The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 518: Dangmo Lu (4)

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In the desperate situation of life and death, anything impossible is possible. Anyway, it was difficult to go back alive, only to let go, Xiaola emboldened his courage, jumped over, was caught by Nobita's arm, his body was hanging, Xiaola screamed in excitement.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll grab you." Nobita said: "Mommy, can you hear me? Adjust the jet in Xiaola's backpack and let her come up!"

With the help of the jet pack, Nobita pulled her up. Miller at the back also jumped over. The three people walked across the metal bar to the opposite side, which was a huge device.

The three finally walked across the bar and came to a metal wall, standing on the edge, leaning against the wall and looking at the armored car opposite. The armored vehicle was still suspended in midair by the horizontal strip. I saw the door wide open, Zhou Jinyin was pushing a big box towards the door, and it was about to be pushed to the door. An aircraft aimed at Zhou Jinyin, stretched out a barrel-like thing, and rotated.

Nobita felt bad, and felt that the aircraft would fire like Zhou Jinyin, so he quickly shouted: "Hardware, don't move!"

Zhou Jinyin stopped, holding his head in his hands, indicating that he did not act excessively, and the gun barrel extended by the aircraft also stopped rotating. Nobita said to Mommy: "Mommy, you quickly tell them that there is a decryption device in that box. Without it, we can't decrypt Snow World Star's technology."

Mommy relayed Nobita's words to the other party. Now I don't know what the other party is like, whether it is a creature or a machine. I don't know. I only know that there is information flow and the system computer mommy is connecting.

The aircraft with the weapon retracted the barrel and then extended a mechanical arm to clamp the Pandora's box. Mommy said: "Zhou Jinyin, they let you stand on that mechanical arm."

Zhou Jinyin was a little hesitant, but he still stood up, and then the aircraft was sandwiched with Pandora's box, and then carried Zhou Jinyin down together.

Zhou Jinyin shouted to the three people on the wall: "Hi, brothers, I'm going down first."

Nobita said: "This kid actually got such a big bargain! Mommy, can you communicate with them and drive us down, when will this crawl!"

Nobita said, as expected, an aircraft flew over and extended its mechanical arm. The three climbed up and hugged tightly. The aircraft carried them down.

After the three of them went down, they came to a huge metal platform, surrounded by huge metal equipment, so big that they couldn't see their heads. After standing well, Nobita saw at the first sight that there was a door of time and space on the side of the exploration No. 1 armored vehicle, which was a common model.

Zhou Jinyin said excitedly: "See if there is, there is a door here, we can go home through it! We don't have to die, just set the nuclear bomb to be detonated regularly."

Everyone was also excited. Nobita looked at the portal and asked suspiciously: "Are you sure? Mommy, help me analyze, Mommy!"

The computer mommy did not answer him. Nobita shouted a few times without getting an answer. Several people felt bad, why did Mummy stay silent at this moment. Nobita thought for a while and said: "Bang suspected, Mummy's host is exploring No. 2, there is a serious signal shielding here, so we can't contact her."

Nobita pointed to the top of his finger, more than a thousand meters above the ground, and Exploration No. 2 suspended there was too small to see clearly. Nobita said: "It's up to us now to detonate the nuclear bomb and go home!"

Having said that, Nobita opened the No. 1 armored vehicle to reveal the equipment inside, and at the same time opened the individual soldier computer system, said: "Angel, help me check the nuclear bomb equipment."

"Yes, master." An Qi, a soldier computer, said. After a moment, the answer: "The nuclear bomb is normal and can be detonated, but some lines are damaged and cannot be repaired in a short time."

"The line is damaged and cannot be repaired in a short time?" Nobita asked: "What does it mean?"

Angel replied: "It can only be detonated manually."

The Exploration No. 1 armored vehicle loaded with a 100 million-ton equivalent super hydrogen bomb faded from a height of one kilometer after crossing, the entire body of the vehicle has been severely deformed, and the line damage is inevitable.

"Damn it!" Daxiong scolded, kicking the armored car fiercely. Now there is a ready-made portal in front of us, and the hope of just returning home will be extinguished again. All three looked at him, waiting for his decision. Nobita sighed and said, "Prepare to draw."

"Draw?" Several people looked at him in confusion.

Take out four pocket lighting sticks from Nobita ’s pocket, which can last for more than a thousand hours once lit. He picked up a piece of optical fiber wrapped around one of the lighting rods in the armored car and said: "One of the four of us must stay to detonate a nuclear bomb. To be fair, we adopted a lottery model. com ~ Whoever draws and stays, even if it is God's will. What do you think? "

Now that there is a portal, it is possible to have three people go home and leave one person to sacrifice. This is a very cruel task and a very cruel fact. Several people were silent and all nodded in agreement.

Nobita squeezed the four lighting rods tightly in his fist and held it out, waiting for everyone to smoke. The hardware looked as if it were dead, and the first one reached out to pump it out, and took a look. Without it, the hardware was slightly disappointed and threw the lighting rod to the ground.

"Brother Xiong," Xiao La sobbed, reaching for a pump.

Daxiong said: "Xiao La, I'm sorry, I don't want to be like this, but I'm sorry, to be fair, it can only be so, if you win, will you resent me?"

"No, Brother Xiong, if I am the winner, that's also God's will. How can I blame you? We are all soldiers, don't we?" Xiao La said, determined, and pulled out one, but it didn't. in.

Miller shook his voice and rubbed his hands. "It's my turn."

Nobita withdrew his fist and said, "Miller, you don't have to smoke, you shouldn't have been involved in it. You go home with them, I'll start the nuclear bomb."

"Brother Xiong!" Xiao La choked with a sob.

Miller said: "No, sir, you still let me smoke. Since you have participated, you must be fair to everyone. Come on, e_on!"

With Miller ’s repeated perseverance, Nobita had to stretch his fist again. Miller smiled and said, “It ’s no big deal, even if I ’m drawn, it ’s destiny ’s arrangement, no one blames.” The lighting stick was missed. There was a trace of excitement in Miller's eyes, and another trace of disappointment.

Nobita shook his head helplessly and said, "It seems that I am lucky." After all, he put the lighting stick back in his pocket.

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