The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 548: Torture

Through the investigation of the system computer, I quickly learned that these ten people had several wives. "Tian Lai Novel" ⒉After taking power in the summer, the polygamy system was abolished, and gender equality and feminism were vigorously promoted. Encourage unconscionable wives and concubines to dare to divorce and become independent.

Before the ruling in summer, Daming had entered the age of class civilization, that is, the starship civilization, but its system still followed the Ming Dynasty system that it left the earth more than 5oo years ago, including serious sexism, such as women ’s three from four virtues. , Women do not learn cultural knowledge, only husband at home to teach children, and men can marry multiple wives.

This system is even more unsuitable in the era of starships, especially when the population of Daming has reached the edge of extinction and the ratio of men and women is severely imbalanced.

In order to break this stereotype and overcome many obstacles in the summer, the system of monogamy, equality of men and women and freedom of marriage was promoted. At that time, some female crew members did not have the slightest cultural knowledge and special skills to live independently. Therefore, in the summer, Daming provided a fixed monthly subsidy of 1ooo points for these women.

Know that 1ooo tribute is a fairly high salary within Daming. Even in the summer of Daming ’s highest income, the monthly salary is only 3ooo tribute. Therefore, such a generous welfare treatment stimulated a polygamous divorce wave at that time, and basically all the excess wives and concubines were divorced from their original husbands.

The contribution point in Daming is the general electronic currency, referred to as tribute for short.

And these ten people who secretly trouble minors, each of them once had several wives. After taking the New Deal in the summer, eight of their little wives divorced them, and the other two, not only little wives, left By the way, even the only big wife was divorced.

So these ten people originally had several wives, eight of them had only one wife, and the other two had no one wife.

At the beginning of the real-time population factory plan, those who had wives were very resistant and resisted, especially those who had several wives were very resistant.

However, in the summer, a system of collecting seeds (that is, sperm and eggs) containing rich welfare was implemented. These old stubborns were reluctant to donate sperm. It did n’t matter. Those bachelors were more willing to donate. Fortunately, in the summer, things are decisive, and the administration is strict, and the riot is strangled in the cradle.

In these old stubbornness, after the divorces of the little wives, they used to restrict their big wives, but there were countermeasures in the summer. In Daming's real-time tribute policy, all things, including food, clothing, communications, etc., require tribute to buy. The crew ’s salary can only maintain basic food and clothing, and it is no good for high-end clothing and fine food.

And donating seeds is a very tempting source of income. With the worsening of life, these old antiques have succumbed one by one, and gradually began to be willing to donate seeds.

At that time, the old dawn population of 400 people, these old antiques accounted for a small proportion, many times trouble, just a little bit young, and was quickly stopped even by the summer and his men.

And now ...

These ten people actually gathered more than 10,000 minors to gather to make trouble, confusing people. In the summer, I would like to kill these ten people, especially to be effective. Anyway, Daming now has a lot of people. Although he has repeatedly stated that people are Daming's most precious wealth, he really doesn't care about the death of these old antiques. Moreover, these people are only junior high school education level, it will be gone, it is no pity.

But I said it at the beginning of the summer. Today, Bai Ziying will take full responsibility. I do n’t know how this girl will deal with them.

Said that the identities of these ten people soon became clear, and Xiaoying asked: "How do you confuse so many children in trouble?"

"Well, you are a yellow-haired girl, you are also worthy of questioning us!" One of them shouted.

Bai Ziying froze for a moment. In the summer, she looked at her and said in her heart, after all, this girl is still too young. He is very worried about whether she can fight these old guys.

Xiaoying just froze for a while, and soon recovered, looking at the man with a disdainful face, and said, "Whether it is worthy or not, you will know it in a moment. Since the consul gave it to me to handle this matter, According to our Daming military regulations, we will tell you: confuse people, abet minors, disturb public security, impact military power, seriously endanger the security and order of Daming, and have a serious impact. Master Cang Yue, am I right? "

The system computer Cang Yue replied: "It is completely correct."

Xiaoying asked again: "What about sin?"

Cang Yue's icy answer: "Old crimes should be asked, and new crimes should be shot."

Xiaoying said with a sneer: "Whether the crime should be lethal or not, let's ignore it first. And say what you said to me just now. I am under the sole authority of your Excellency, so at this moment I am the governor and the governor is me. Then Master Cang Yue What should be the punishment for colliding with your Excellency? "

"Depending on the seriousness of the plot, a whiplash or military stick can be fined 2o to 1oo. This time 2o."

"Movement!" Xiaoying shouted, without any politeness.

A robot immediately took a leather whip and approached him. The man shouted, "Dare you hit me! You are a yellow-haired girl, you're upset!"

Xiaoying sipped: "Fight!"

"Papa!" The leather whip was pulled down, and the victim was screamed with pain.

"Continue to fight, finish at 2o!"

Xiaoying's ruthless face made the students and the few suspects shudder at the scene. Several old officers wanted to stop and was secretly stopped by summer.

"Slap, pop, pop ..."

Screamed constantly, the clothes were all under the lash, cracked open, exposing the skin inside, and soon the clothes began to redden.

The summer is very relaxed and half leaned on ~ ~ With your hand on your chin, you can watch the situation change.

The tortured screamed while cursing: "Xia Thief! What kind of man are you! You are not a man! Your own dare not come forward, let a stinky girl insult me! Xia Thief! I become a ghost I will not let you go! "

The accompanying suspects were all in a panic, Xiaoying was expressionless. After waiting for the fight, he saw that the man had been beaten, his legs were paralyzed, he could not stand, and was held by two robots. With. Wu Zi was still scolding indistinctly.

Xiaoying said: "After the 2o whipping, this is the punishment you gave to the long disrespect. When you punished you just now, you actually swears and swears at the consul. Your teacher, Cang Yue, how can I be punished?"

"Lash or military stick under 1oo."

Xiaoying sneered and said, "So, you still have to fight under 8o, give me to continue, whipping this 1oo!"

The nine suspects on the side were so scared that they immediately knelt down and said, "Adult, you can't fight anymore, you will be killed."

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