The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 582: Man-machine war (4)

The machine is not thinking, the machine will not have fear, it will only execute the command blindly, even if this command is destroyed!

The 1,200-meter-long tentacles composed of 1,200 shuttles hit the shield of the China Starship one after another one after another, striking the success of the enemy ship at the cost of destroying individuals!

The successive impacts caused a huge shock to the mothership, including the battleships that hung on the mothership. Bai Ziying couldn't stand in the command cabin. When she saw the enemy shuttle hit the mother ship in this way, she immediately realized a problem and said, "Five Elements Baby, bring the guy with me!"

After all, Xiaoying is about to leave the command module, and the target goes to the connecting channel below.

"Sister, take me, I will go too!" Adam said.

"Adam, you stay, housekeeping!" Xiaoying said without looking back, and continued to walk forward.

"No, sister, I can't leave you!"

"Implement the order!" Xiaoying said that he had left the command cabin with five robots, and ran all the way to the connecting channel. "Huluwa, transfer the monitoring!"

"Yes, Sister!" Huluwa said, and transferred two videos at the same time. One showed the impact point of the mother ship hull. The shuttle was still hitting one after another. The other picture was the command hall of the mother ship. The mothership is being controlled.

Summer said on the channel: "Bai Ziying, come back, don't run around!"

"No, Chief," Xiaoying said, "The enemy's purpose is obvious. They want to hijack the prince as a hostage. I can't let their conspiracy succeed. I'm going to save Your Highness!"

As soon as Xiaoying finished talking, the spaceship shook violently, throwing her and several accompanying robots away. Her entire body hit the bulkhead, and then bounced, causing her body to float in the air. At this moment, the gravitational system has been turned off inside the warship, so it is floating after being thrown away.

"What's wrong?" Xiaoying exclaimed.

Huluwa said: "The shield of the mothership was broken."

Xiaoying looked and saw that the monitor showed that the shield at the impact point had been knocked out of a huge hole, and the subsequent shuttles split one after another, illuminating the ship hull under the shield gap with laser, and quickly Tear the hull out of a huge opening.

A large number of horseshoe crabs flooded into the gap and entered the mother ship. Xiaoying shouted: "Your Highness, you are going to retreat!"

Xia Deng also shouted: "Retreat? Where to retreat?"

"Take the battleship and leave the mothership!" Xiaoying said.

"No," Xia Deng almost shouted, "I would have sworn to die with the mothership! Do not repeat!"

Xiaoying couldn't control it so much. He opened the jet bag on his back and moved forward, while supporting the bulkhead with both hands to speed up the advance.

On the way forward, she did not forget to pay attention to the situation of the mother ship. Now there is one thing to be thankful that the enemy is only a hostage to live, and there is no intention to destroy the mother ship, and the battleship "Huluwa" is not included in the attack target.

Countless shuttles flooded into the mother ship. Once they entered, they continuously fired lasers to break through the road ahead. Their route of travel is not along the passage, but directly to the bow command hall with a branch line, so as long as there is a bulkhead in front of them, they will emit laser radiation, and if they do not penetrate, they will use the body to strike.

In addition to the forward route, more shuttle opportunities follow the passage and rampage inside the mother ship. So the entire mothership was continually oscillating, and explosions followed one after another.

In these shuttles, some split apart, split into machine horseshoe crabs and a large number of micro-attack aircraft. After the horseshoe crab is separated from the shuttle, it is attached to the bulkhead or the roof and quickly crawls through twelve pairs of touch feet.

At this time, the mothership has turned off the gravity system, but this does not affect the walking of the horseshoe crab, they are all attached to the bulkhead to move forward.

There are also shuttles that have not split, flying or crashing or firing lasers in the huge space inside the mother ship. Red police lights flashed throughout the mothership.

Xiaoying hurried forward anxiously, and was about to reach the connection. At this time, she had been watching and monitoring and found a suspicious situation. I saw those horseshoe crabs crawling inside the mother ship radiating from time to time The red light of the Tao, sometimes the light is a long shape, sometimes a small circle, just these two shapes, and the frequency of alternating flashes is very fast.

"Huluwa, help me translate their light language!" Xiaoying said, because she understood that inside the mothership, electromagnetic pulses were everywhere, which was caused by D bombs. Under the attack of electromagnetic pulses, there were many enemies Of the components have been damaged, or temporarily failed.

In the case of electromagnetic signal interference, light is the best language for communication. The sine wave is a civilized civilization, it does not need sound as language, but it is very understandable to use light as a language of communication.

Before, the sine wave had two experiences of exchanging information with Daming ~ ~ The first time was a very early reply, saying that there is no peace between the sine wave and Daming, only war. The second time it was sent was just a short while ago, and it was a message to persuade the surrender.

At the same time that the sine wave sends information, a dictionary is also attached. It can be seen through the dictionary that the sine wave uses binary machine language, the most primitive and lowest-level computer language.

People with a bit of computer common sense should understand that computers communicate with humans through computer languages, and the lowest level is machine language for machines. Machine languages ​​include binary, tertiary, and quaternary. Daming's machine language is ternary, and all commands are composed of three digits, 0, 1, and -1.

The machine language of the sine wave is binary, and all commands are composed of two digits, 0 and 1. The von Neumann type computer in earth civilization is also a binary machine language, which means that all computers we use now, including brand machines, compatible machines, or Apple, are binary machine languages.

For human beings, machine language is like a heavenly book, so there are assembly language and high-level language on it to adapt to humans, especially programmers, to communicate with computer systems.

However, machine language is the most convenient and understandable language for machine civilization. Individuals of sine waves are communicating through binary machine language! When electromagnetic signals and sound signals are disturbed, the light naturally becomes the medium of communication, and the straight lines and circles represent the 0s and 1s in the binary code.

Huluwa translated: "Pay attention to the energy source, do not cause a chain explosion! Pay attention to the biological target, do not kill! Search for the life support device!"

Xiaoying secretly said: They really want to catch alive!

She shouted to several robots: "Quickly!"

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