific position, he could launch a large-scale invasion of another universe. This universe is the 12th world. , Unicorn Universe, target location: Lighthouse Star.

Invasion route: 140 hanging peaks with hidden portals explode and spread into super invisible portals with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers, which can provide super space warships with a distance of more than 100 kilometers for cross-cosmic transmission.

Invasion plan: The overall transmission of the full text, including all intelligent units of civilization, all warships, all weapons, all resources, all can be driven. After all the telegrams are sent, the first step is to occupy the lighthouse star and the star system where the lighthouse star is located.

The second step is to invade the Earth's solar system and the Barnard solar system. The third step is to spread the power to the entire star field in the center of the third cantilever (Orion's arm), and then to the entire galaxy. This time will take thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years.

And the invasion started only 36 hours. According to the description of the robot, as long as the transmission starts, no one can block the feet of Fengshen's invasion. So if you want to stop the invasion, the best way is to prevent them from transmitting!

"Why do you tell us this? Why do we believe you?" Nobita asked.

"First, I saved you," the robot replied. "If it weren't for me, I believe most of you have been killed by the two robots just now. Do you think I'm right?" "

"Okay, what about the second?"

"When the Thunder Temple was built, the only engineer with a sense of justice, Master Luye, rewrote my program. Let me protect you, let me kill those two robots, and help you stop the transmission of the Fengshen star." The robot replied .

"Stop the teleport? Then just destroy the teleport gate, isn't it? The teleportation array is destroyed." Nobita said.

The robot said: "If it was 12 hours ago, you said that it still works, but it is too late. The teleport array has been opened, dialing has been completed, and the 140 super portals of Lighthouse Star have been formed."

"What do you mean? Do you mean that all the peaks have exploded on the lighthouse star? Didn't all the Feng clan above them die?"


"I wipe, how could this happen!" Nobita couldn't help but scolded, "If we come directly without a night's rest in Daqin Village, we can stop the invasion of Fengshen Astral. But ... we missed it."

Daxiong was a little regretful, and Zhou Jinyin and Xiaola both persuaded: "You don't know how this will happen, how can you blame you?"

Nobita also said: "Since you are helping us, and since you are just, why didn't you destroy the portal earlier?"

The robot replied: "I'm sorry, my program is limited. This kind of limitation, even Master Luye can't crack it. He can only make me start after those two robots are started. And I have the right to attack those two. A robot has no right to destroy the portal, but it can be destroyed without stopping others. "

"That is to say, destroying any portal in the teleportation array can't change the fact that Fengshen invades?"


"Then what should we do?" Nobita asked.

"Go home." The robot answered simply.

"Go home?" Nobita came to the screen, and a large piece of the screen had fallen off, exposing the metal objects inside the portal. "Can you open it?"

"Yes," the robot said. With the click of the sound, the stones on the screen began to fall off, and finally the whole picture of the portal inside was revealed. It was really a ring-shaped door of time and space!

Rune No. 6 is a gluttonous universe, and no other runes are known. The robot pointed at Rune No. 1: "Kirin Universe, your world."

Nobita looked at the portal and smiled bitterly: "The people of World No. 6 actually put our lighthouse star in the first place ~ ~ I just don't know where this rune points to the lighthouse star!"

The robot raised his left arm and raised a flashing virtual image flashing. With the flashing of the virtual image, the first rune of the portal lighted up. The robot said: "The dialing has been completed and can be transmitted at any time."

"If there is no answer over there, it can be sent?" Nobita asked.

"The teleportation array has been opened, and the other party no longer has a physical portal, so it can be sent without the other party answering."

Nobita looked at the crowd and came to the cheese. The cheese was still in the potion. "Little cheese, we can finally go home."

"It's nice to go home ..." the cheese murmured.

Zhou Jinyin said, "Daxiong, you have to figure out, if this robot is telling the truth, then the peaks on the lighthouse star are gone, which means that when we pass in, it happens to be in mid-air and will fall. Go down and die, do you understand? "

Nobita smiled lightly and said, "Did you forget how we taught in the textbook? The suspended peak is on the gravitational balance surface, so although we are passing in the air, we will be on the gravitational balance surface."

"Of course I know this!" Said the hardware. "But you dare to guarantee that we will be suspended in a high altitude of five or six kilometers without falling?"

"I can't guarantee it," Nobita said. "But at least, we won't fall fast, but there is also the possibility of suspension. The probability of us being alive is 50%, but we can't go home."

"Can't go home?" Xiao La, Zhou Jinyin asked at the same time.

Nobita pointed to the sixth rune and said, "We are going to the sixth world!"

The robot said in real time: "Sorry, adults, the gluttonous universe needs a password. Do you have a password?

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