The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 513: I have 1 large 100 million tons ...

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Nobita ’s dignified face, he did n’t know what he thought. He only heard him say: “Go to the Sixth World, gluttonous universe! Their world!”

"But we went, and then?" Zhou Jinyin asked.

Nobita sneered, as if he was already in the chest: "Before I start talking about my plan, I want to emphasize that this is going to be a nine-death life, or it may be a nine-death life without a life. To put it bluntly, if you go, don't plan to come back alive! "

Zhou Jinyin said: "You just say it, I'll do it with you!"

Xiaola also echoed: "I will go too!"

Miller said: "I am a soldier, sir, count me."

Chun Ni said: "Brother Jin Yin, you go and I go."

Seeing that everyone did n’t mean to back down, Nobita nodded in satisfaction: “You do n’t have to rush to express your position first. Please listen to me first. Chun Ni, you are a person in this world, so you really do n’t need to follow us Go on an adventure, no, it's a death. Miller, although you are not a person in this world, but you are not worth accompanying us to die.

"So, I suggest that you two stay and live a good life in this world. Do n’t interrupt me, just listen to me. Xiaola, you listen to me, I love you very much, and the consul also loves me very much. You. Although you ca n’t go back to Beacon Star, the Archon and I know that you will survive very well. So, you stay too.

"In this case, you will have four people staying on Snow World Stars, which is just right, you four can rely on each other. And the three of you can also take care of the small cheese, you also know that the small cheese will be sick for ten years. It ’s good, so it ’s better for you to stay and take care of him.

"As for hardware and me, two people are enough. The two of us go to gluttonous world to ward off evil spirits! Hardware, are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid of a wool! Nobita, I think your decision is right. The two of us are enough. Although the four of them can't go back to the lighthouse star, they can still live well in this world."

Xiaola protested: "Enough, are you all done? You can't let me go, too. Brother Xiong, as long as you stay, I will accompany you."

Nobita said: "I must go!"

"Then I'm going too! You left me in this alien world. Without you, without my parents, I might as well die!" Xiaola choked with sobs.

Chun Ni also said: "Brother Jin Yin, I want to go with you, don't you leave me alone?"

Miller clenched a sentence: "Count me."

Nobita was silent, and he was a little embarrassed. They didn't know anything about the unknown world. Whether two people went or both went. What role they can play after they go, they don't know at all.

Zhou Jinyin said: "Nobita, we've just passed by, so we have some plans? Don't you tell us to act by chance?"

Nobita did not answer him, but said: "Mommy, turn on the electromagnetic shielding function!"

Mummy said, "Yes, boss."

Everyone was a little puzzled. Why did Daxiong want to shield the armored car? Does he have any secrets that he doesn't want people outside to know? This shielded word, not only the cheese can't hear them, even the alien robot can't hear it.

After shielding, Nobita pointed to the armored vehicle outside and said, "When the advent arrived, the consul gave me something, which is on the armored vehicle, you don't know."

"What is it?" Several people asked at the same time.

"A bomb. Its power is equivalent to 100 million tons * equivalent," Nobita said. "It is intended to be used under special circumstances."

"One hundred million tons of equivalent?" Zhou Jinyin and Xiaola were taken aback. Chun Ni didn't understand it, but Miller could understand it and asked doubtfully: "So powerful? But that armored car is so big."

Zhou Jinyin said: "In the last century, Soviet Russia made a super hydrogen bomb of 50 million tons. The shock wave of the explosion spread over 200 kilometers. 100 million tons. Huh, any super large city on the earth will be razed to the ground. Even if hiding in the ground thousands of meters, it is still a disaster. "

Xiao La said: "It's so powerful? We didn't think we had such a terrifying big guy behind us. We were just exposed to the dead light of the robot. It's dangerous. If it explodes, wouldn't the whole Langtu Mountain be bombed? Gone?"

Nobita said: "This bomb is very safe and will not explode so easily. Only when it receives the order will it be activated by the explosive device."

Zhou Jinyin asked: "Do you mean to give this bomb to gluttonous people?"

Daxiong said: "Yeah, let's go to gluttonous world, we can't go empty-handed when we are doing it. Sending such a big guy is enough to give them face."

Zhou Jinyin said: "So, those who are most likely to go will not be able to return."

Nobita nodded and said, "Yes. So this mission is a suicide operation. So the two of us should go. The three of them should not go. Just stay and take care of the little cheese. How good?"

Xiaola said, "No! Brother Xiong ~ ~ is dead, and I will die with you! If you don't let me go, I will die immediately!"

Miller said, "Sir, if you two go, I'm worried about the shortage of manpower. Anyway, we have five people, even if all five of us are dead, but we may kill them hundreds of millions, even billions. I want to see, we are still very profitable. This sale is too cost-effective! "

Nobita stopped talking, buried his head deeply, and engaged in a fierce ideological struggle in his heart. Going to the Devil's Cave here, it is really difficult to come back alive. He was reluctant to pull Xiaola, he did not want to let Xiaola accompany to die. If Xiaola couldn't go, she wouldn't be able to return to the lighthouse star, and lived on this snow star for a lifetime, it was better than letting her sacrifice.

But Miller made a lot of sense: trading five people ’s lives in exchange for the lives of hundreds of millions of people is a good deal. However, there are also certain risks in this transaction, that is, if the super hydrogen bomb brought in the past cannot be detonated, what should I do? Then the five of them went to death in vain.

The portal in the shrine is an integral part of the formation. The gluttonous people of the universe hid it, and sent blood wolves and robots to protect them, in order to prevent someone from destroying this door or using this door to teleport during their massive cross-border invasion.

But they could not have imagined that there was a personal rebellion within them. This person is Master Luye. According to the robot, this Master Greenleaf has a sense of justice. In order to escape the eyes and ears of his peers, he deliberately left secret words to instruct people how Avoiding the invasion, he did not plan to help at first. As a result, Nobita recognized the password.

And after recognizing the password, you can go to his world: gluttonous universe, you can give them the super hydrogen bomb as a gift, it is possible to kill all of them billions of people.

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