The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 579: Man-machine war (1)

There are still three hours to meet directly, and Xiaoying is very anxious. She can no longer sit firmly on her captain ’s seat. This is the opposite of her always calm and stable character. Adam asked quietly on the side: "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaoying turned off the microphone and said, "I'm anxious, my brother! Why is this summer lantern indifferent? Alas, I wish I was the commander of the fleet!"

Adam asked, "What should we do now?"

Xiaoying said: "Let all robots have good weapons and be ready to fight at any time. In addition, all of the offensive drones are ready to go out and fight at any time. Huluwa, I want to make all the combat units of this ship!"

Huluwa said: "Sister, you say."

"All robots, drones," Xiaoying said, "I know that although you all have super high ai, but you are not human after all, there is no human thought, but the battle of life and death is about to begin! We must be fearless Forward to protect these two stupid human beings! "

Adam said: "Sister, you don't have to mobilize for war. We are all robots, there is no fear, we just obey. Even if all are killed, we must protect humans!"

Xiaoying talked and said, "I only realized now that when I was studying at school, the machine policeman in the school always called us stupid human beings. Human beings are stupid enough."

Adam said: "That's also a minority, you are not included."

Xiaoying also said: "I am not afraid of God-like enemies, I am afraid of pig-like teammates. This is true. No complaining, you few," she pointed to several robots and said: "Go out of the cabin immediately and go to the gourd. Do not go anywhere between the painting and Huaxia, wait for my order and manually disconnect at any time. "

"Observe, sister!" The few robots whispered, and went.

Xiaoying said: "I'm afraid that when the time comes to fight, I can't disconnect, I can only do it manually. Alas, wait for the encounter."

After all, Xiaoying turned on the microphone again, and Xia Deng had no new actions. This indicated that Xia Lan could not see it anymore. He ordered: "Xia Deng, send another group of drones, carry electromagnetic pulse bombs, and go to the enemy. The camp fought back. "

"Yes, father!" Xia Deng said, and really sent a group of drones out.

Through the screen, Xiaoying could see Xia Deng's body trembling slightly. Xiaoying understands that this is caused by anxiety. For the first time participating in interstellar warfare, and so vast interstellar warfare, for a person with no combat experience, fear is also a normal phenomenon. She herself At the moment, she was also a little scared and anxious. In order to hide this emotional exposure, she kept walking back and forth.

The second drone test ended with a total extermination again, but this time the reconnaissance intelligence showed that more than 10,000 enemy aircraft groups suddenly had a formation chaos and lasted for ten minutes. During the ten-minute chaos of the formation, the more than 10,000 shuttles did not follow the formation at all and collided with their companions.

This shows that the electromagnetic pulse weapon has played a role!

Summer asked: "How many locusts did you launch?"

Xia Deng replied: "One thousand."

One thousand planes had such a great effect, which shows that we still have the opportunity to reverse. After getting Xia Lan ’s reply, Xia Tian said: "How come you have launched so few? How many locust drones are there on the Huaxia? ? "

"One million." Xia Deng answered.

Summer is unwilling to ignore him. Xiaoying also feels that Xia Deng is indecisive in doing things, and is indeed not a person doing big things. Xia Tian said: "Continue to launch drones for harassment, pay attention, in addition to using d to attack, do not forget to kill weapons!"

"Yes, father!" Xia Deng replied. It is estimated that he also saw the dissatisfaction of summer. This time, 100,000 locust drones were launched, carrying a large number of d bombs.

In the eyes, Xiaoying was very anxious. This Xia Deng was not the coach's material at all. Let's talk and move. If she were, she wouldn't be like this now.

However, it said that the shuttle scouts had been exhausted very much. In Xia Deng, several waves of locust drone attacks were launched continuously. Under the turns of electromagnetic pulses and laser weapons, the opponent ’s formation was in chaos and there were thousands The shuttle was destroyed. But our army's unmanned aerial vehicles are still destroyed.

According to intelligence feedback from the reconnaissance plane, at least 100,000 enemy shuttles have been destroyed. Under the attack of electromagnetic pulses, the shields of more than 1 million shuttles briefly failed.

Electromagnetic pulse attacks have achieved obvious results, suffering from a disparity in number, they cannot play a winning blow.

After several attacks, only half an hour away, Xia Deng intends to continue to release the remaining locust drones, Xiaoying quickly said: "His Royal Highness Prince ~ ~ Don't attack, wait for frontal contact Right. "

"Why?" Xia Deng asked back: "We have already killed a lot of them. This method is very effective."

This guy is getting excited at this time, Xiaoying sneered: "You only killed 100,000 of it, do you see how many are left?"

11.9 million are left.

"How many are your locusts?" Xiaoying asked again.

Xia Deng was silent, because there were only 500,000 locusts left, and there were not many weapons left. Xia Xia said: "Bai Zi Ying's words are reasonable, Xia Deng. Use it when you are ready for an encounter. In addition, don't fight hard when you are in an encounter. Be ready to retreat any time.

"Yes, father!" Xia Deng replied.

Xiaoying also said: "Let the robots on the ship prepare some weapons to prevent the enemy planes from penetrating and dismembering the ship. In addition, wear protective armor."

Regardless of whether Xia Deng listened or not, Xiaoying said to Adam: "Baby, come here and wait for your sister to put on gold equipment."

"Yes, sister!" Adam said and began to help Xiaoying wear heavy gold equipment.

The gold equipment is equipped with a wave sword, a laser rifle, and a laser pistol. Xiaoying added another d shotgun and brought a hundred d bullets. In addition, the gold equipment also comes with individual soldier shield, individual soldier computer system, radiation protection, automatic pressure adjustment function, oxygen circulation system, power injection system, energy pack, can provide a one-year small hibernation system, etc. Various protective measures.

Although it is bulky, it will make the user feel very relaxed when put on the body.

While equipping himself, Xiaoying did not forget to command: "All armed robots, nano-robots, drones are all in a state of war. Huluwa, turn off the gravity system and air system"

The encounter is about to begin!

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