The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 517: Dangmo Lu (3)

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This is an action with no predictable results. If they succeed, they will become heroes. If they fail, they will also become heroes. If it fails ...

The Daming civilization may perish, which is the result that no one wants to see. However, the current situation is not optimistic at all. Xiao Wu and Xiao La were crying sadly for Chun Ni's death. The last thing Nobita wanted to see was that the team member died in front of him. Although this spring mud was added later, he already regarded her as his teammate and his brother.

But now, teammates can be sad and cry, but, he can't!

Looking out from the outside, Nobita carefully looked up and down, the whole world is full of all kinds of aircrafts, and all kinds of huge equipments in the air. The Aeolus are gathering on a large scale, and they will be assembled in 24 hours. Launch a massive invasion of Lighthouse Star! And it's out of the nest.

After capturing the lighthouse star, the next target is the earth! Nobita must stop them! Although this hope is very slim, but he also wants to try!

The current situation is that the manned armored vehicle Exploration 2 was penetrated by a sharp metal spear-like metal stick protruding from a huge machine, and also killed the female player Qin Chunni. Their armored vehicle was suspended in mid-air, at least a kilometer below. There was a huge metal platform, which was filled with various equipments, among which was Exploration 1, which was equipped with a super nuclear bomb. Armored vehicle.

At the moment, Discovery 1 lost contact, and the countdown initiation device also failed. All we have to do now is find ways to approach Exploration 1 and enter the car to detonate the nuclear bomb in manual mode!

Nobita looked up again, and saw that there was a huge device at least one kilometer above them, and there was a portal on the device, which was a common three-meter diameter portal. They were from there. Teleported.

"Mommy," said Nobita, "tell me quickly, is there a way to detonate a nuclear bomb?"

Mummy replied: "The electromagnetic signal can't penetrate the air to reach Exploration 1. The communication cable is also broken. I can't detect the specific situation of Exploration 1. So the only way is to detonate it manually.

Manually detonate a nuclear bomb, manually detonate, manually! Nobita tried hard to think about how to carry out this operation. Finally asked: "Mommy, report the state of gravity."

"The Aeolus Star has a gravitational coefficient of 0.7." Mommy replied. The so-called 0.7 means that its gravity is 0.7 times that of the lighthouse. So if you jump from this height, you will still die.

Nobita looked around, and did not find any aircraft coming, did they not find them? But why is this huge metal strip suddenly inserted? They also destroyed their shields and armor.

Nobita thought this way, and seven aircraft flew over. Each one was more than ten meters long. Compared with the enemy, this aircraft was considered a miniature. Several people looked at the aircraft outside the window and froze. Zhou Jinyin was still crying holding Chun Ni. Xiaola quickly recovered and asked, "Brother Xiong, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, wait." Nobita said calmly.

Just for a moment, Mommy said: "There is a communication request."

"Take it." Nobita said calmly.

The communication has no video, only audio, and speaks the language of Fengshen, which was translated by Mummy: "Who are you? Why did you come from Suzaku Universe?"

Xiaola looked at Nobita, waiting for him to make a decision. Daxiong thought for a moment and said, "Mommy, you translated my words into Fengshen language and said it. Okay, start:

"I am the guardian, monitoring the Suzaku universe Snow World Star for three thousand years. The Snow World starmen have made three technological explosions, and they already have the ability to interstellar war. Their ruler Bakuju is now gathering a large number of troops to prepare to invade my gluttonous universe. The cruel tyrant's rule of Bakuju has caused strong dissatisfaction among the people, and five of them have decided to surrender. They can't bear to see Bakuju king dominate the remains of the universe, so they bring the latest technology of Snow Realm. During the process, a warrior was killed by this device. "

Daxiong opened his mouth and did n’t know that it did n’t work. Xiaola chuckled and raised his thumbs quietly, but listened to Daxiong continue to bluff: "The technology they brought is in the car below. They will go down to decode it before they can use it. The invasion of Snow Realm will start in 12 hours. So please put this car down and let the remaining four warriors decode their technology for my Fengshen Star. , In order to resist the invasion of Snow Realm! "

Nobita said something serious, so I'll wait for the other party's answer. After a while, the other party replied: "Guardian, the information you said is responding to the commander. Please wait for the four warriors to wait a moment."

The guardian is the name of one of the three robots in the Temple of Thunder.

"No, I can't wait. The car fell down and it broke. I'm worried that the data will be damaged ~ ~ And although Xuejiexing still has 12 hours to launch an invasion, it's a natural king. Suspicious and changeable, I worry that they will act in advance. So let the warriors go down and talk about it first. "Nobita said in a panic, he was worried that the longer the time dragged on, the easier it was to expose flaws. In case they didn't believe him at all, it would be useless to say anything.

"Please wait a moment." The other party's answer was blunt.

Nobita shut down the communication and said to everyone: "We can't wait, we'll find a way to continue."

Xiaola asked: "How to go down, so high!"

Nobita looked closely at the outside and said, "We climbed up this metal bar, did you see the metal wall? There are edges and pipes, and there are escalators, so we went down there. Later, if you hesitate again, our plan will be ruined. "

Zhou Jinyin wiped his tears, looked at the path of Daxiong's finger, and said, "I see it, just do it."

Nobita said to Mommy: "Tell them that the Warriors can't wait, ready to go down with their bare hands." Then, open the door and hold the door frame, ready to climb along the edge to the metal strip that killed Chun Ni.

Mommy said: "They said: pay attention to safety."

Nobita laughed: "Haha, they haven't seen the flaw for the time being, Xiaola followed you behind, and then Miller. Small hardware, behind your hall, is responsible for opening the Pandora's box."

The so-called Pandora's Box is a 40-inch metal box filled with blood moths brought by Snow Realm and spores of agaricus.

After the order was completed, Nobita held the door frame with one hand, and buckled the roof with the other hand, and then used the jet from his backpack to reach the metal bar on the opposite side. Xiaola didn't dare to lean on the door frame, and Nobita lay on the bar and reached out and said, "Skip, it's okay, I can catch you. Believe me?"

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