The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 568: Pioneer Association

Before Bai Zixiong and Xia Xiaola had yet to return, people did not know that the universe had the concept of multidimensional and multiverse, nor did we know that our universe was named "Kylin Universe". We only know that our universe is infinite, there may be parallel spaces, and there may also be a high-dimensional universe.

In our knowledge, the Milky Way and some nearby galaxies form the local galaxy, which is also known as the Yuntianxinghai. There are two god-level civilizations in the galaxy: the engineer Luke and the observer Quaker, who have been dubbed by the summer two: the guest and the peeper.

There is a galaxy cluster far away from the sky of the Yuntian Xinghai, as far as millions of light years away, called the Magic Cloud Xinghai. In the magic cloud star sea, there is also a god-level civilization, called the scavenger Yanke, and was also known by the summer: eunuch.

The filthy guest, the **** and the **** are collectively referred to as the three cheapest cosmic guests in the summer. The eunuch's technological level may be more advanced than that of **** and peeping, and has exceeded the scope of **** level.

More than forty years ago, when summer was first transferred from the earth by the sky cocoon to Dawn II, he could feel that a mysterious civilization was observing him behind him, and gradually he knew that there were hackers and peepers.

Later, in the lighthouse star exiled by the sinking thief in the summer, after being illuminated by a purple light, he adapted to the lighthouse star's air environment. After that, he could feel that there was no news about the so-called pokemon and peeper.

Then he obtained the secret code of the sky, and learned that there is a more urgent and advanced god-level civilization in the distant Devil Cloud Xinghai, which is the scavenger Yanke. At the beginning, Yan Ke also went out from the Milky Way. It may be more advanced than the peeping and the punk. In the summer, there are even more homonyms of these three civilizations, and they are named as the universe three cheap.

Now that there is no news of these three cheap customers, then we can communicate with the earth.

The messenger has reached an agreement with the earth, and the messenger will undertake the defense of the outer orbit of the earth in the solar system, which will constitute three lines of defense. The first line of defense was established in the Kuiper Belt, facing the direction of the star insects, orbiting the sun in a still motion. Because it is far away from the sun, a scale of defense has begun to be formed gradually ten years ago.

The so-called static does not mean that the defense facilities in this area are stationary, but only that it is stationary with respect to a certain reference object, and this reference object is a star-worm.

Wu Ruize deployed a large number of troops in the Kuiper Belt, which was basically unmanned. Because this area is relatively wide, it is difficult to send people on duty all the year round. Air defense artillery is basically arranged on some distant celestial bodies, as well as some rail guns.

The defense force of the Kuiper belt will automatically adjust its position according to the observed movement path of the star insects. For example, the defensive artillery on some dwarf planets will be automatically changed into an orbital gun, and the orbital gun will find the celestial body nearby.

Since the intensive artillery on this first line of defense is unattended, it will automatically find the target to launch an attack when it encounters the enemy, and during the attack, determine the priority of multiple targets and select the priority Higher targets attack.

The second line of defense, established in the vast area from the orbit of Neptune to Jupiter, is also a stationary orbit around the enemy with respect to the direction of the enemy. The second line of defense uses a combination of manual and automatic defense.

The third line of defense is the orbit of Mars. At that time, the messenger will fight with the enemy on this last line of defense. And on this last line of defense, the messenger even placed massive forces on Mars, Phobos, Phobos, and the Ring of Fire.

If the third line of defense is broken, then it can be said that the earth is also over.

Of course, the Earth is also preparing, although the weapons are relatively primitive. The preparation made by the earth is to begin to form a unified defensive front. At this time UFC played a big role.

But as a Daming civilization, summer cannot help the earth, Mars and the solar system.

In the summer when discussing the defense of the earth with the messenger and the earth, Bai Ziying, who left the lighthouse star, was about to catch up with the summer lantern. Ten days later, Huluwa finally caught up with the Huaxia and kept flying with the Huaxia.

Bai Ziying and Xia Deng communicate in real time. Xiaoying was sitting on the captain ’s seat, and the bedroom in front of him was also sucked into the cabin roof.

Xiaoying said: "His Royal Highness, we are here to fight together. I am not here to supervise you. I am not your military supervisor. I am your chief of staff."


"A lot worse."

"That line, whatever you want." Xia Deng acknowledged defeat and no longer lifted the bar.

Huaxia is a super interstellar carrier with 20 battleships and 100,000 warplanes. They are all mounted on the mother ship, both internally and externally. So from a distance, I feel that Huaxia is just a lonely giant ship.

"Give me the password for automatic navigation and let me in." Xiaoying said.

"The flight code has been sent, please receive it."

Xiaoying casually looked at the data transmitted by Xia Deng, frowned and said, "Inside?"

Xia Deng said: "Yes, the internal space is very large, enough for your gourd to fly in and park."

"Not a gourd boy, but a gourd baby!" Xiaoying corrected.


"Much worse. Your Royal Highness, I don't want to hang inside, I want to hang out."

"Why? Isn't it safer to use it?"

"I think the plug-in is safer, and when fighting, I can leave at will and carry out mobile operations."

"Did you make a mistake, my chief of staff?" Xia Deng said, "You came to China, as the chief of staff of China, not a combat unit under China. You are coming to me Huaxia Command is in charge of the battle. "

Xiaoying sneered and said, "His Royal Highness, I think you are the one who made the mistake? The entire fleet, just the two of us, who is in charge?"

"Of course it's unmanned fighters and battleships ~ ~ I'm on Huluwa, and I can also command the battle with you." Xiaoying said coldly.

"Why? You wouldn't even want my Huaxia to come up?"

"You mount my warship first, will you? Remember, it's a plug-in."

"Yes, Miss! Plugin? Where are you going to hang it?"

Xiaoying brought out the three-dimensional picture of the Huaxia, looked at it for a while, and pointed to the top of the mother ship in the three-dimensional picture and said, "Just here."

"Are you mistaken? Are you going to ride on my head?" Xia Deng asked.

"Please pay attention to the wording, my prince."

"Okay, I count you ruthless. I'll let you ride it. Note, please download the flight code again."

According to the flight code, Xiaoying parked the gourd baby on the top of the head of the Chinese ship, which was more than a kilometer away from the command hall of the ship.

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