The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 555: Military conference

The meaning of summer is to let Xiaoying manage the secret realm. When the war broke out, the secret realm was the best refuge, and the secret realm was so large that the entire civilization could be accommodated.

With such a wise man as Bai Ziying, when the summer words have not been spoken, can she not notice his intentions? So she said her wishes in advance.

"Chief," Xiaoying said again, "I know you trust me, but there are also many people worthy of your trust, such as the four generations of King Kong ..."

"Four King Kongs?" He asked after summer, not knowing who they were.

Xiaoying covered her mouth and asked in surprise: "You don't know who the Four King Kongs are?"

"who is it?"

"Xing Wen, Huangfu, Su Du and Lu Cheng." Xiaoying finished, looking at the summer, worried that he would be angry.

Who knows that summer actually laughed: "It turned out to be the four of them, indeed, they are very loyal."

"Well, that's right," Xiaoying said. "They are loyal, have seniority, and have social experience and handling experience better than me. So, you should choose one of them to manage the secret. The person worthy of your trust is beside you, but you have always ignored her. "

"You mean ..."

"Of course, Her Majesty." Xiaoying said with a smile, "You think, she is your wife, who is more worthy of your trust than her? Not to mention that she is the queen, so noble, let her Come to manage the secret realm, more prestigious. What do you say, chief? "

Xia Tian said: "What you say makes sense, do you know why I chose you? Because you are very appreciated by me, independent and special, smart and clever, although young, but very capable. The few senior officials around me, no One can catch up with you. "

The truth in the summer is also true. Xiaoying has been very good in the past six years. In addition to loyalty, you must have the ability to manage the small universe, so Xiaoying is the first choice for summer.

"Chief, how can I say so well?" Xiaoying was embarrassed by what he said.

"I'm telling the truth. In the past few years, the work you have done in the headquarters is obvious to all, so I believe in your ability."

"But the chief, I am a soldier, I am a Star Wars commander, but still an excellent Star Wars commander. You let me run away during the war? I can't do it!"

"Not to escape, but to arrange you in a more suitable position."

"I think the more suitable position for me is at the headquarters, the chief, don't you drive me away? You also know that the thousand troops are easy to get, and it will be hard to find. You just said that I am an excellent commander. ?"

"That line, let's talk about it, you girl, you are so clever, I can't really say you." Summer smiled and pointed at her. "Oh, it's not too late. The people at the meeting should be here."

"Then go."


The two of them stayed in the secret realm for only two hours. They left the secret realm and returned to the Dream Chaser. The commanders of the lighthouse star kings in several countries have also arrived. The meeting is scheduled in a small meeting room.

When the two returned in the summer and Xiaoying, they were transported to the edge of the bow of the command hall. The two walked through the hall to the meeting room. On the way to the meeting room, they passed a long corridor. From afar, they saw a beautiful woman standing on the side of the promenade and stopped to enjoy the beautiful starry sky view from the porthole.

The beautiful woman was wearing a gorgeous long dress, and her nobility could be seen from the back. Summer recognized her at a glance. It was his wife, First Lady Daming, and Her Majesty Minar, Queen of the Kingdom of June.

Xiaoying smiled and said to Summer: "Talk to the queen more, I won't disturb you anymore." Then, he left alone.

Summer wants to call her, but can't succeed. He had to walk to Minar. In the past few years, the relationship between his husband and wife has been very stiff. One is because her brother Milun was sentenced to death, and then when her daughter participated in the operation, Minaer did not know at all, so that she has been missing for so many years. .

"Hi, my dear." Summer came to Minar and greeted him.

The beautiful queen turned around and smiled, saying, "Consular Officer, I haven't seen you in three months. Don't come to nothing."

"Mina, don't you like this? I've been thinking of you all the time. But every time you go back, you ..." Summer said here, I don't know how to continue.

"Your Excellency," Minar's bland tone revealed a hint of grudge, "Whenever I see you, I think of our daughter, and I don't know if she is still alive. Do you know? I should n’t listen to you when I name it. "

Summer is silent.

"She shouldn't be called Xiaola," Mi Naer was a little excited. "Who knows, she became the second Mira. Do you know, my dear? I really miss Xiaola!" He cried softly.

Summer brought her closer to her, hugged her, and said, "I'm sorry, Mina, I'm really sorry."

"Protagonist!" Xing Wen came over from the corner and saw the two of them embracing the confidant, and said quickly: "Uh, sorry, I will come back later."

"It's okay, Lao Xing, come here," Minar yelled, leaving the arms of summer, wiping the tears, "It's all old husband and old wife."

"Your Majesty, I really haven't disturbed you? Oh well, my protagonist, it's all here, can I start?"

Summer stabilized his emotions and said: "Let's get started, let's come."

In the summer, she took Minar's hand and entered the meeting room. Attending the meeting were General Naval Commander General Summer, several commanders of the headquarters, Brigadier General Xia Deng, commander of the Second Fleet ~ ~ The Third Fleet of the Wind People and the Fourth Fleet Commander of the Audrey, Lighthouse There are kings and queens of more than a dozen countries in the two worlds above and below the star.

As the supreme head of Daming civilization, His Excellency the Consul, sat in the chair of the summer. Seeing the coming of summer, all of them stood up and paid tribute. After summer, they signaled that everyone would sit down and sit down by themselves.

Then Commander Lieutenant Colonel Bai Ziying began to speak.

"Dear heads, adults, Your Majesty, colleagues," Bai Ziying said, "The reason why your Excellency the Consul urgently called everyone to this emergency meeting is because there is an urgent matter to be announced and we will discuss the countermeasures with you." In one sentence, three emergency were used in a row.

"What's the matter, girl, just say it." It was the commander of the Third Fleet, General Luther, Queen Taote's uncle, and a man of more than three meters in height.

Because of the atmosphere of the earth on the Dreamcatcher, the Feng people and the Audrey people have to wear nose ornaments when they come to the meeting.

Xiaoying said with a smile: "The intelligence department has detected our enemies, a large interstellar fleet controlled by machine civilization is killing at full speed!"

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