The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 534: Summer lights

When he was on the battleship in the summer, he never went home, until he was not willing to go home. Every time he talked with Minar on the phone, Minal was overwhelmed by him, which made him go home. Suddenly nothing.

Instead of going back to the royal palace and facing Minar ’s cold face, he might as well live on the warship and be with his warship and fleet at all times. The 800 young people on the fleet, like fresh blood injected into them, can make him feel that he is back to his young age.

In fact, summer is not old. Although he has a physical age of 60 years old and a biological age of 40 years old, his body age is only 25 years old.

The so-called age of the body refers to the age shown by the person in appearance, body tissue, and organ function. For example, in the summer 25-year-old body age, his appearance is 25 years old, and his physical functions are the same as 25-year-old. So he is still a young man now.

In addition to having a phone call with Minar every day in the summer, I did not forget to ask about the portal. As you can imagine, there has been no progress news about the portal, and the commando has never returned.

Son Xia Deng, responsible for the supervision and construction of the Second Fleet, shuttled back and forth between the Dreamcatcher and the Huaxia under construction every day. He is the son of summer and Miner. He has the dual characteristics of the earth and the Audrey, but he is more inclined to the Audrey and is more suitable for the climate of the lighthouse star.

The summer plan is to let Xia Deng work in the fleet of the Fourth Fleet Audrey, and after gaining some experience, he will become the commander of the Fourth Fleet and the King of June Kingdom. However, Xia Deng has been unable to accept the reality that he is an Audrey from his bones. He is more inclined to be an earth man.

Therefore, he has always asked him to work in the fleet of the Earthman, even if he is allowed to be a mercenary, he is willing. In the summer, Aiko is also eager, and he does not want to make Minar unhappy, so he can only let him temporarily manage the second fleet under construction, and supervise the construction of the Huaxia and other ships of the second fleet.

Xia Deng shuttles back and forth between Huaxia and Dreamcatcher every day to return to work with his father every day. Because he has more constellations of lighthouse stars, he cannot live in the earth's atmosphere for a long time, so he must wear a nosepiece to provide chlorine gas. So that he can live in the earth's atmosphere for a long time.

The atmosphere inside the First Fleet and the Second Fleet is the atmosphere of the earth, which does not contain methane and chlorine, and these two trace gases, especially chlorine, are gases that are needed by the lighthouse star people, including the Feng people and the Audrey.

Therefore, he repeatedly persuaded him to go to the Fourth Fleet in the summer, but Xia Deng was unwilling, and he could not take him in the summer, he could only follow him.

There is a terrace on the top of the ship of Dreamcatcher. The so-called terrace is that it is completely exposed from the hull. The shield with air anti-escape function protects its air from leaking and maintains the acceptable pressure value of the human body, and The right temperature.

There are often people coming up to take a walk and cool off on the terrace, looking up at the starry sky. Especially after the 800 interns come, people can be seen on the terrace even more. There is an emergency sealing device on the terrace, which will quickly sink when encountering sudden incidents, and the decks will be closed all around to protect the people on the terrace.

At this moment, some people on the terrace are distracted by some people. Summer and Xia Deng and his father were among them. He stood on the edge of the terrace, holding hands and admiring the beautiful starry sky.

There are several rounds of the moon hanging in the sky. In addition to the moon, there are huge planets falling clouds and stars that are shining at the horizon.

For enjoying the starry sky, you don't need to look up, just look up, because the starry sky is all around. Enjoying the beautiful view of the universe, summer said: "Deng'er, you should go back and spend more time with your mother. She really wants you to stay with her at this time."

"But father," Xia Deng said, "The Second Fleet, the Huaxia, has been busy all day long. If you give me the Second Fleet, I will have to do my best to do it well, and I can't fail. Your expectations of me. "

Xia Deng is a relatively decent and very calm person. Unlike his sister Xia Xiaola's natural liveliness, the character of the two brothers and sisters is completely different from their name of summer. Xia Deng only cares about summer as "father", and Xiaola has more names for summer. What "daddy", "daddy", "daddy compare", and occasionally shout old man, old summer and old guy.

Xia Deng is a person with strong self-esteem. He is unwilling to go back to the lighthouse star and he is not willing to go back to the June palace because he has never wanted to admit that he is an Audrey. Even when her mother Queen Minare was very sad, he was unwilling to go back.

"You can postpone the work of the second ship. You will go back tomorrow to comfort your mother." Xia Xia said, the second ship is short for the second fleet.

"No, father, I can't delay my work." Xia Deng said stubbornly. He said that he would supervise the work of building the second ship. At the same time, he had to study at the same time. "Moreover, I can have video communication with my mother."

"Fart!" Summer can't help but catch fire, "You will put down your work tomorrow and roll back to meet your mother. Your mother loves you so much, you don't know how to distress her? Have you heard?"

"Oh yes."

"Say what? Loud, I didn't hear it."

"Yes, father, I will go back to the palace tomorrow morning to see my mother."

"It's almost the same." Only in summer did the energy disappear.

The two of them talked, and the voice was a little louder in the summer, which attracted the attention of another person in the corner of the terrace. She was Bai Ziying.

"What do you see?" Luo Lanxue asked.

"Looking at that person as if he is the governor," Bai Ziying said ~ ~ Who is that person beside him? It seems to be an official who is being reprimanded by the ruling officer. "

Luo Lanxue also accompanied Bai Ziying curiously, but she was quickly attracted by another person, but it was the male **** Bai Huaxiang in the class, leaning on the guardrail alone, looking at the corner of the terrace sky.

Luo Lanxue almost got drunk. Bai Ziying poked him and said, "Hey, have you been dysfunctional again?"

"The male **** looks good, why don't you look at it?" Luo Lanxue said indifferently, "I'm not like you, neuropathy, scared away the male god."

"Oh, I wasn't in a bad mood that day," Bai Ziying said, "Hey, Xiaoxue, look like that person is gone."


"It is the one who was reprimanded by the governor."

"So what? Do you still want to go to the consul to chat?"

"Don't you dare?" Bai Ziying said and walked towards the summer.

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