The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 573: Evil Dragon's Gift

In front of the video surveillance of the drone in front, the feedback from the command of the four major fleets, the sine wave released a massive 500 million shuttle to fly in the magnetic coil mode, and the flagship of 15o kilometers in diameter was virtually expanded to The shield protection area of ​​more than 10,000 kilometers in diameter, such a volume, is already equivalent to a planet. Teana "Novel." 2 The diameter of the earth is only 1.27 million kilometers.

The sine wave flew in this way for more than an hour, and it continues. After the morale encouragement was over, the question returned to the beginning. The sine wave has always been a very calm flight. Why do you want to show its combat power with great fanfare at this time?

Most people understand it: show off to intimidate and deter opponents, and its biggest opponent is Da Ming from Lighthouse Star. Bai Ziying put forward her different opinions: "It may be conducting military exercises."

"Military exercises?" Everyone is difficult to understand.

Xiaoying said: "It is possible to show off military force and military exercises, or both. Its military exercises are not like our humans. We humans conduct military exercises mainly to train, train, verify and evaluate the command system and combat units. The more effective results, as well as tactical coordination.

"The aircraft family is different. Its strategy and tactics have been generated in its database. When a war occurs, it only needs to calculate and analyze. What kind of strategic tactics adapt to the current battlefield, what kind of strategic tactics does it take Retrieved from the database for war deployment.

"So military exercises that seem unnecessary are essentially a kind of daily maintenance of equipment."

Xiaoying made such a final summary and said under the suspicion of everyone: "This is like the equipment we use every day, such as various machines. If it is not used for a long time, it will not have the effect of extending the service life. Correct The method is to take it out from time to time and start it. The reason why the sine wave does this is that it does not want to show off like us. "

It turns out so.

Afterwards, when Xiaoying and Xia were chatting alone, Xia asked: "Do you think that this sine wave has no logical thinking ability similar to humans?"

Xiaoying said: "I'm not sure about this, but also my own guess. After all, we have never encountered machine civilization, and the sine wave will be the first one we encounter."

Summer is lost in contemplation.

Xiaoying asked: "Long, are you ..."

"What is it?" Summer stopped thinking and asked.

"A bit greedy?" Xiaoying asked tentatively, then said, "Long, forgive me for being rude."

"Haha," Xia Xiao laughed, "It's true that I can't hide you. I'm greedy. When I know that it has 500 million combat units, to be honest, I'm very greedy. I think again. There can be so many combat units. "

"However, how many people do you need!" Xiaoying sighed.

Xia Tian sighed and said: "Yeah, who makes us a human civilization, not like a crew civilization, we only need a central computer. What we need is a large population. Five hundred million combat units, even if they are all used Drones, the demand for the population is also massive.

"We calculated according to the ratio of 1: 1ooo, that is, a military personnel must have a population reserve of at least 1ooo people, and 500 million billion combat units, even if they all use drones, then at least 100 million military personnel, This will be a scary figure.

"Behind 100 million military personnel, a 1,000-fold population reserve is needed to support it. That is 100 billion people! When will my Daming reach this scale? And it must be a native Daming."

Xiaoying laughed: "Come on slowly, long, the path of civilization is very long, thousands of years, ten thousand years, in the long river of the universe, then a fleeting thing at that time."

"However, the population plan is about to usher in an epoch-making progress," Xia Xia said. "Not long after you left, our scientists are actually your classmates in the same period, and several people will work with the messenger scientists to jointly develop a superb technology. "

"Oh?" Xiaoying asked with interest. "What kind of technology is it?"

Summer said: "Through artificial in vitro fertilization, one egg can receive more than ten sperm at the same time. That is to say, one fertilized egg can breed more than ten embryos."

"Ah?" Xiaoying raised her mouth in surprise. "This is also incredible."

"This is the reason, so in population engineering, the willingness of the gene bank to be the top secret lies here, which can effectively prevent ethical embarrassment."

"But long, will this cause genetic disaster?"

"I don't know," Xia said. "In theory, no, because every child has been genetically enthroned since he was an embryo, and blood relatives within three generations have genetic watches to alarm, so theoretically it is safer. Yes, but nothing is absolute ~ ~ It is also very cautious about the cutting-edge technology of one egg and more precision. "

Since Daming Navy's expedition, the population breeding plan has been suspended, but the collection of seeds has not stopped. The native Daming people in the mysterious environment and the expedition fleet will continue to collect eggs and sperm as long as they are adults.

So from the current situation, Daming's population has stopped growing, but the seed bank has not stopped collecting. As soon as the war is over, a wave of population will surge.

As for one egg and more sperm, there is only a theoretical and theoretical stage. Due to the suspension of the population reproductive plan, the one egg sperm and sperm technique can only be put into practical demonstration after the end of the war.

Through multiple investigations of the sine wave, the information about the sine wave has become more and more abundant and more detailed, and the data of the combat units have become more and more accurate.

A flagship "No. 1" uses hexadecimal counting for sine waves. There are 12,288 battleships, numbered from (Note). There are 736 shuttles, and the number of the shuttle is accurate to one place according to its 16 prohibition number. Marking from fffff.

The sine wave's central computer name is Xielong, a domineering name, but Xielong is very "low-key" and never communicates with Daming. When Daming had very comprehensive information, the evil dragon finally broke the silence and sent a message to Daming. Of course, the first to receive the message was Xia Lan on the Vanguard Huaxia and Bai Ziying on the Huluwa.

At this time there is still a month before the encounter. The information attached to the dictionary is only a few words: are you stupid creature, are you ready? I gave you a gift.


Note: Hexadecimal digits, consisting of 16 digits, are: o, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f.

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