The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 512: I want to slaughter

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"Password? What password?" Nobita asked doubtfully.

The robot replied: "Of course it's the password to the gluttonous universe. After the teleportation array is turned on, no matter whether the other three universes answer or not, as long as you call, you can transfer the past, and the gluttonous universe as the destination is no exception. To prevent accidents, engineers set a password. Without a password, the gluttonous universe cannot be called. "

"I wipe, this is too unfair! No password is needed in other universes, but what kind of cowardly universe do you need a password!" Daxiong scolded, "Do you know the password?"

"Of course I know." The robot answered.

"You startled me, since you know it, then you just enter the password."

"But I can't tell you the password!"

"What are you kidding? You are here to help us, since you know the password, then you tell us."

The robot said: "Have you ever played with a computer? When you log in to a server that requires password verification, do you want the server to tell you the password too?"

Nobita was slightly disappointed: "Understood, you verified the password. Although you know the password, you can't say it."

"Yes, yes, as long as you tell me the password, I can let you go to gluttonous universe." The robot replied.

"But I don't know the password, what should I do? Can you give me a hint?" Nobita asked.

"A set of ternary machine codes." The robot replied, "You have nine chances to enter. If nine times are wrong, the transmission program of the Gate of Time and Space will destroy itself."

"Haha," Nobita laughed, "You mean ternary machine code? A long three-level string? No need to enter nine times, one time is enough! Hardware, do you remember I let mommy record Are those pits on the screen? "

The hardware asked: "Is that the password to open the No. 6 world?"

"It must be!" Said Nobita. "Since the green leaf master sincerely wants to help us, he will definitely leave the password, but his action is not too convenient, so he can't stay obviously, so he carved so many on the screen Hang, just left this set of passwords! Robot, help me verify the password! Mommy, connect with the robot and tell it the password! "

Daming ’s computer system also uses the ternary system, so it is convenient to connect with the robot. The password is transmitted. The robot said: "The password is correct and can be transmitted! Do you need to transmit it now?"

Nobita said: "No, not now. I need to take a break with my little friends. Also, you don't ask me, what are we doing in your universe?"

"What are you doing?"

Nobita laughed: "You are really a robot, artificial intelligence is so low, it is not as good as our Daming robot, such a technology, how do you do cross-border transmission?"

"The technology tree of Fengshen is relatively biased, so it is only at the cutting edge of the development of the multiverse, and it is very backward in other aspects." The robot said, "You have not answered me, what are you going to go to gluttonous universe?"

Nobita said with his hands spread: "Of course I found your leader and convinced him to stop the aggression with my eloquence."

The robot said, "Well, I wish you success. But before I start teleporting, I want to remind you that the intelligent life of Fengshen is a radiation-based life. Be careful when you go, otherwise you will die without a burial place!"

The robot's words surprised everyone present. The so-called radioactive base means that on Aeolus, all living things, including animals and plants, or their own other taxonomy of living things, that is, all biological individuals are radioactive.

A world full of radioactive pollution! However, this kind of pollution is a source of life for them. How can we live in such a world?

In other words, if people from such a world come to our universe, how can people from our universe live? So, stop them anyway!

The players looked at each other, and Nobita said, "OK, robot, give me three hours. After three hours, I will decide whether to go home or go to World Six!"

"Then please, if you need it, contact me at any time, and I will be in the main hall." The robot said, and returned to the place where the original sarcophagus was, standing still.

Bei Feng and his men have been cleaning the battlefield inside and outside the temple. Nobita said: "We get in the car and have a meeting to discuss it. That Yi Shen doctor, can you help me take care of my brother?"

"It's okay," Yi Han walked over and said, "You just go, this brother will hand me over."

"Boss," the cheese shouted.

"Listen," Nobita said: "We may be going to World Six to perform a very dangerous task, and we may not be able to return."

Cheese eyes said with tears: "Boss, I understand, you go, I will not drag your hind legs ~ ~ You can rest assured that I will be well rehabilitated on Snow World Star."

Nobita said very sadly: "But brother, do you understand? We may not be able to meet again in this life."

"Boss, can I call you brother? Brother!" The cheese suddenly burst into tears, and several small friends were infected with tears, especially Xiaola sobbed.

"Okay, let's study the next course of action. After researching, we will tell you when we come out. Okay?"

The cheese nodded, and a few people from Nobita walked to the armored vehicle, passed the transition cabin, and got on one by one and sat down. Nobita said: "There is now a door for us to use, but know that we have only one chance."

The energy of the portal can only be opened once, if you go home, you can't send it to other universes. After all the dangling peaks of the Lighthouse Star were destroyed, the corresponding portals were also destroyed.

Xiao hardware said: "If we go home, Xiaochee can follow us home and receive Daming's more advanced medical technology for treatment. I believe he can heal in less than a year."

Everyone agreed with him. Nobita said nothing. Zhou Jinyin said, "But after we return to Beacon Star, can we overcome the invading gluttonous mankind with our technological level?"

Zhou Jinyin directly described the Fengshen star in the gluttonous universe of the Sixth World as gluttonous humans. Everyone was silent, because everyone cleared, with the scientific and technological strength of the lighthouse star Daming civilization, it is difficult to win the invasion from alien civilizations.

Xiaola said, "What shall we do?"

The two of Miller and Chun Ni were at a loss. These two came from two universes that are both very backward in technology.

After listening to everyone, Daxiong said as if he had made up his mind: "My thoughts are like this, you see it works."

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