The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 560: Thunder Wrath

The flagship of the Second Fleet is the Super Carrier Hua Xia. The Hua Xia is larger than the Dreamcatcher. It is the largest warship of the Ming Navy at present and is 15 kilometers long. It adopts a semi-open structure with artificial gravity, shield and atmospheric anti-escape system. It can carry one million manned and unmanned fighters.

The second fleet with Huaxia as its flagship, in addition to the interstellar mothership Huaxia, has 50 battleships and 200,000 fighters. This is the current scale. In fact, when the Second Fleet is in full state, the flagship itself can mount one million fighters, and the fleet follows one million, which is two million. As for the full battleships can reach as many as 1,000.

At the beginning of the establishment of the huge Daming navy in the summer, it was based on the sea of ​​strategy. Therefore, it is nothing unusual for a fleet to have millions of fighters.

If this were on the previous earth, a country, and there could be thousands of fighters, it would be considered a super military power.

However, everything in Daming is in the early stage of construction, and the golden age is just beginning. Therefore, the combat units of the four major fleets have not reached saturation, especially the second fleet.

In addition to these combat units, the Second Fleet has only one military personnel in total, that is Xia Deng himself. So in a sense, Brigadier Xia Deng is a smooth commander.

In fact, at the beginning, summer was not optimistic about the only son Xia Lan. Xia Deng's work is arbitrary, just sullen for his own use, and brave, and this is what summer has evaluated him in his heart. Summer didn't want to appoint him an important position. It was a matter of planning to let him live a luxurious and happy life like all other rich second generations.

However, many old ministers supported him, and Xia Deng did not have the knowledge of himself. He should have great ambitions and join the Ming Navy. There is no way in summer, only to let him join the navy. But who knew that Xia Deng could not adapt to the atmosphere of the earth, let him go to the fourth fleet, the barracks of the Audrey.

However, Xia Deng did not take a fancy to the Fourth Fleet. He always thought he was a native Daming, so he had to serve twice in the fleet of the native Daming. In the summer, he had no choice but to let him go to build the second fleet.

Xia Deng knows himself very well, he understands his father perfunctory in the summer. But he was not discouraged, and the establishment of the Second Fleet was also in turmoil. Although he is just a commander in bare arms, he has built a complete computer system that can cope with interstellar wars, motherships, battleships, and fighters. He can be ordered by himself, and then controlled by the computer system to fight. When he did n’t reach Daming, he was fighting alone.

Xia Deng is unbearable, but in the summer he is very optimistic about his daughter Xia Xiaola. He feels that Xiao La will be stronger than Xia Deng in every aspect and is more suitable for taking his class. However, Xiao La has been missing for more than six years and his life and death are unknown. Sometimes in summer, she is very scared. She is afraid that Xiao La will never return like Mila.

However, Xia Deng drove the entire second fleet without authorization, suddenly began to accelerate, and had the intention to drive out of the cloud in 18 months. The four major fleets are basically in the Bengyun 18-month series, and the Second Fleet is also among them. At this time, speeding away, clearly to go to the front of the enemy line without authorization. Can you not worry in summer? Yi Gulu got up and began to dress.

Minar was also awakened and said: "What's the matter, brother? What are he going to do with Deng'er?"

Summer said angrily, "This Bunny wants someone to fight the sine wave alone!"

Minar was startled, "Denger, what is he going to do?" She also wobbled up and dressed.

Soon, the communication channel was in chaos, and communication requests from all parties came in. Let Cang Yue approve the connection in the summer. All the senior officers of the four major fleets asked about this matter in the summer.

Xia Xuan said angrily: "Crazy, crazy! Try to find a way to stop him! Cang Yue, is Xia Lan connected?"

Cang Yue said: "trying to connect, the connection has been in progress, no answer."

After getting dressed in the summer, he left the room and walked to the command hall. On the way, he said: "Call all the commanders of the headquarters and gather urgently! Start the thunder!"

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Minar yelled towards the summer, "Are you going to kill him? He's your own son!"

Thunder's Fury is a super plasma cannon on the Dreamcatcher. It only takes ten minutes to recharge, and once a gun is down, it can kill a mother ship. So Minar would shout at the summer.

Brother Tian said: "Moving the fleet privately is treasonous, do you understand?"

Cang Yue's voice said: "Sir, Thunder's Fury has been turned on, you need to verify your password."

Summer said without hesitation: "Password verification immediately."

"Yes, adult, start to scan the pupils and perform password verification!" Cang Yue said, scanning the summer retina with a red light, "Identification confirmation, password verification passed, Thunder's fury has been turned on, and charging is in progress It will be operational in minutes. "

When the password has not been verified, as long as the summer command to turn on Thunder Fury, then this super plasma cannon will start to recharge.

"Summer!" Minaar shouted almost hysterically, "You can't do this! He is your son!"

Cang Yue's voice: "The USS Huaxia and its fleet have sailed out of the fleet area and continue to accelerate."

At this moment, summer had already entered the command hall, and the commanders came in one after another. Minar followed closely, crying and said, "Brother, I beg you, let go of the lamp."

Xia Xia looked back at Mina'er and said nothing. She sat down in the captain's position and said, "Thunder's fury locks on the Huaxia."

Xing Wen ran in panic ~ ~ The clothes had not been worn yet, shouting: "Princess, think twice!"

Cang Yue's voice: "Hua Xia has been locked. Thunder Wrath will be fully charged in three minutes."

Xia Xia said: "The naval gun commander heard the order: Xia Lan could not be reached after three minutes and ordered the weapon officer to fire!"

Minar was immediately stunned, staring at Xia Xia, as if he didn't know him, and said, "Xia Xia, you are too cold-blooded and too ruthless! I hate you!"

The commanders in the hall began to plead, and in the summer, they did not listen and said, "I haven't been in power for more than 20 years, and no one has dared to mobilize the military privately, not even the Feng people and the Audrey Today! But let my son give precedence, he is my army. No one of you should persuade, Cang Yue, continue to connect. Fire before Thunder Fury ca n’t be reached before the charge is completed! It ’s a command! "

Minar no longer begged him, but stood beside him crying.

"Sir, charging is complete." Cang Yue said.

"Go fire!" Summer ordered, and Mina directly fainted.

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