The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 549: Qiu Hou

Bai Ziying said: "Looking at your advanced age, I'm afraid I'll break you down, so I will write down the remaining 80 whips and keep it for later."

Xiaoying asked again: "Tell me the truth about how you deceive minors to commit crimes. Do you honestly think that you are a hero and a real man? Since you dare to do it, dare to be!"

During interrogation, several people were afraid of being sentenced and finally told the truth. These people had hatred for summer more than 20 years ago. They always believed that summer took away their wives, and summer had a great "hate of wives" for them.

In ancient times, people traditionally believed that the hatred of the father and the hatred of the wife were not common. In summer, they actually lost their little wives, can they bear the old ideas with grudges?

But the conditions were limited at that time, they could not rebel. Because there were few people at that time, the entire fleet was controlled by Xia and its "partisan", and the computer system was controlled by Xia, how could they be so few people?

Eighteen years later, the first children of the population plan have grown up, and genetic watches are finally open to them, which finally gives these old stubborn inherent opportunities.

They all have their own children, let their children and other children find close relatives to the watch. Because the watch will be red between the same sex, it is impossible to find a close relative. They let their children and opposite-sex children confront each other, as long as they were red, they pulled them together to promote their reactionary ideas.

Then let these close relatives who succeeded in the watch match the watch with other children, and keep on correcting. Later, a half-army and half-read system was implemented, which allowed children who originally lived in the Junior City to live in the fleet. So more and more children became close relatives to the watch, and eventually reached the scale of more than 10,000 people.

Later, these old stubborn stubborns who instigated the rebellion of the children behind them were called ten chaos thieves.

The ten gangsters indoctrinate the children. They are all a family, brothers and sisters. They must unite to resist this dark rule, demand truth, and do not live in deception.

When attracting these children, the ten chaos also have options, such as those who do not like to learn, and whose mind is not firm and easy to shake. <>

It is impossible for 10,000 children to be close relatives, but because of the implementation of the population factory plan, these people and several people are close relatives, and then those people are close relatives with several others. This is like dominoes. many.

This is before and after the confusion of the ten chaos.

After the interrogation, Xiaoying said: "Anti-civilization is abominable and hateful. I think you should be able to realize the crimes you have committed! And you can bear the consequences of your crimes for the society and your individual."

"You, you, what do you mean?" A person asked with a trembling voice as if he realized something.

"I don't mean anything. What I have to do is over." Xiaoying turned around and said to Summer: "Headman, I think what I can do should be done here. I'm an engineer and I'm relatively young. So this The ten chaotic parties, I think it should be more appropriate for the old Shuguang people to try. What do you say? "

Nodded in the summer and said, "Girl, what you said is very reasonable, Huangfu, let me handle it below."

"Yes, protagonist!" Huangfu bowed halfway and stood up and said: "Cang Yue, how did you say they were guilty? I didn't hear clearly, would you please say it again?"

"Okay, sir. Sin should be deadly!"

"Since ..." Huangfu turned a circle and said: "Since they violated my Daming Criminal Law, and I was entrusted by your Excellency, and to show the justice and majesty of military law. I ordered: send these ten people Military Law Division! Sentencing according to crime, never appeasement! Never favoritism! "

"I, I protest!" Several people shouted.

Huangfu sneered and walked over and said: "Don't protest, I can tell you very responsibly, you are dead!"

In the later military court, these ten people were sentenced to death. This was also the first case of the execution of the death penalty by the Ming Navy, which was recorded in the history of Daming to alert future generations. <>

Ten people were taken away, and all the negotiating students went back. Ten thousand students gathered outside went back in persuasion. This turmoil gave summer and also sounded the alarm for Daming.

Since then, Daming has carried out deeper system reforms, and the two systems of capitalism and communism have been integrated and rationally utilized. Since then, summer has paid more attention to social science, and a large number of social scientists have emerged since then. The civilized system is more stable and the people are more united.

And the children of the ten gangsters were not implicated, and they did not regenerate chaos because of it.

Said that the matter was resolved, Xiaoying smiled to the summer and asked: "Director, how do you think I handled it?"

Thumbs up towards her in the summer and said, "Great, girl, I think you are very talented, not only as a commander, but also as a judge, a policeman."

"Chief, you have won the prize, how can I be so powerful. In fact, I don't understand anything, and I'm on my head."

"Don't understand, do you still dare to take it? I think you already know what you are doing?"

Xiaoying was embarrassed by summer ~ ~ giggled.

"Everyone sit down, Cang Yue, and tell the house to get some delicious food, and today give these little ghosts a tooth sacrifice." Summer said with a smile, the little ghost in his mouth refers to the young commanders who graduated from these schools, including small Ying, Xiaoxue included.

The young people laughed and waited for everyone to sit down. In the summer, they joke and said: "This little British is very powerful. You can't offend her in the future, otherwise you can't eat and walk around."

In the summer, I laughed a few people again, and Xiaoying was blushed by what he said. In the summer, he said, "Xiaoying, do you have any thoughts on this matter today? For example, do you have any suggestions for me and Daming? ? "

"Yes, the head." Xiaoying is welcome, said: "We are the starship civilization, everything is in the beginning of development, and we will meet the interstellar war five years later. The head, you as the leader of civilization, soul person You must have a great image that people admire. You must be united with one's power, be decisive, and don't be soft-hearted. "

All the words she said were silent. Summer asked: "You know, they are our compatriots."

"Head, the black sheep must be removed, otherwise, the damage will not be shallow."

The emperor also said, "Princess, I think this girl is very reasonable! For those who dare to commit conspiracy, you must kill! Don't be polite to them!"

In fact, summer is not an indecisive person, he also has his difficulties.

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