The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 569: Interstellar expedition

Xiaoying anchored the battleship on the top of the ship's head, and the docking was successful. Xia Deng repeatedly invited her to enter the mother ship to meet him, but Xiaoying was unwilling.

Xia Deng spread his hands on the screen and said, "Did you see it? I have changed the atmospheric mode to the earth-man mode in order to welcome you, and sincerely show my sincerity, why can't you enjoy a face? ? Besides, you can't stay on my head, how do you let us work together? "

Xiaoying said coldly: "I saw it early in the morning. You should restore the lighthouse star mode. I'm on the battleship. You're on the mothership. This way, everyone is very convenient and doesn't need to adapt to each other's air mode. It also does not affect each other and does not affect unified operations. "

What Xia Deng needs is the atmospheric environment of the lighthouse star, while Xiaoying needs the atmospheric environment of the earth. If the earth mode is turned on on the mother ship, then Xia Lan needs to wear a nose ornament. At this moment, Xia Lan wears a nose ornament, so at the beginning of the docking, Xiaoying saw Xia Lan wearing a nose ornament and knew that In order to welcome her, he has changed the air pattern in the mothership command hall from the original lighthouse star to the earth environment.

If the mother ship is in the lighthouse star mode, Xiaoying needs to wear a mask when going. Therefore, no matter what mode the mother ship turns on, it will be inconvenient for one of the two. And Xia Deng took the initiative to change to Earth mode, which shows that he sincerely invited Xiaoying to her.

But Bai Ziying did not buy it. This makes Xia Deng a little annoyed, but there is no way, who made him come from two different worlds.

Xia Deng had no choice but to say, "Well, whatever you want. What do you think of the future?"

"What else can you say?" Xiaoying said, "let's go with it."

"Hey, I said Sister Gao Leng, this is your opinion? What do you say is also the smartest woman in Daming, do you have any constructive suggestions?"

"The intelligence is not detailed now," Xiaoying said. "We only know that they are a civilized civilization, how powerful they are, and all the others. So for now, we can only wait for the drone ahead. More valuable information was sent back. And according to the current flight speed, we still need about two years to meet the enemy. So, it is useless to worry now. "

"Come on, who made you a celebrity at the headquarters?" Xia Deng sighed. "I can't afford to offend you. Then you will be like this? Don't you plan to go to the ship once?"

"If there are no special circumstances, it is better not to go up."

"That's fine," Xia Deng said. In fact, it was more desirable to him. He had always felt that his father was always uneasy and dissatisfied. This time, a woman was sent to supervise him, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

This matter was settled in this way. The battleship and the mother ship were successfully docked. In the words of Xia Deng, the battleship was riding on the head of the mother ship. Although there was a connection channel, the two did not interact with each other. All work is done through video or voice communication.

Every day, Xiaoying will have wireless communication with Xia Lan, who is in close proximity, and the summer report work at the headquarters, chat with his girlfriend Xiaoxue, and beg the far away on the earth. In this way, a year passed in an instant.

During the year, summer was in the rear, directing the various departments to carry out a tense population transfer, which he called Space Dunkerque. Most of the people who need to be transferred are the Feng nationality and the Audrey, and the native Daming people only occupy a very small number.

Transferring work is not as simple as sending people in, because many people are reluctant to transfer, some are going to fight together, some do not believe that Lighthouse Star will be attacked, in short, all people are responsible, so on the one hand organize people to transfer On the one hand, vigorous propaganda and education are also required.

The transfer time is one year, and the expedition takes one and a half years, so among the native Daming people, all students from the first grade and below are transferred into the secret realm. This kind of work has encountered great difficulties, because most of the students who have been in the first grade or above have been reluctant to transfer, and they are more willing to join the war.

Daming has clear regulations. Citizens are absolutely forbidden to go to the front line to participate in wars. Even if they have been receiving military training, there is no exception.

In Daming's cognition, children are Daming's most precious wealth, and fortune is absolutely not allowed to squander at will. Therefore, Daming has a stipulation that citizens are prohibited from participating in the war.

However, the children unanimously demanded to participate in the war, and invited waves of war, one after another, so during this year, inside the Dream Chaser, junior high school students often saw demonstrations, refused to transfer, and asked to participate .

And the children of senior two and senior three will be very happy, because they will be 18 years old after two and a half years, just can participate in the war. These fearless sacrifices, the courage to defend civilization, moved the summer very much ~ ~ But this strengthened his determination to protect minors, he could not let Daming's precious resources be destroyed by war.

The hardest thing to do at work is the first year of high school students. Because two years and a half later, the high school students are on the edge of the 18-year-old, so they strongly demanded to participate in the war and were firmly rejected by summer.

The population transfer work is really as expected at the beginning of the summer. It took a full year to complete the transfer. After the successful transfer, Minaer served as the President of the Secret Realm, Queen of the Sky Kingdom Tao Tei and Queen of the Jungle Kingdom Wei Wei, as vice presidents, and Lu Cheng as the secretary general.

In this way, the management team composed of four women began to manage the 200 million people who had moved into the secret realm.

In the process of population transfer, the deployment of the beacon star defense line is also in progress. The basic method is roughly the same as that of the Mars messenger. A large number of robot troops are deployed in the direction of the sine wave throughout the Samsung system to conduct mobile patrols. Once an invading enemy is encountered , Will automatically identify and decide whether to fire.

Everything is ready. In the 26th year of Tianyuan, the Ming Navy moved out and moved towards the enemy's sine wave. The vast interstellar expedition began.

Since the China Fleet of the Second Fleet has been on the vanguard for more than a year, the Daming Navy now has the first, third and fourth, a total of three fleets, more than 2 million combatants, of which only a few of the native Damings Thousands of people, even 10,000 US dollars, this is also limited by conditions. After so many years of population planning, Daming ’s population still has n’t kept up.

It has been a year since the Huaxia expedition, and it will take another year to meet the sine wave. It takes another year and a half for Daming Naval Corps to reach the battlefield. That is to say, when Xia Deng and Xiaoying and the enemy encountered on the Huaxia, the large army still needed half a year to arrive.

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