The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 574: Act by chance

The Huaxia carrying the gourd baby is one month away from the sine wave fleet, that is, there are three light days away. It can be seen from this distance that the information sent by the evil dragon came from three days ago. Xia Deng and Bai Ziying communicated online.

Xia Deng asked: "Girl, what gift do you think this evil dragon sent?"

"I don't know," Xiaoying answered directly.

"Hey, can you not be so cold? Okay? The two of us are working together anyway, okay? The entire fleet, just the two of us, why do you want to fight against me? I will not eat you." The lamp said a little angrily.

"His Royal Highness, because the entire fleet is the two of us, so we are better separated, and I have reiterated with you many times, this communication is also very convenient, the two of us adapt to different environments, reflecting together, very inconvenient."

The two of them were talking, and Huluwa suddenly said: "Sister, intelligence is sent from the reconnaissance drone ahead, and a group of shuttles are accelerating the sine wave."

Xia Deng also stopped talking during the chat, and it seems that the computer system on the Huaxia was also reporting intelligence to him.

"A bunch of shuttles?" Xiaoying frowned and asked, "A bunch? How many? How fast?"

"The unit number is being counted. Sister, the speed is 16, and it is still accelerating." Huluwa said, the so-called 16 speed refers to its speed relative to the flagship No. 1, which is calculated as the speed of 01 times the speed of light In this case, the speed of this group of shuttles is 01x16 = 016 times the speed of light. At this rate, you can encounter this group of shuttles in about half a month.

After a short wait, Huluwa said: "Sister, the number of shuttles is ... 12 million."

"12 million? 12 million!" Xiaoying breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't expect that this sine wave casually sent a scout advance team with so many combat units! If it is on the earth, it can destroy the earth casually.

"In addition to the shuttle, there are two battleships accompanying," Huluwa added.

Xiaoying sneered: "This evil dragon really can't afford to see us. He sent such a big gift. Hello, Your Highness, how do you think?"

Xia Deng also obtained first-hand information, and his face was not very good-looking. He said: "We now know a lot about sine waves, and for the same reason, sine waves also know a lot about us. It knows that we are just pioneers, so It sent out scouts. Scouts have little chance of winning against the vanguard. "

Xiaoying knows to ask Xia Deng and can't ask for a result, so she said: "Or, let's react with the headquarters, maybe the headquarters can give us some hints."

Xia Deng said: "As you like."

Xiaoying ignored the Xia Deng's yin and yang, and let Huluwa connect to the headquarters, Daming Naval Command. I made a timely report on the information in the summer.

The relationship is significant. In the summer, once again the commanders of the Navy Department and the two-wing fleet were called online for everyone to analyze together. Obviously, the sine wave of the central host evil dragon is to give Daming a dismount.

At this time, an officer from the old dawn said: "Admiral, as the saying goes, the heroes do not eat the immediate loss, we obviously can not beat, so it is better to change the channel now, retreat."

A young officer immediately retorted: "Retreat? Where to withdraw? The other side is the destination of the sine wave invasion. Withdraw, don't you still have to fight?"

The conservative official said just now: "We can withdraw to the dark day."

The dark day, or Barnard Star, is 6 light-years from the lighthouse star and Earth.

The conservatives are basically old Dawn people and descendants of natural production. The engineering population born under the population plan has received military ideological education since childhood, so they are basically radicals. While the Feng nationality and the Audrey rarely participate in the debate, they are more obedient.

As a radical, a young officer said: "The dark day is 6 light-years away from us, and it will take us 80 years to arrive. According to the secret book of the sky, there is a planet of life in the dark day, but that was 100,000 years ago. Ah. The ghost knows that after 100,000 years of evolution, whether the dark day is much higher than our civilization! "

Xiaoying said: "It is impossible to change the course to the dark day."

"Why not?" Several conservative officials asked at the same time.

Xiaoying said: "The colleague just said very clearly that the life planet of the dark sun was recorded 100,000 years ago. After 100,000 years, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not become a super interstellar civilization. We If you go wrong, you will be beaten. There is another very important fact.

"We, as the vanguard, are only one month away from the sine wave, and the big troops are only half a year away from the sine wave. Think about it, change the channel now, go to the dark day? Just send a few sine waves casually A small team came out and followed us after changing the course, and it would take us two years to catch up with us. "

Xia Tian said: "Comrade Bai Ziying said that it makes perfect sense. The sine wave of 68.7 billion combat units, as long as one tenth of the branch is enough to catch up with us. By then, we are completely passive ~ ~ easier It has caused a beating situation. "

Speaking of combat effectiveness again, if evaluated in terms of quantity, the combat effectiveness of the sine wave is 50,000 times that of Daming. Such a gap has once again created a sense of oppression, and we feel that this war, we humans have no hope.

Xia Tian said: "On the strategic level, we will talk about it later. We will now discuss how to meet the provocation of the enemy."

The key issue made people silent.

Seeing that everyone could not provide constructive advice, Xia Deng said: "Since there is no good strategy, we can only see the opportunity by then. Fortunately, we still have half a month to prepare."

Xiaoying said: "Your Highness is right, and you still don't know enough about the sine wave. It is indeed too early to make a decision in a hurry. Chief, with the new situation, we will report to you as soon as possible."

There is no good solution to this matter, and the multi-party conference ended without a while. Three days after receiving the evil dragon ’s challenge message, Xiaoying connected with Xiaoying in the summer and told her a very important thing, that is, Daming finally received the doomsday ship from the messenger.

As early as forty years ago, as the messenger civilization that had just started, the big boss Wu Ruize launched a doomsday ship in the direction of Daming, a spaceship that gathered Quaker technology, in order to let summer also penetrate Quaker Human technology has allowed Daming to achieve a qualitative leap in its technological level.

The technology of the Quakers, which is Liujin technology, is biased towards materials technology, that is to say, the technology of the messenger is very close to the technology of the civilized civilization.

After more than 40 years of flying, the doomed ship finally flew to Daming, and it was Daming on the voyage.

"Perhaps, this doomsday ship will have some help for us to overcome the sine wave, which is also uncertain," Xia said.

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