The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 581: Man-machine war (3)

Three minutes to count down.

Suddenly received the message sent by the evil dragon of the sine wave, after translation, the content is as follows:

Get ready to tremble! If you are afraid, you can choose to surrender, and I will give you a heavenly world!

The evil dragon suddenly came to this trick, and no one knew what it meant. The battle was imminent and a decision must be made immediately. Xia Deng said: "Nine days, send the evil dragon two words: Go to die!"

"Yes, Captain!" Said the host of Huaxia Jiutian. This was a woman's voice. Xia Lan gave her the name "Jiutian", which originated from the very famous goddess "Nine Heavens Mystery" in the ancient deification of China.

"All the locust drones attacked, firing d bombs and laser beams in turn!" Xia Deng ordered, and at this moment he finally looked like a captain.

The Huaxia was traveling in the universe at normal speed. In front of it, countless sine wave shuttles rushed fiercely with a huge tentacle. This type of attack is intriguing.

In the most famous record of an interstellar war, it was the battle of stars and insects in summer, and the enemies were all overwhelming. At the moment, with 12 million combat units, the "Sword Serpent Formation" will be adopted, which is incredible. I don't know what kind of tactic it is.

Xia Deng has released all the remaining half a million locust drones, and the half a million drones rushed toward the big tentacles with no return. Xiaoying just wanted to remind Xia Deng not to let the drone attack head-on. Xia Deng had already made a decision and ordered the drone to go round the side of the front end of the tentacles.

There is a saying "snake hits seven inches", I hope this big tentacle has seven inches to hit.

"Nine days, all the shipborne artillery is fully on! The plasma cannon starts to charge, and the target, one of the opposing battleships, is locked!"

"Yes, Captain!" Jiutian answered.

One end of the tentacles was pointed at Huaxia, while the other end was on the two battleships. The two battleships revolved around each other, flicking the shuttle that wrapped them at high speed, like a tornado, throwing their heads to our army Huaxia.

And this tornado formed a thin long strip, which is like a big tentacle. The two ends of the big antennae actually have a distance of 1 light minute.

1 light minute ≈ 18 million kilometers.

"All combat units, fire at full force, free to find the target, free to fire!" Xia Deng ordered loudly.

Countless beams of light radiate from the Huaxia and hit the large antennae directly.

Adam asked, "Sister, shall we start attacking too?"

"No," Xiaoying said calmly and unexpectedly. Because she knew very well that she was just a small battleship, and it seemed so insignificant in front of the Huaxia.

Xia Deng had turned on the plasma cannon. A thick beam of light burst from the main gun and shot towards the first main ship 18 million kilometers away.

The distance of 1 light minute means that when this beam of light hits, it is already a minute later.

Will the enemy main ship take the initiative to evade after a minute? How much power is lost in a minute? This is difficult to predict. But one thing is clear. Beam attacks cannot be prevented in advance, even if there is a long distance of 1 beam. Because when you see this light, it means you have been hit.

Therefore, in the interstellar war, the importance of shields can be seen. Because you can't avoid the enemy's beam attack at all, you can only resist hard. Material technology is very important, but the shield is more important! A warship without a shield would be unimaginable.

The plasma beam just shot out had a wonderful change. It exploded violently in front of the eyes, and the center of the explosion was even connected to the enemy battleship. That is to say, the enemy was also emitting a plasma beam with the two beams in the middle There was a violent explosion in the collision. Cosmic space is a vacuum, and no explosion can be heard, but dazzling light can be seen.

Countless lasers were fired from the mother ship and directed at the enemy's tentacle-shaped cluster. Lasers are currently the best offensive weapons in space. Seeing that the enemy's shuttle was about to hit the shield of the mother ship.

Xia Deng suddenly changed his tactics, drastically modified the course, and deflected the mother ship in a large deflection. Was it to withdraw from the battlefield? Xiaoying was a little puzzled. At this time, it was too late to withdraw from the battlefield. But then she understood. The purpose of the turn is to avoid the attack of the beam of the plasma cannon fired by the opponent, and the second is to prevent the enemy from detecting the direction of our attack.

If you want to go round with the enemy first, you can't fight hard, you must fight roundabout and keep the distance as far as possible from the enemy. Human beings are capable of thinking, and they can play cards without convention, which is beyond the reach of machines.

Plasma beam hedging soon ended, followed by a long recharge time. At the moment, the enemy's cluster of shuttles attacked in a line has reached the front and hit the shield.

Because this shuttle is composed of two parts, the disc-shaped flying saucer in the upper half ~ ~ the lower half is the horseshoe crab. So from the monitoring display, it can be seen that when the shuttle is about to hit the shield, its flying saucer part suddenly splits a lot of debris, and each debris is noisy. The shield emits a laser beam.

The fragments of the machine horseshoe crab and the flying saucer finally hit the shield together, and the sparks flashed and destroyed.

And the shuttle in the back follows this trajectory, splitting into the horseshoe crab and many fragments one by one, emitting color laser and colliding with the shield.

The enemy aircraft is consuming the energy of the engine that supports the shield operation in this way. When the energy is overloaded, the engine will be burned. Once the engine is burned, the shield will disappear. Once the shield disappears, the consequences can be imagined.

The shuttle was like this in a straight line, fierce, rushing forward without fear of death, and it always recognized a point of impact.

Under the continuous impact of the shuttle, the impact point formed a ripple rippling on the surface of the shield, and under continuous impact, the ripple spread out in circles, and the depth of the ripple was also constant. Enlarged, from a distance, it looks like a light nest.

The shield is sometimes like a sponge mattress with super elasticity. When it is hit, it will quickly bounce back and return to its original state.

But the current shield cannot bounce back, because the impact point is always at a point, and the impact is continuous and uninterrupted. In addition to the impact, the shuttle will split up for laser irradiation before the impact.

The ripples in the shape of a spiral nest were almost touching the hull of the ship.

Xia Deng turned the course as hard as possible, trying to avoid the impact, or allowing the impact to be changed to another place, which also relieved the pressure on the shield. But the enemy aircraft group recognized that place, and as the mother ship moved, it immediately followed.

The shield was about to be penetrated.

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