The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 516: Dangmo Lu (2)

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Langtu Mountain, the Temple of Thunder, as a time and space door in the teleportation array, has opened the calling function. The called party is the gluttonous universe No. 6 world, the wind and thunder binary system Fengshen Star. The other party can force transmission without answering, and the other party cannot find the called.

The manned armored vehicle explores No. 2 at the front, and the roped armored vehicle explores No. 1 at the rear. Nobita sits in the seat of the main driver and he drives the armored car. On the first officer is the vice captain Zhou Jinyin, followed by three players Xia Xiaola, Miller and Qin Chunni.

Two small porcelain altars were placed on the bridge, containing the ashes of Shuguang Zhuqiang and Baihua Qiandu. After discussion among the team members, they all passed unanimously. They will take their ashes to Aeolus, and let them watch how the alien world is destroyed!

The five members of the commando team were all wearing gold equipment with anti-radiation functions, and their weapons were all ready, just waiting for the battles that might occur in the past.

Sad wind, Yihan, a medical doctor, cheese soaked in a medicine barrel, and the alien robot stand outside the car and say goodbye to them. Sad wind said: "Little hero, I wish you all success and good luck."

Nobita said: "Come on, old general, Fengshen people are advanced civilizations. I believe they should be reasonable people. I will use my unshakable tongue to persuade them to be reasonable and to persuade them. He gave up his crazy move to invade other universes. "

The sad wind is noncommittal, but he sneers secretly, but he cannot escape the eyes of Nobita. He knows that the sad wind will think he is very naive. Reasoning with the enemy is indeed a childish and crazy thing. Nobita was reluctant to tell the true purpose of this operation, that is, they did not reason with the enemy at all in the past. After the past, they had two purposes:

One: detonate a nuclear bomb, two: try your best to go home or survive. However, the possibility of the second article is not great at all.

The purpose of this trip is top secret. He can't let the robot know their purpose. Although the robot is helping them, who can guarantee that it will tell the enemy their purpose? In order to increase the insurance period, Nobita said to the robot: "After we pass, we may not be able to come back, because I do n’t know if your humans will treat us well. So I want to ask you to stay and take care of me How is this brother? "

The robot said: "Relax, my lord, after the teleportation, this door will no longer be usable. I will take care of this brother."

The military doctor said: "And me."

Nobita said: "Girl Yi, my brother will please you."

After a few words of greeting, the cheese cried and said, "Boss, I wish you success! It would be nice if I could participate in the action with you."

Daxiong said: "Small cheese, you should take good care of Xuexingxing. A few years later, we will be able to develop the technology of the door of time and space, and then we will take you home. Then there is our It is not necessary to die if you go, and you may survive. "

Cheese nodded vigorously.

The farewell of the farewell, the confession of the confession, the only thing left to do is to drive the armored vehicle through the door of time and space to the sixth world. Nobita started the engine and took a deep breath and asked, "Are you guys ready? At this time, I regret it, it's too late!"

Xiaola said, "Go ahead, Brother Xiong."

Miller said, "let’s_move!"

Chun Ni said, "I, I am ready."

Zhou Jinyin shouted, "The devil, your grandpa angel is coming, ready to tremble under the light of the Holy Light!"

"Then let's start!" Nobita said as he started the armored car. Driven towards the blue spiral nest of the Gate of Time and Space ... Still as before, through a long tunnel of light ...

The armored vehicle has been re-modified and the original transition cabin has been cancelled. Aeolus is a world full of radiation. It is very troublesome to install the transition cabin and get on and off. Anyway, everyone's equipment has a radiation protection function, and this action, everyone did not plan to go back alive.

Exploring No. 2 and No. 1 saw a cable link, in order to prevent the phenomenon of signal shielding in the outside world, so there is no way to issue a command to the nuclear bomb, so the cable line is needed for emergency.

Just in case, before the start of the crossing, Nobita has started the five-minute countdown of the nuclear bomb explosion. That is to say, if no man-made instructions are issued for the nuclear bomb within five minutes after the passage, the nuclear bomb will also detonate itself after five minutes.

The light tunnel traversed quickly and ended in half a minute. then……

The strong light suddenly came in, and everyone in the car could not see the outside clearly. The armored vehicle violently bumped, and Mummy immediately issued an alarm: "The body is falling! Alarm, the body is falling!"

Indeed, everyone can feel the armored car falling. The intense light passed only a few seconds, and everyone adapted. When this new world appeared in front of everyone, almost everyone in the car was shocked and forgot that they were still falling.

This is a world full of huge machines, full of screens are huge machines, as large as kilometers, the most striking thing is that hundreds of thousands of huge time and space doors with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers are filled in the entire field of view ~ www ~ extends from the front of your eyes to the space where you can't see your head.

In addition to these giant doors of time and space, corresponding to it are countless types of warships, as small as a few tens of meters in length, and as large as a hundred kilometers of super mother ships.

In the field of vision, there is a huge electronic card hanging in the air, with the text of Fengshenxing written on it, and Mummy immediately translated: transmission countdown: 24h38m42s.

Countless flying machines shuttle back and forth in this space. Everyone screamed in silence. Two connected armored vehicles were falling towards a huge metal device thousands of meters below. The device appeared to be an aircraft landing platform.

"Quickly find a way, what should I do? Why would I die!" Zhou Jinyin exclaimed.

With a loud bang, the armored car suddenly hovered, several people were hit in the car, one by one was hit by the seven meats and eight primes, Nobita was on the main drive, hit the front windshield of the car, and immediately lost Consciousness.

When he regained consciousness, he heard Xiao hardware crying and shouting, "Chunni, Chunni!"

Resisting the severe headache in the head, Nobita opened his eyes, a piece of red, red with blood. The scene in front of him shocked him. A sharp metal strip passed directly through the shield and the car body from the outside. Come in, and, through Chun Ni's body.

The blood stripped the metal strip completely red, and the spring mud was covered with blood. She is already dead. Xiaola and Xiaowu cried and hugged her together. Miller shuddered on the side.

Mummy's voice: "The shield of the armored vehicle failed, the protection facilities failed, the sealing facilities failed, and the radiation index in the vehicle seriously exceeded the standard! Exploring the No. 1 armored vehicle lost contact, the explosion countdown has passed ten minutes, the nuclear bomb did not explode as expected, and the detonation device may be Invalid! "

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