The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 556: About Star Wars

Bai Ziying's words caused a sensation. Some knew the truth in advance, and some knew it. There was a lot of discussion about the proven enemy intelligence. Xiaoying asked officers of the Naval Intelligence Service to repeat the intelligence to everyone, and said: "The intelligence detected now is roughly the same, and there is no deeper content. However, with the follow-up there are more drones As we go deeper, more detailed information will be fed back.

"In the current information, two things have been affirmed. One is that the enemy is stronger than us. As for how many times it is stronger, it will be gradually demonstrated in the subsequent intelligence feedback. The second is that the enemy is definitely going to hit us. .

"And what we have to do is two things, one is to fight or not to fight? The second is how to fight? The purpose of the consul summoned by the consul is to discuss this matter."

Xiaoying said nothing and sat down. As the commander-in-chief, she sat beside Xia. Although Minaer was Xia's wife, she was separated from him by several people.

Summer is silent, waiting for everyone to express their opinions.

"Sovereign Lord Lord," said a tribe with a height of more than three meters, who was very victorious and said: "I think we must fight. You say how to fight, we will follow you!"

Xiaoying glanced at this person, this person is King Serende of the Sam Kingdom in the Sky World of Meliken Continental. Among the inhabitants of the Lighthouse Star, many Feng people and Audrey have always regarded summer as a god, and called him a god. So in summer, there are many names in the whole civilization: commander, chief, lord, lord, lord, hero, deity, and so on.

When the Ten Random Thieves made trouble a year ago, almost all the Wind Race and Audrey of Lighthouse Star stood up for the summer and condemned the anti-thief. This made the summer of that time very moving. He never thought that the native big celebrities of the same family would actually send someone to him, but the aborigines all supported him.

Serendt said that several kings, nobles, and high-ranking generals were all attached. The prestige among the lighthouse star people in summer is very high. In the summer, he waved his hands and motioned for everyone to be quiet, saying, "You guys. Fight or not, there are two ways. I will say not to fight first. If not, then all the lighthouse stars will be evacuated and evacuated. It takes about a year to complete.

"And we have two choices for evacuation, one is the earth and the other is the dark sun. Let ’s talk about the earth first. The galaxy where the earth is located is called the solar system, and there are eight planets. There are two civilizations in the solar system, one is earth civilization and the other is messenger civilization. The earth civilization is in the primitive space age, and the Mars messenger civilization is the same as our starship civilization.

"The leader of the messenger is called the big boss, and many of you should be familiar with it. That ’s right, he is my hairdresser Wu Ruize. The messenger civilization was witnessed by me. The development is stronger. Its scale and combat power are now better than ours Daming is powerful.

"As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Even if this big boss Wu Ruize and I have the best relationship, we can't grab the site with him. And they are also facing an alien invasion, which is the familiar Star Worm Grint. .

"The second option is the Barnard dark day six light years away from us. There is a planet in the dark day galaxy, which is a livable planet, which is very suitable for human habitation. When we go to the dark day collectively, at full speed, With current technology, it takes about two hundred years.

"We have a problem here, that our ships are not enough for all civilizations to carry out such distant interstellar immigration, because we cannot carry the resources needed by all civilizations. To put it bluntly, we don't have as many ships."

Serende said: "Then you still have to fight!"

"Fight!" "Fight!" ...

Xia Xia said: "But you have to know what the consequences of fighting, this is interstellar war!"

"We already have an interstellar battleship!" Said an Audrey.

Summer motioned Bai Ziying to continue, Xiaoying stood up and said: "I will tell you what is interstellar war. Interstellar war is not like the war on the homeland. You may have experienced some large or small military before. Conflicts, these internal wars, are not considered wars in the face of interstellar wars.

"The price of interstellar war is the destruction of the planet, the genocide of the race, and the demise of civilization. To put it bluntly, the entire lighthouse star city ..." Xiaoying paused here, in order to demonstrate the horror of war Sex, I thought about it a little, and my hands slammed a chapter, making an explosion, and the mouth just said a word gently: "Boom."

"Boom? What does Boom mean?" Asked several people.

Brigadier General Xia Deng, commander of the Second Fleet, said: "The bang that Comrade Bai Ziying said is that the entire planet exploded like a balloon full of gas. That's it, bang!"

After Xia Deng finished speaking, Xiaoying smiled at Xiaoying through several people. And his explanation made the people in the meeting place silent, and a few called: "Then we have to fight! Let's not be slaves!"

"I'm afraid you don't even have the opportunity to be a slave." Xiaoying said, "The intelligence shows that there are no signs of life detected by the sine wave, that is to say, they are very likely not interested in living things at all, which is extremely The great possibility means that after they come, there are only two words: kill! "

"In the interstellar warfare, if you want to make a planet into a fan ~ ~ That's a piece of cake. Even we, Daming, have the ability to blow up the lighthouse star, which is a matter of minutes. . "

"Even so, then we have to fight!" Said an Audley.

"It's definitely necessary to fight!" Xiaoying said. "This is the second topic we will discuss below: how to fight!"

"How to fight?" Asked several people.

One of them said, "Little girl, you just say chant, you can rest assured that we are all die loyal to Lord God! We will always be loyal to Lord Lord!"

Xiaoying said: "This I believe, you are absolutely loyal to your Excellency, and I believe that your Excellency also believes in you. How to fight? We have a lot of fetters, you have to be clear. Otherwise, if you fight at the time, there is no preparation, then Not good.

"What we have to worry about is nothing more than resources. When it comes to resources, we have to consider two kinds of resources, one is physical resources, and the other is population resources. In our system of cloud collapse-18 months, there is a host planet, cloud star and 18 moons, including the lighthouse star, these are endless material resources that can provide material and energy for our fleet. "

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