The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 515: Dangmolu (1)

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Outside the Temple of Thunder, on a boulder, Xiao La snuggled up to Nobita, and the two sat on the boulder, looking at the scenery in the distance. At this moment the snow had stopped, and the mountains were covered with snow. The armored vehicle trembling slightly behind him, Nobita looked back at the armored vehicle with a smile, and said, "These two people don't know if it's better."

"Oh, Brother Xiong, don't you care about them both?" Xiaola said, "Let the last moments of life, let them both be well-preserved, there will be no chance in the future."

In the shrine, the cheese was still soaked in the potion, Yi Shenyi personally took care of him on the side, and Miller took a camera to take pictures everywhere in the hall. Cheese called him over and said, "You don't necessarily have a chance to come back alive, what are you doing with so many photos?"

Miller smiled bitterly, broke the reel, and said, "I was a photography lover before joining the army. I couldn't give up this hobby when I died, but unfortunately, these photos I took could not be developed. It's a pity. "

Miller still used old-fashioned film cameras. Cheese said with a smile: "You are stupid, there is digital imaging technology in the system. You can let the system computer or the soldier computer help you shoot anytime, anywhere, at any angle, and then store it in your soldier hard disk, anytime Tune it out to appreciate. "

Miller picked up the antique camera in his hand and shook his head. "In that case, the photographer's fun would be lost."

"Ah, that's right, you just shoot it," said Cheese. He didn't know the specific actions of several people going to the Devil's Cave.

After taking a photo, Miller came to the cheese again, handed him the camera, and said, "This is for you."

The cheese said slightly, "No, how precious is this to you."

Miller shook his camera and said, "I don't need it anymore. Let me make a memorial for you. You can see if you can wash it out later. But it's unlikely, but it doesn't matter. It finally has a new destination. Instead of going with me ... to die "

In Miller's mouth, the camera seemed to be alive, and he was very reluctant. The cheese said: "Miller, you don't have to go, you stay and take care of me, how nice."

"No," Miller said. "I'm a warrior. As long as I'm not injured, I will never shrink back. Little cheese, you can rest assured, you will live well in this world. And I see that Doctor Yi, seems to like you particularly. "

Cheese did n’t answer his question, but said: "Miller, how innocent you said I was, how could it be radiated at this critical moment. Even the action that you can participate in Miller, but I ca n’t It ’s such a shame to participate. "

The suspended armored car finally stopped shaking, and Nobita turned back and smiled: "It seems that the two of them are done."

Xiaola said slightly shyly: "Brother Xiong, didn't you want to be with me last time in my palace? Let's do that now, I'm ready."

Nobita hugged her and said, "Xiao La, I think we still maintain a pure body, so as to pray that we can come back alive."

Xiaola said with a smile: "I can't think of you as superstitious. Well, it's up to you, I'm going around you."

The two were chatting, and Zhou Jinyin suddenly said on the channel: "Hey, I said, do you want to come up? Chunni and I make room for you both."

Nobita said with a smile: "Forget it, I think we should keep a little energy to perform the task."

Zhou Jinyin said: "When the end comes, you two don't do anything, don't leave any regrets."

"We love each other, that's enough. You Zhou Jinyin, really like Chun Ni. I want to ask you, if you can survive, will you love her for a lifetime with her?"

"Nonsense!" Zhou Jinyin said, "I have nothing to do with her, can't I still live? If I can really survive, I am really willing to live with her all my life and love her all my life. Alas, what use is it now? What? You two really do n’t come up? If it does n’t come up, we ’ll have to stay a little longer. ”

"Not coming, small hardware, small mud. Now that both of you are done, I will tell you something," Nobita said, "Mommy, please don't translate our words on the channel. Small hardware, you can remember When we were in the lighthouse star, it was because a serpent came out of the portal, let us know about the gate of time and space. "

Xiao Wu said: "Remember, at that time, you and your sister and Xiao La were chased by a flying snake from a different world and run around the world. They were almost eaten by the snake."

"Don't want to know that this shot came out of that universe?" Nobita asked.

"I was suddenly surprised by your question," Zhou Jinyin said. "The robot said that the teleportation array has only four universes communicating with each other. From which universe did this snake come out?"

"World No. 11 ~ ~" Nobita said, "The fifth universe. Looking at this situation, the gluttonous people do not yet know that the world 11 has also opened the portal. "

"Do you want to tell that robot?" Xiao hardware asked.

"I don't think it's necessary. They are going to destroy us and our enemies. Why do you tell him?"

"That's up to you."

"Mommy, connect that robot," Nobita shifted, "Let him upload Fengshen's language library to your hard drive."

Nobita explained to several members of the channel: "We went to World No. 6 and may communicate with their intelligent life. Language will become an obstacle to communication, so we must download the language library.

The language library is downloaded, so that you do n’t have to worry about not understanding Fengshen Xingren. Zhou Jinyin and Chun Ni were almost lingering in the car and also got off the car. Nobita connects the two armored vehicles with ropes. Manned Exploration No. 2 is in the front and Loaded Exploration No. 1 is in the back. It is to prevent the two vehicles from being separated for various reasons after crossing. Take control of the nuclear bomb.

Both armored vehicles were driven into the shrine. On the side where the screen was leaning against the inside, the two vehicles faced the gate, arranged in tandem, just waiting for the arrival of the transmission time. The Discovery 1 armored vehicle equipped with nuclear bombs was opened to the maximum. Not only the energy was maximized, but the size was also maximized, in order to protect the armored vehicle from being damaged after crossing.

Since the shield is a work mode that cannot go out, the nuclear bomb is protected by the shield, but after the detonation, the energy it releases will pass through the shield and play a strong destructive role on the outside world. The large medicine barrel with cheese was also carried over, and the cheese was to watch the team members pass through. The team members got into the car, and Nobita said goodbye to them.

Transmission is turned on at any time!

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