The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 580: Man-machine war (2)

Once the gravity system is turned off, artificial gravity is lost in the cabin. Xiaoying turns on the ferromagnetic function of the gold nail sole, allowing the sole magnet to attract the deck to prevent it from floating without gravity.

After the air system is closed, the cabin will no longer provide oxygen output. Fortunately, there is still a lot of residual oxygen available in the cabin, and the entire battleship will be a living person. Without the supply of oxygen, the battleship also stopped the air pressure stability control.

That is to say, when the battle is going on and off, the air lock compartment will be switched off and the air in the cabin will be lost and decompressed.

At the same time, the eco-cabin was also closed, and the eco-cabin was not destroyed to the greatest extent. Less than twenty minutes before contact, the optical telescope can clearly see the enemy.

Twenty minutes away, high-speed interplanetary flight, if you do n’t slow down at this moment, there will be an encounter, if you do n’t give the enemy a fatal blow, then the two sides of the battle will quickly interlace, and it is difficult to think about the encounter again. Too.

The Huaxia did not slow down at all, because the Huaxia did not want to get entangled with it. But this sine wave scout team does not slow down, is it only for one encounter? Or is it continuing to attack the navy behind Daming? unknown!

But now I can't control too much, and I can only adapt to the situation. The reconnaissance aircraft sent back a very clear set of close-up photos of the shuttle.

This photo is in 3D and can be rotated at any angle. When such a close-up photo is displayed in front of everyone, everyone is very surprised.

The shuttle itself is rotating at high speed while flying, just like the ufo photographed by the earth people in the last century. The recent photos taken by the high-speed camera on the reconnaissance drone can clearly see its true face:

First, it is disc-shaped, and secondly it is composed of two parts. The upper half of the disc is a real disc, but the lower half of the disc is a bizarre creature with twelve pairs of touch feet! No, to be precise, it's like a creature. Because it is a machine, not a biological creature.

Xia Xia said: "You found it, this ghost looks like a horseshoe crab." (Note: horseshoe crab, the same sound as "after".)

That's right, this is a machine limulus! The back of the horseshoe crab is close to the bottom of the upper half of the disc. The diameter of the disc is five meters, and the mechanical horseshoe crab is only less than two meters in length, and the foot touches out, and the width is only more than one meter.

The impression is that this machine is a horseshoe crab, carrying a huge shell. This mechanical horseshoe crab has not only twelve pairs of tentacles, but also a pair of eyes, and a pair of tentacles, and the biological earth ’s biological horseshoe crab, there is still a certain gap in appearance.

The basic combat unit of this sine wave, the shuttle, why is it like a horseshoe crab under it?

Sine wave is a machine civilization, also known as machine civilization. The machine civilization is not naturally evolved like the human civilization. The machine civilization is basically the creation of a certain advanced intelligent creature. In the later time, due to various reasons, it evolved into the machine civilization.

So is the creator of the sine wave a creature that looks like a horseshoe crab? It's incredible. But this question is too late to think about. However, one thing is for sure, the high-speed shuttle flight has a very big advantage, that is, it has strong maneuverability and can be turned at high speed.

When a human aircraft turns, it must fly in a large arc to achieve the purpose of changing course. However, the high-speed rotating aircraft does not need to do such a large arc flight, and can maneuver very quickly. The sine wave is a civilized civilization and rotates at a high speed without causing dizziness.

If this were human beings, sitting in a high-speed rotating aircraft, the result would be conceivable. This is also a huge advantage of the machine family compared to the human family.

This is like the rts game people play, there is a high degree of balance between races. Although the machine family is superior to the human family in terms of mobility and scheduling, it is far behind the human family in terms of creativity. The so-called creativity is to make something that is not possible in the three major races of machine, human and zerg.

Only the human race can be creative, and only the creativity can make the race superior. But the negative effect of creativity is to occupy a lot of resources. Creativity is not only in science and technology, it is also in art, culture, entertainment, and human enjoyment. This requires people to have a large population to support the prosperity of their civilization. Massive population needs to occupy and consume massive resources.

There is little gossip, but the formation of the shuttle formation that originally made the DNA double helix flight has suddenly changed dramatically. Many shuttles form a line and suddenly thrown out of the formation, and this line is like a giant in space. The one tentacle thrown out is the same ~ ~ This tentacle is composed of three flying lines that suddenly disturb the flight shuttle forward. These three flying lines are composed of many shuttles flying through the fish.

Xiaoying shouted: "Attention, they are about to attack!"

Twenty minutes away from the enemy camp, that is to say, the distance between the enemy and us is only 4 light minutes, which means that we have observed that this "tentacle" thrown out by the shuttle formation has already occurred Things happened four minutes ago.

If you can know that the distance between the sun and the earth is 8 light minutes, then you can probably understand the concept of this 4 light minutes.

But it said that the tentacles that were thrown out were getting longer and longer, and new shuttles were constantly added to the team of tentacles, and this tentacle showed a large arc, striking toward the China Xia.

Although it is a roundabout flight, it is faster than the original one. The sine wave uses the spiral flight formation and the shuttle's own high-speed rotation to implement rapid acceleration and rapid change of course.

While everyone was watching the upcoming "tentacles" nervously, Xiaoying reminded Xia Deng again: "His Royal Highness, you can turn off the gravitational and air systems. Also, you should now wear individual equipment. "

Although Xia Deng was reluctant, he did as Xiaoying said. At each step, he had to think of Xiaoying one step later, so he was very reluctant, not to mention that the headquarters was also online, and his father and many other officials were watching him, always caused by a woman, which made him feel very fell shame. But he must do the same, and what should be said for Xiaoying is correct.

Seeing the enemy's big tentacles is about to come. According to the investigation, the contact is greatly advanced. About three minutes later, the tentacles will touch the shield of the Huaxia.

Xiaoying reminded: "His Royal Highness, you can release the locust carrying d weapon."

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