The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 535: Simulated Star Wars

Bai Ziying and 800 other classmates were very happy to practice in the First Fleet. Bai Ziying was very smart, and the things on the battleship learned quickly. If the fleet at this time is saturated with combat power, she can definitely become an excellent combat commander.

Although the fleet has not yet formed a battle scale, there are still regular simulation trainings. For example, today, after the interns conducted a half-month headquarters internship, they conducted the first simulated Star Wars command exercise.

Summer personally sits in the general judges. In addition to his four King Kongs, there are more than 20 officials from the old dawn fleet to observe the judges.

The so-called four kings are Xing Wen, Huangfu Arctic, Su Du and Lu Cheng. Xing Wen made his fortune in the summer when he fought against Yu Wenmao forty years ago. Huangfu Arctic was the son of Feng Qiuyan, the predecessor of Da tomorrow, when Feng Qiuyan was killed by the anti-thief Shen Xilin. It was after the summer that the Shen thief counterattacked the thief and reported his mother's revenge. Huangfu Arctic also sincerely submitted to him.

As for Su Duoqi, he also surrendered himself in the summer when he fought against the thieves. Lu Cheng was surrendered by Shen Thief and all the other old teachers of the Heavenly Master, but she was more loyal to summer than others.

Lu Chengqi said that he should be regarded as a female of the new era. He was once a concubine of others, and he was humiliated and bullied under the "right room". Later, in the summer, the polygamy system was abolished. She dared to propose a divorce. And it was the first divorced concubine.

This caused a lot of trouble at the time, but Lu Cheng still came out. Not only did she get rid of the shackles of the old marriage system, and not willing to live on the relief of the fleet, she applied for the fleet work. It was also Xia Huiyan's eyes and beads that she did have extraordinary talents. At that time, her talents were higher than most other crew members.

It should be known that most of the crew members of the old Ming dynasty at that time were elementary and junior high schools, so at that time, in the summer, the division of the big tomorrow was likened to the illiterate fleet.

After Lucheng took office, he held important positions in the fleet and even civilization. Due to the large number of men and women in Daming at that time, after Luqing divorced, she was entangled by many single male crew members. She was unmoved and determined to find herself. Happy love.

Just like this, she and Xing Wen met each other, but who knew that Xing Wen had been living in his memory, unable to extricate himself, keeping a robot wife and children at home, was reluctant to give up.

The four King Kongs sat around the summer, his son Xia Deng also came from the Huaxia to observe, and other officials also looked for a seat. Simulated actual combat is held in the command hall of the Dream Catching Command.

Twenty intern commanders sat in their respective positions, waiting for the instruction to be issued.

Why did you choose these 20 people from 800 to come to the headquarters for an internship? That is not only based on individual volunteers, but also needs to be evaluated after the individual's comprehensive quality has been met. In other words, these 20 people are the best among 800 graduates!

Summer sat in the seat of the commander-in-chief, looking at the twenty young people in front of him, a strong sense of accomplishment rose in his heart. Because he understands very well that these 20 people, and even the 800 children, can pull out a person at random, and their comprehensive quality and development index are better than any one in the old division of Tianshi!

Because they have been systematically educated and learned since they were born, when they are still embryos bred in the workshop, they have undergone rigorous screening, both in physical and intellectual excellence. Of course, this kind of excellence is relative to their fathers, those old departments.

Summer believes that through continuous industrial population breeding, there will be more and more talents in the future.

After everything was ready, Xing Wen asked in a low voice: "Sire, can I start?"

Did not speak in the summer, just waved his hand and signaled to start.

Xing Wen stood up and came to the center of the hall and said to the crowd: "Students, as a qualified commander, simulation exercises will be carried out in the future. Those who have too poor grades will be eliminated and sent to them according to their own abilities. More suitable for your position. Today is the first simulation of actual combat, everyone should not be nervous, allowing too many casualties.

"However, in the future simulated actual combat, the requirements for the battle damage rate will be higher and higher. If the casualty rate is too high, it will be eliminated. So you need to practice more in peacetime. Well, I will talk about the specifics of today ’s simulated actual combat. content:

"Twenty of you, as commanders of twenty squadrons, each will be assigned to a squadron. Each squadron consists of a Dawning flagship and a hundred battleships, and one million The composition of fighter planes. It should be noted that the squadron you assigned is internally composed of more than 6 million humans. Among them, in addition to 1.2 million combatants, there is also an interstellar fortress with a capacity of 5 million. As the name suggests, this interstellar There are 5 million people living in the fort, and these 5 million people are incapable of fighting.

"Your mission is to destroy the enemy's nest and wipe out the enemy. If your interstellar fortress was destroyed before the end of the war, then your battle would be ended early. So, you must destroy at all costs Before the enemy nest, protect your fortress, do you understand? "

"Understood!" The trainees were in unison.

"Let's put the model!" Xing Wen said. Immediately, each of the 20 people hung a 3D array in front of each of them. The array in front of each person showed a flagship, a fortress, a hundred battleships, and a hundred Ten thousand star fighters.

Xing Wen said: "The enemy we are about to meet is the Zerg invasion from the front. Now start your strategic deployment of your fleet ~ ~ to give you ten minutes.

Interns started busy. Because the victory condition of the battle is to wipe out the enemy, or to survive the thirty-minute battle time, the defeat condition is that the fortress is destroyed. Therefore, they all began to deploy all the combat units around the fort, and wrapped the fort tightly. If attacked by an enemy, these combat units will protect the fortress at all costs.

Bai Ziying's deployment is like this:

The fort was placed in the position of the Chinese army, this method is also a common deployment method. The flagship was placed in front of the fortress, and a hundred battleships were scattered and placed between the flagship and the fortress.

Bai Ziying was on the edge of Roland Xue. Xiaoxue casually glanced at Xiaoying's formation and asked inexplicably: "How is your battleship arranged so messy?"

Xiaoying smiled: "I haven't finished the arrangement yet."

Finally, she started the deployment of a million star fighters. She divided the fleet into two parts, of which 100,000 were arranged in a drum shape, surrounding the flagship and the fortress. Another 900,000 frames are spirally wrapped around the outermost periphery.

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