The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 558: On the verge of coming soon

The proper placement of family members means that there is no worries for the future, and there will be no fear of fear or morale in battle. The problem now is that the population has shifted, with a large population and many materials, so it takes a year.

In this year, in fact, the fleet can leave early, but it ca n’t leave early in the summer, the reason lies in this population shift. Because entering the secret realm, you need to use the sky secret code, which has always been carried with you in summer. This thing is the baby of summer, he never gave it to anyone, and no one else will use it.

Therefore, in the summer, the population has to be transferred before leaving. Regarding the transfer and the expedition, Xia Deng stood up and said: "Father, I think that the earlier the expedition, the better it will be for me. So I beg you to let me be the vanguard and advance in advance. You and your fellow seniors will arrange the rear It ’s not too late to command the army to dare to come. "

Just after Xia Deng finished speaking, Minaar came out and opposed: "No, I don't agree!"

"Mother!" Xia Deng said, "You listen to me, my father is the governor of Daming, and you are the queen of June. We are the first family of Daming. If our first family is not the first one, how can we let everyone dedicate their lives? So, I Xia Deng, as the first young master of Ming Dynasty and the crown prince of June, I urge my father to give me a seal to seal my vanguard. I will not humiliate my Xia family's reputation when I fight to kill the enemy! "

"No!" Minar said excitedly. "Because we are the first family, is our sacrifice not enough? Your sister has already sacrificed for Daming. You are my only son. Do you want me to bear it again?" Is it painful to lose a child? Deng'er, do you have patience? "

Minar said that she couldn't control her emotions and cried. Many officials present also persuaded. One of the Audreys said, "Your Highness, the Queen is right. As the first family, you have done enough. All of our people in Daming are obvious to all. Your Highness, you have to think twice."

"But I am a soldier!" Xia Deng said: "The soldiers are proud to serve the battlefield! Mother, you let me go, otherwise I will be depressed and die!"

"No, no!" Minar just shook her head and disagreed.

Xia Tian said: "Okay, Deng'er, you are too old, it's time to be sensible. You are right, but you also have to consider your mother's feelings. You have to understand that you are not alone. The vanguard meets the enemy and has a heavy responsibility . Not as good as a child's play. "

"I know!" Xia Deng said. "I will not fight hard against the enemy. I have learned a lot of strategies and tactics with my father for so many years. Rest assured, mother. And my sister is not dead, she just We will lose contact and she will definitely be back. Mother, I ’ll be yours, so let me go! "

"No, no, I can't say anything this time!" Minar just disagreed.

"Okay," Xia Xia said. "About the vanguard, let's talk about it later. Let's talk about the population transfer. Because it is the transfer of 200 million people, the number is huge, and not only the population is so simple, but there are many related Materials. It will take one year after all the materials and population are successfully transferred.

"One year later, the big army went out. When the big army went out, the fleet could not teleport to the secret realm, but only between the lighthouse star and the secret realm. The secret realm increased so many people, so I needed a very loyal People help me manage the secret realm. "

Listening to the summer saying, a Feng clan said: "Does this still need to ask? The most loyal and trustworthy person is of course Her Majesty Queen Mina."

Hearing him, everyone agreed: "Yeah, yeah, who can be more trustworthy than Queen Miner? And the Queen also has high prestige."

Who knows Minar once again refused: “No, I ’m not going to manage the secret realm. You all go to the interstellar war, let me hide in the secret realm, I wo n’t do it! And, the consul, your four General, which one is not loyal? Which one is not trustworthy? You can choose to let them manage it for you. "

He didn't speak in the summer, he was thinking about who to send him to manage the secret realm. Since the secret realm can only be transmitted to the locations marked and marked in the vault secret book, the lighthouse star is one, and its dynamic coordinates have been recorded and marked in the system.

In high-speed navigation, you can enter the secret realm at will, but you cannot return from the secret realm to the high-speed sailing ship. You can only return to the lighthouse star that is recorded and marked. And from the beginning of the expedition to the end of the interstellar war, as summer commander-in-chief, he wants to participate in the whole command, so he can not travel back and forth and secret. In this way, a loyal, trustworthy and courageous person is needed to manage the secret realm for him.

After thinking about it, this best candidate, except for his wife Queen Minare, no one is more suitable. The key now is that Mi Na is not willing to go. So in the summer, I feel very embarrassed now, and I can't help turning my attention to Bai Ziying. He believed in Bai Ziying's ability, and in the past six years, he also witnessed Bai Ziying's ability.

Xiaoying saw that she was watching her in the summer and immediately understood, standing up and saying, "As your supreme leader of civilization and commander-in-chief of the Navy, you command the whole army to kill the enemy in the front. And Her Majesty, you are also my first lady of Daming ~ Managing the rear, which is the most smooth thing, and only if you manage the rear, will you be more subdued. "

Xiaoying said this, and everyone reunited again, saying, "Yeah, who can have more prestige to manage our large rear than Her Majesty the Queen? You are the wife of Lord God, so only you Only let us rest assured. And only let you manage the rear, we can rest assured to fight. "

Summer said: "Minael, you see, everyone recommends you, I also think you are the most suitable candidate, you don't want to refuse. In addition, I let Lu Orange help you. Sister Lu, you are willing to assist Mina Does the Queen of Queens manage the rear? "

Lu Cheng said: "Your Excellency, the humble office is willing. The humble office will do its utmost to assist the queen to manage our large rear, that is, not let the soldiers in front worry, nor let the people in the rear care."

Xia Xia said: "Then this matter is settled. Brother Xing, do you want to stay too?"

Xing Wen said: "No, the protagonist, the subordinates still have to go to the front line! There are two queens and sister Lu managing behind, I think it's fine."

"That line," Xia Xia said, "we will discuss resource transfer, defense line arrangement, etc. below."

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