The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 559: Xia Deng's unauthorized actions

The following meeting was held for several hours, and it was always discussed how to transfer 200 million people and related supporting materials and facilities into the secret realm, as well as the layout of the galaxy defense system: including astronomical anti-aircraft guns, rail guns, military and industrial bases, defense fleets Place etc.

The meeting took place for more than four hours, with half a child resting in the middle. It was not until the end. The results of the meeting reached an agreement: first to carry out the transfer of population materials and resources, and at the same time to deploy the galaxy defense system. As for the vanguards, shelve them first and then discuss them.

In addition to Xia Deng, although there are also many generals who volunteered to take the initiative, they were not satisfied in the summer. This vanguard general must have an excellent military mind. It is not enough to be full of blood, so this matter was put on hold.

After the meeting, it was very late (fleet time), and everyone was very tired. I simply ate supper in the navy headquarters restaurant. The headquarters had a lighthouse star recipe. Then the big brothers of all departments rushed back to the lighthouse star all night. , Or return to their respective fleets. After a 12-hour break, intense strategic and tactical deployment began.

Minar walked out of the headquarters accompanied by the bodyguard. He was stopped by the summer and turned back, saying, "Minaar, stay."

Minar kept her head down and raised her head at the moment and said, "Don't all the decisions have been made at the meeting yet? I'm staying as the rear housekeeper."

Summer looked at her affectionately and said, "I mean, can you stay tonight?"

Minar wanted to reject him, but looked at summer with expectation, and for a moment said to the guard standing in the distance: "Captain, please take them back, I will accompany the prince tonight, and go back tomorrow morning."

Summer was overjoyed and said, "It's great." Armed his wife's arm to his living room. Along the way, I want to arrange work with my subordinates and contact Xia Lan at the same time: "Deng'er, your mother stays tonight, don't you want to stay with us too?"

The voice of Xia Deng came from the channel: "Father, mother, I'm already on the Huaxia, and besides, you two have lived in a two-person world and you don't need my big light bulb to provide you with lighting."

"You are a cub, your mother is rare to stay, and our family of three can also be reunited," Xia said.

"Father, I won't pass," Xia Deng was very stubborn.

Minar said: "Forget it, but just come. Come on, Deng'er, you should pay more attention to your body and don't get too tired."

"Yes, my mother."

The two disconnected the voice connection with Xia Deng, and in the summer ordered the system computer: "Cang Yue, adjust my living room to the lighthouse star Audrey mode."

"Yes, Master." Cang Yue answered.

The atmospheric mode of Beacon Star is also divided into two types, one is the low-pressure mode of the upper world wind people, and the second is the ground pressure mode of the lower world Odley people. The pressure and gravity are slightly higher than those on the overhanging peak.

Minar is an Audrey. Naturally, it will be adjusted to the light pressure and gravity mode of the lighthouse star. In summer, he can adapt to the upper or lower world.

As the captain of the mother ship in summer, his living cabin is the largest, two floors above and below, a large living room, six separate rooms, can be used as a bedroom study or other rooms, a small swimming pool.

The commanders in the headquarters all have their own living cabins, and the size of the living cabins is proportional to the size of the rank. As a rank of lieutenant colonel, Bai Ziying is a cabin with one room, one hall and one bathroom. Basically, there are no kitchens and dining rooms in the single-cabin living quarters of the fleet, because everyone eats in the canteen, and the living-cabins with family chores only have kitchens, but most of them also eat in the canteen.

Soldiers dine for free, and soldiers also receive a 50% discount on meal vouchers, so even a soldier's house with a family can basically eat in the cafeteria.

However, after the meeting, everyone was very tired, and Bai Ziying was also very tired. After eating, he went back to his bedroom. While showering in the bathroom, I couldn't help thinking of the scene she saw just after dinner.

At that time, she was seeing Xia and Minar talking in a corner. Mina was obviously going to return to the lighthouse star. She didn't know what was going on. She stayed, and then returned to the commander with Xia. Department's residence. Regardless of the hot water rushing down from the shower, she didn't wash it, she was so dripping and stunned.

There was no movement for five minutes, and a male voice rang out from the air: "Sir, are you okay?"

Xiaoying recovered and said, "It's okay, I'm okay."

Listening to her saying nothing, the male voice sounded again: "Adult, if you are in trouble, you can call me at any time."

"It's okay, I'm really okay, Adam, you step back." Xiaoying replied, and at the same time began to wash it seriously. After taking a shower, wrapped in a large bath towel, and out of the bathroom, Xiaoying said: "Adam, bring the monitoring from the command hall of the headquarters to me."

"Yes, lord!" Computer Adam replied. At the same time, the monitoring screen appeared in the void. Xiaoying reached out and flicked on the screen to watch the monitors in all corners of the headquarters. When the screen was pushed to the summer house, he stopped. If you go further, it belongs to private territory, and the monitoring cannot be accessed.

Xiaoying sat down on the sofa, and a male robot came over to her with a glass of milk. Xiao Ying looked at the monitoring screen with a daze.

Computer Adam incarnates into the body of the robot and asks, "Sir, are you sure?"

Xiaoying smiled bitterly and said, "I'm fine, you can rest assured, Adam."

Adam said, "That's good, do you need me to serve you tonight?"

Xiaoying looked up at the robot Adam and saw that the robot had the appearance of a majestic male. After drinking milk, Xiaoying nodded at Adam. Adam noticed, approached Xiaoying, lifted her, peeled off the bath towel on her body, and then hugged the fruity Xiaoying to the bedroom.

The night of the headquarters ~ ~ quietly ...

But it is said that in the summer villa-style living cabin, it is also quiet. In the bedroom, the couple are very quietly hugging each other. Artificial moonlight projected into the bedroom, a slight snoring sound, the night was so quiet, as if the world were so quiet, nothing would happen. however……

"Drip, drip, drip ..." The alarm sounded in the summer bedroom, waking the couple. There is no such thing as an urgent matter, the alarm in the bedroom will not alarm.

Suddenly sat up in the summer and asked, "What's going on? Cang Yue, are you calling the police?"

Cang Yue's voice sounded: "Sorry, sir, I'm sorry to disturb you, I'm very sorry."

"Less nonsense, hurry up and talk about things!"

Cang Yue said: "Master Xia Deng is forcibly accelerating the Huaxia under unauthorized circumstances. The target direction may be the enemy sine wave."

Summer was shocked: "Is he crazy? Hurry to help me connect the Huaxia!"

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